Discussion Topic

Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Recall Chpter 7,8 readings research a TED Talk or other academic video that applies to one or more of your weekly objectives.

Answer the following questions and include a link to the video:

  • What do you find interesting or surprising about the information in the video?
  • How does it relate back to your weekly objectives?

Case study for capstone strategic management

Question Description

For this assignment, following APA style, please refer to ‘Guide to Case Analysis’ and be sure to conduct a COMPLETE analysis, not just answer questions.

TITLE: Strategic Planning: A Tool for Strategic Thinking

URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/220042263…

When reviewing the case, ensure you do a complete analysis and submit your analysis following APA style and formatting – ALWAYS THINK OF THE TRIANGLE.
1200 -1500 words
APA format
zero plagiarism

Discussion Board Question.

Question Description

Answer the following discussion board question in depth and details”

“Describe the role of the Public Information Officer in media relations and reporting during an incident. Why is this role so crucial? How can the PIO beneficially utilize the media for Risk Communication activities during the event? What pre-event activities lead to success in these relationships?”

***Find the attachments

***Use reliable updated references

***Single space APA Style

fix the problems according to the comments in pdf

Question Description

fix the problems according to the comments in pdffix the problems according to the comments in pdffix the problems according to the comments in pdffix the problems according to the comments in pdffix the problems according to the comments in pdffix the problems according to the comments in pdffix the problems according to the comments in pdf


Question Description

i will to sell a new product which i imagined.
i it is 12- 15 page paper. i have all of ideas and draft, also prof have take look the draft and gave suggestion already. we also have two example. one of them is a 98% work from last semester, the other one is a example prof gave us. it is a second years course.

Write a conclusion for the paper

Question Description


there is a group paper to compared and contrasted between South Korean and US, from food, communication, social value and religion to discuss. Please write a general conclusion for this paper.

Please do not change or fix anything, just add a general conclusion for this paper, such as talking about intercutural differences, global development, future tendency,etc.

About 150 words with APA format.

CPSS/330: Essentials Of Communication In Corrections Wk 5 – Ethical Dilemma Resolution Presentation

Question Description

Assignment Content

  1. Use the case study you created in Week 4.
    Identify the complete process you would use as a correctional counselor or case manager to report, document, and resolve the ethical dilemma.
    Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to describe each step in the process of resolving the ethical dilemma.
    Include a minimum of two sources.
    Format any citations in your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Management Information Systems-Project Without Details

Question Description

Project Without Details

Yourinitial post should be 75-150 words in length.

Describea time when you were given a project to do but not given all thedetails. How could your learning this week about developing systems havehelped you be more successful in that case? You will find this weeks learning attached. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Please provide original work. No plagiarizing.

Report Writing – International Business

Question Description

Read the attached file and answer the questions

  • Present the study report with clear Introduction and Conclusion including your own views.
  • Using SWOT analysis, analyze the external and internal environment of your selected company.
  • Analyze the political, economic, cultural and legal challenges the company currently faces in any of the country it operates (select one country in which the company operates for this analysis).

BUS 621 Week 4 Discussion 2

Question Description

Locate the eight team effectiveness indicators (Northouse, 2018).

Develop a strategy to use two out of eight indicators to improve the performance of an organizational team that you have observed or were part of during your career. In support of your strategy also incorporate at least one of Oededekoven’s (2018) six C’s of teamwork into your discussion. Your discussion post should be 250 words.