Finance multiple-choice test

Question Description

Please complete this finance multiple choice test. The questions are really comprehensive so please ensure you do each calculation in order to get the right answers. For more reference, the book we use in class is the Financial Management: Theory and Practice by Brigham 16th ed.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Management of global products

Question Description

Complete 4 slides discussing the following topics

Evaluate the management of global products that are similar to those offered by your organization.

Briefly discuss the various methodologies and techniques that can be used to promote your product in the global market – specifically e-commerce and social media.

  • Competitive Environment and Global Entry Strategy
  • Global Advertising

MBA-692-01-1904: SOC/LEG/ETH ASP OF BUS – Ethical Decision Making

Question Description

Please read the following two chapters

write a 3-5 page summary for Moderators Ethics.pdf

and a 2-3 page summary for 7-step Ethical Decision Making.pdf

Business management assignment- 2500 words

Question Description

As you can see in attached assignment , I need to consider 3 business entities from NewZealand

The selected business entities are Air Newzealand Harvey Norman Kathmandu

Assignment details:

There are some given points to discuss for each business entity.. Word limit for each business entity is 650-700 words… At last, we need too give conclusion in 650-700 words.

Probability and stat

Question Description

Hello, Very simple if you read and follow the instructions carefully. No specified pages. I will attach a 2 files first one full of description of the paper and the second one pdf issample paper shows the format of the paper to show how the solution should appear . You should know aboutprobabilities to write this.

Project Management Single Page

Question Description

Answer project management question on 1 single spaced page ..questions attached

Q7-a-What are the three methods of resource leveling, explain the use and significance of each method

b- Would resource leveling affect the project delivery method ? How? Why?

c- On what resources you can implement resource leveling , describe why and how?

Bank Teller

Question Description

For each category give a brief self evaluation on how well you think your performance was in teller position:

  1. Teller cross training
  2. Reg cc hold
  3. Teller training
  4. Teller transactions
  5. Teller drawer limit
  6. Teller outages
  7. Proof corrections
  8. Relationships behavioral
  9. Accountability behavioral
  10. Innovation behavioral
  11. Sustainability behavioral
  12. Empowerment behavioral
  13. Development opportunity
  14. Development plan (describe way you can improve in teller position)

Answer the question

Question Description

First one :Write a paper on at least one topic that you learned from MGT323 which will carry with you throughout your working years. Discuss the relevance of how this will help you throughout your career. Be specific and make it at least a one page paper with all 1/2″ margins.

Second one: Answer the document

Financial Statement Analysis Questions

Question Description

the questions are in the first sheet of the attached file. (SEE the attached file)

In PART (A):

6 out of the 7 questions must be answered (pick any six questions)

the questions must be answered based on the given table on the Excel SHEETS.

In PART (B):

Use Excel functions on Sheet 2 to do the Excel Project.

Chapter 10 Assignment (Labor relation in sports)

Question Description

Students are supposed to read the attachment. There are three topics in the attachment, (collective bargaining, arbitration, unfair labor practices). Choose one case in each topic, Respond/ or give your perspective, write your response in a word document, and then post it on blackboard. Total, you should have 3 responses ( one under each topic)