fill out this sustainability analysis and answer questions in depth and complete sentences.

Question Description

must place links you find info on to the bottom where it says professionalism. all of them. make sure all in complete sentences and use quotes to cite sources if you do for some things. in depth please.

Physical Science Energy and the environment

Question Description

I have a test in the 9:30-10:45 am East time tomorrow morning, I put a study guide below and I will give u more material when u take this task. Only take it if u conference to do.

literature review and related work on Block Cipher

Question Description


This request related to “Block Cipher” topic:

1- Write a literature review (2 page) related to the title with some references (Not more than 5 references)

2- Related Work (1 page) done on the topic (from credible sources)



Question Description

Counting and probability assignment, there is 25 question to answer. please answer all of them correctly and read carefully. Highlight the answers on the PDF. you will have 2 attempt, different question on the second attepmt

1 page reflection

Question Description

Write a one-page reflection paper on video about the key concepts that you learned by watching my video demonstration. What surprised you? How has this forensic analysis changed your ideas about the information on your computer?

Anil_Mounika replies – I need to reply to my classsmates discussions

Question Description

I have attached the document with 4 discussions and I need to reply to each one of them in 150 words. APA format

Please mention students name above the discussion and reply as if you are replyin to them

answering some exercises on the textbook

Question Description

you will go to the textbook exercise set indicated and determine the answers as directed for each of the exercises within the set.

all the details and exercise with the pages are attached and the textbook

HLTH Vo2 max lab

Question Description

Wrting a formal lab report according to the lab rubric.

Students will submit a data sheet recording their findings for each of three different fitness tests.Once they have completed three different tests, students will answer the following discussion questions.

Evaluating women of sex trafficking

Question Description

Write 750 words, cited in APA format evaluating women forced into sex trafficking. Please include medical and mental evaluations as well as evaluations needed for job skills training, housing, etc. Please make it very detailed.

The rising importance of big-data computing stems from advances in many different technologies. Some of these include: Sensors Computer networks Data storage Cluster computer systems Cloud computing facilities Data analysis algorithms How does these tec

Question Description

The rising importance of big-data computing stems from advances in many different technologies. Some of these include:

  • Sensors
  • Computer networks
  • Data storage
  • Cluster computer systems
  • Cloud computing facilities
  • Data analysis algorithms

How does these technologies play a role in global computing and big data?