Response to peer posts 125 words each response no references needed

Question Description

I need responses to 6 student posts each need to be 125 words and do not require references. The questions need to be responded to in a specific way I have included all the instructions with this listing. Thanks.

Write an essay about the book”The Trial”

Question Description

Length: approximately 1,500 words

Here are some possible essay themes:

Justice and Injustice

Innocence and Guilt

The Use (or Misuse) of Parable

Self-esteem and Self-abasement

The Labyrinthine

The Nature of Power and Authority

The Individual and the Collective

Meaning and Absurdity

Joseph K. and Franz Kafka

The Trial

Choose one topic

MGT404 – ( assignment3 – details in the attached file)

Question Description

Read the assignment carefully

very important to me the guarantee for the quality of contents and no plagiarism ,, references also

assignment is attached for more details

read the question carefully and answer as per the requirements and the number of words

Discussion Questions

Question Description

I need the discussion question answer . It have to be at least 300 words at least with to references.

I will upload the direction below . You have to talk about My culture I live in United States.

Ece 409 Social and emotional development/ Ece 405 Using assessments that are developmentally appropriate

Question Description

This is 2 assignment please read each assignment carefully and answer each question carefully. I will upload both assignments. Sorry its taking so long but we in quarantine and it’s hard to get to a computer. But thank you.

Can I get your help with my Statistics homework

Question Description

Hello I used your services before with my statistics homework…I was wondering if you could help me again..I need sections 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 9.1 and 9.2 and exam 6 completed. You did really great the last time…

Project documentation

Question Description

7. Project network. Complete the forward and backward pass (page 173), compute the activity slack (page 176), identify the critical path (page 177), and draw a Gantt chart (page 181). Comment on the network sensitivity (page 177).

Finish Geometry Problem Set 3(3 questions)

Question Description

Problem Solving Directions:

  • Show your work AND explain your reasoning (this is the why not the how) in complete English sentences. Explanations must directly follow the solution for each part of the problem.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be sure to follow the instructions

bond valuation

Question Description

i have the answers in a word document already i need someone to copy and solve using excel. I have attached the answers and the questions below. All you need to do is copy to make an excel version.

help with Ch 12 Discussion 2

Question Description


I need help with the paraphrasing the ethics and case study

The second part I need you to do 2 comments, each one 2-3 lines enough

Thank you in advance and let me know if you have any questions