Case Analysis for HUAWEI COMPANY

Question Description


6. Evaluation and Control

– Tools/Techniques/Procedures

– Successes/Failures

-Analysis of Evaluation and Control (original)

7. Recommendations for the Future—minimum of 4 (minimum is not an A)

******MUST BE USE APA STYLE*******



(If need additional information let me know)

Marketing Plan Project

Question Description

This is a big project that needs 19 pages, please use Word

ALL the instructions are attached. The set instructions are on the first attachment.

Basically come up with a product (example- vitamin acne gummies) and create the marketing plan, via using the instructions attached.

You CAN include photos at any point of the marketing plan where you find neccessary.

Healthcare Management

Question Description

Topic: Health Care Technology and Finance

Prompt: Although medical technology brings numerous benefits, what have been some of the main challenges posed by the growing use of medical technology in the United States? Next, how do American cultural beliefs and values influence the use of medical technology?Each thread must be at least 600 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge.

Write a board paper report – International Trade

Question Description

Strategic Marketing Review

develop an export strategy for an exporter in Malaysia for entry into the European market. Please choose a specific country in Europe that the product or products will be exported to. Also ensure that this firm is not already exporting this product(s) to that European country. (the report should NOT exceed 2500 words)

Describe OD Consultants role attributes that measure the Organizational effectiveness,importance of developing structures

Question Description

  • Be sure to use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed references in support of each answer and also incorporate the key concepts from the course.

1. Describe OD Consultants role in organization design? (300-400 words) .

2. What are the attributes that measure the Organizational effectiveness? (200-300 words).

3. Explain the importance of developing structures in the Organizations? (300-400 words).

Part 2 Assignment

Question Description

Make use of all you have learned like: your personal leadership style, the DiSC, TKI, etc. You will need to formulate your recommendations with a consideration of the time and resource constraints described in the case that have the potential to undermine the trust the team leader is seeking to build.

The document attached give full details.

Please answer this simple question

Question Description

Access the Financial Accounting Standards Board website at Find the Accounting Standards Updates for 2016. In 2016 an update was issued related to financial reporting for not-for-profit entities. After reading the 2016 update, write a brief report that identifies how the standard changed reporting on each of the three required financial statements.

at least 300 words

Budgetary Planning

Question Description

Discussion Topic 1: Ethics

Read Ethics Case CT9.5 and address the following questions:

  1. Please define the word “ethics” and summarize what issues/ramifications might apply to this example.
  2. What are the consequences of telling the president of your gross miscalculation, both ethical and unethical?
  3. What are the consequences of not telling the president of your gross miscalculations, both ethical and unethical?

add reference

· What is the organization and how would you describe it? · Who are the leaders of the organization? · Is the organization successful? · How do you determine whether an organization is ethical or not? · Based on your assessmen

Question Description

Our Group selected Capital One as Oraganization.
research paper on an organization of their choice 10-12 pages minimum (not including title and reference sheet). The organizational analysis will utilize a minimum of 10-12 external, peer-reviewed academic sources and contain the following sections. Groups can add more ethical information about company company to substantiate your paper.


Question Description

Review the differences in the presentations of the 4 main financial statements (income statement, statement of owner’s equity, statement of cash flow, and balance sheet) between IFRS and US GAAP.

  • Choose 2 differences from each of the statements to share in your posts.
  • Discuss how the changes that you have chosen will impact the financial reporting of U.S. corporations.