Looking to summary ch29-31

Question Description

Boss to Coach Ch. 29-31

Write a 250 word summary of chapters 29-31.Combine the chapters for one summary, not a 250 word summary for each chapter.Do not copy and paste, you must rewrite the book’s information into your own words.

Looking to summary 2 chapters

Question Description

Boss to Coach Ch. 25-28Write a 250 word summary of

chapters 25-28.

Combine the chapters for one summary, not a 250 word summary for each chapter.

Do not copy and paste, you must rewrite the book’s information into your own words

Realist and Romantic paintings

Question Description

Below are two paintings: one is a Realist work and the other is Romantic. Select which work belongs to which period and discuss the characteristic of each that would categorize it as a Romantic or Realist work.

Approx. 500 words.

a Supplemental Essay

Question Description

a Supplemental Essay. The prompt for the supplemental essay is: “Tell us about a time that you have used quantitative methods or data to drive a decision-making process, either as a professional,” We suggest a length of approximately 500-750 words.

drafting a scholarly literature review

Question Description

synthesize the recommendations for future research. also a one page brief summary plus 1 to 2 pages brief problem statement related to my topic.

also must follow the instructions and resource material is very important to read and follow. Please

situation awareness

Question Description

How basic “situation awareness” can help tremendously with security countermeasures?

Conduct your own research and post a short relevant summary of your findings. ( Post current information, not older than five years ). Use not more than three (3) references.

i need to find these function help me please

Question Description

i have these 6 steps and 1 function i need you to solve it with hand writing up for 3 pages max (A4 paper)

you can find the function in the file and please use the function number 1

I Have to write a argumentive essay about oeat and snow chapters from macfarlane book the old ways .

Question Description

Argumentative essay with clear thesis statement. Essay should 580 to 600 words long. I have to describe about finlay and Ravilious story importance during macfarlane’ s journey on foot.And it includes 5 paragraph essay each have proper citation and analysis.

* Organizational Design – Not One type Fits All

Question Description

answer the following question

* Organizational Design – Not One type Fits All

Elaborate this statement and provide some real world examples (250 Words)

– it should be free plagiarism

– it need 250 words

– it must be your own word’s

i would like to get help with my homework

Question Description

I am having hard time understanding this homework and I would like get , the homework is due in 5 hours . I know this is a last minute thing but I really do need elp . thank you