korean cultural final project

Question Description

the instruction is below here. you need to send me a short paragraph describing an initial idea for the final paper in order to get my approval to write the rest of the project.

I want a post to the topic in 500 words using apa format and include at least 3 reference from journal articles

Question Description

Please assume you are a reporter writing ten years hence. Please discuss the technological changes that have been made since 2017 and how those changes have affected humanity, and how those changes have affected themselves.

life plan writing

Question Description

please find attached instructions on what you are supposed to write.The last two are what I tried to do.Just write from scratch and follow the grading rubric keenly.I need like 7 pages.Other instructions remain constant.

Write a 1-page paper on the implications and impact of a global pandemic on human development

Question Description

Write a 1-page paper on the implications and impact of a global pandemic on human development; how we change, grow, and stay the same. You will need to include at least one outside reference.

Respond to discussion post

Question Description


You presented relevant information regarding economic and accounting profits. You stated, “Economic profits are determined by economic principles, whereas accounting is determined by GAAPS.” What is GAAPS? How would you describe GAAPS to your colleagues?

Green human resources management in the context of economic transformation​

Question Description

topic:Green human resources management in the context of economic transformation

Must be completed according to the outline given by Dr. ,also have sample papers for you to refer to

APA format ,around 2500 words

Write a Report for ( DopeKicks) company

Question Description

The following link is the company link


If you couldn’t find any financial info related to the company take anapproximate match of a similar industry and you can take their publiclyavailable financial information.

EXAM 2 multiple choice Ch 13-17

Question Description

Chapter 13 – undamental Equilibrium Concepts

Chapter 14 – Acid-Base Equilibria

Chapter 15 – Equilibria of Other Reactions

Chapter 16 -Electrochemistry

Chapter 17- Kinetics

90 minutes multiple choice

Bhanu – I need a report on the attached document

Question Description

I have attached the report 1.

Courses I Am Taking This Term

1. CyberSecurity

2. Project management

I have also attached the resume.

Please go thru the template and write accordingly

assignment required to write a 2000 words individual business project plan in form of report

Question Description

Required to write a 2000 words individual business project plan in form of report, you will choose

whether to develop, manufacture or innovate a product of your choice?

FOLLOW ALL the details on the attached PDF