Case Study:

Question Description

  • Do you think Jerry should approach the customer with this problem in hopes of relief in the Cost-Plus Programme. (1.5 Marks)
  • Suppose you are the customer of this cost-plus program, what would your response be for additional funds for the bathtub period, assuming cost overrun? (1.5 Marks)
  • How do you prevent this situation from recurring on all yearly follow on contracts? (2 Marks)

Discussion Questions and reflective Essay

Question Description

Module (1-4) will be separate papers that are 500-750 words and at lease 2 references each and must be in proper ABA format. Title page and reference page. Please submit 4 separte papers. If you are unable to view case please let me know and I will add it as an attachment. If you have any questions pleasae just let me know

Mission and vision statement

Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

The mission and vision statement guide an organization’s practices and operations. What 3 factors do you feel are most important to consider when producing an appropriate mission and vision statement for an organization?

Provide an example of a company/organization whose mission and vision statement contain the factors you feel are most important.


Read out the research paper carefully and based on your understanding you should answer the following questions.

Question Description


  • Why Manufacturing Companies focuses on Lean Thinking?
  • What is meant by the term overproduction? Why do you think this has been described as the biggest waste of all?
  • Assess the reasons for using lean thinking. What are the benefits from Suppliers to end users?

The Answer should be within 2- 3 pages in length including the cover and appendices.

broject powerpoint

Question Description


I need “power point” from the my project that I posted in word 1 and 2

about the part “operations”

 Detailed knowledge of key areas.
 Organization of ideas.
 Did the presentation have a logical flow?
 Did you follow the assignment?
o Strong introduction and closing
 Were the main points of the presentation summarized?

make it so easy words use and not long

How Culture Affects Innovation

Question Description

The discussion of how different countries’ governments are involvedin the innovation process is a reflection of the culture of thosecountries. How do you believe the culture of the country in which yourselected business is located and its view of innovation influence theorganization’s climate for innovation? What should managers take intoconsideration when planning for innovation based on these factors?

Minimum of 250 words.

Research Project and Presentation

Question Description

about 15 page research paper…APA style along with a powerpoint presentation to describe or explain the project.

As a consultant or entrepreneur who is proposing a solution to a public problem or challenge that a public or non profit organization is facing….

Develop an Annual Giving/Fund Development Program/Strategy to Expand Access to Health Care in a city, county or region.

Critical Thinking Questions:

Question Description

1.Discribe OD Consultants role in organization design?

2. What are the attributes that measure the Organizational effectiveness?

3. Explain the importance of developing structures in the Organizations?

Be sure to use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed references in support of each answer and also incorporate the key concepts from the course.

support you answer with APA references.

Discussion week 7

Question Description

1. Read the closing case from Chapter 14 “Exporting Desserts” from the textbook and answer the following question:

“Desserts are often very localized in taste. Beyond the United States and Mexico, where do you think Lulu’s Dessert products would be favorably received by customers?”

Discussion posts should be informed based on knowledge gained in the course and do not require outside citations.

How do people in other parts of the world perceive Americans based off of crime TV and films?

Question Description

The full discussion post: Global media conglomerates are largely owned by western corporations that export western entertainment programs worldwide. Given the significant number of police and crime dramas in U.S. films and television programs, how might audiences in other parts of the world perceive Americans? Give an example to support your response. At least one reference. No more than 250 words