1-2 pages written report and 4-5 slides of PPT

Question Description

in the instruction below, the link is the article i choose and you have to connect the article to chapter 13 which i also uploaded below

make a 4-5 pages powerpoint and make sure to have notes under each slides.


Question Description

Do some basic research on security certifications.

See https://www.giac.org/.

Write a brief summary of certifications that are open.
Consider if any of the certifications would be valuable for your career.
Investigate and report on exam options.

Write your answers in WORD and submit here.

Watch the video and answer the question

Question Description

discuss your thoughts on her work and how she is using positive and negative shapes both formally and to deepen and discuss the content of her work.

around 300 words. simple words and sentences.

just writ a paragraph about 250 word

Question Description

just write about 250 word this is a decision board question :

For a baseline review a documentary film related to online privacy such as the Creepy Line, Citizen Four, etc.

What did you review?

What are your top three online privacy concerns?


The ‘Marshmallow Challenge’ TED Talk Video

Question Description


Please watch the TED Talk video, then write a reflection paper in a Word document addressing what you learned. Please limit your submission to between one to two double spaced pages, using proper grammar and sentence structure.

Stopping fraud and abuse within Aetna’s Managed Care

Question Description

Stopping fraud and abuse within Aetna’s Managed Care

3 page paper a few re

  1. 1.Unapproved payment by Aetna

A. Claim Processing
1.Turnaround Times
a.Billing Processes and Services

B. Delays and Denials of Claims
1. Billing and Collection
b. Claim Submission

Peer review

Question Description

For this peer review assignment, you should begin by posting your outline to the discussion board. In the body of your post, include your outline title and thesis statement. Then, attach your outline as a Word document to your post.

want an essay to the below topic in 350 words using APA format and atleast 3academically reviewed articles for reference

Question Description

1. post one federal and one state statute utilizing standard legal notation and a hyperlink to each statute.

2. In the same document, please post one federal and one state case using standard legal notation and a hyperlink to each case.

Choose 2 articles about covid19 in marketing and write the reasons

Question Description

Please research 2 articles that discuss how the org is managing the crisis ~ either the challenges faced or the ways they are managing.

Share the links and write 2-3 sentences to summarize Why you chose these orgs

you will watch 9 minutes video and answer very easy to questions

Question Description

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GTHczQY70U&t=2s this the link for the video and this the two questions

1-How has the use of computers impacted the role of accountants?

2-How can you prepare yourself for the inevitable changes in technology that could adversely impact your career?