Unit 6 Discussion Board – Operations Mgt

Question Description

1. “The Nature of Aggregate Planning” and how you would incorporate Proverbs 3:5-7 into your planning thought process.

2. Prompt: Discuss how you would apply MRP (Material Requirements Planning )to a restaurant.

o Requirements: Each questions is 250 words minimum

Write a 1-2 page paper to the following

Question Description

It is interesting to study different styles of decision making. The link below from McKinsey provides some insights into decisions making styles. The link includes an interactive graphic that examines key traits of the decision making styles.


Sashi_Vinod_Replies – I need to reply to my classmates discussions

Question Description

I have attached the document with 4 discussions and I need to reply to each one of them in 150 words. APA format.

Please reply to them as if you are replying and mention the strudents name above each discussion

Shalem replies – I need to reply to 4 of my classmates discussions

Question Description

I have attached the document with 4 discussions and I need to reply to each one of them in 150 words. APA format

Please mention students name above each reply and reply as if you are replying to them

Hong Kong Response

Question Description

To pass this assignment, you needto do the following:

  1. Post a cartoon or meme that addressesthe weekly topic
  2. Introduce and summarize your mediaartifact
  3. Discuss course concepts that relate toyour media artifact
  4. Explain how it expands or builds



Corporate learning. advantage and disadvantages

Question Description

In a minimum of 175 words, Please discuss why are corporations setting up their own learning universities? Explain in detail and indicate the advantages and disadvantages of this approach. Cite references and provide examples if available for the discussion.

Easy opinion question!

Question Description

How have the U.S.’ foreign policy actions in the 1980s and 1990s continued to affect us today? Do they matter when it comes to our current predicament surrounding the coronavirus? If so, how? If not, why?

At least half page.

watch video and answer question ”Presumed

Question Description

follow the picture question, short answer, 6 question. 100 words each and if it need more just give good explanations of the question to meet the requirement of well developed answers that all.

Video name (Presumed Guilty)


What is a neurological test that is commonly performed to ensure the sensory and motor pathways are operating efficiently.

Question Description

What is a neurological test that is commonly performed to ensure the sensory and motor pathways are operating efficiently.

-answered in paragraph form

here are the short answers



. Surface electrodes

.fine wire electrodes (needle electrodes)

Human Resource Management

Question Description

Covers many basic aspects of HRM. Chapter Concepts are on rubric, can just pick a handful

The chapter concepts are all on there let me know if you need anything else

Details for the essay have been attched, 2 pages