I need help with this

Question Description

Reading Shakespeare is hard, but from it we can learn about how past cultures felt about issues of identity and relationships. How do Lear’s relationships with Kent and Goneril reflect Lear’s ideas about himself?

2 Pages make it simple

I need to do a Research Poster Project

Question Description

hey. Hwy I have this assignment and as you see there’s two file guide for this project.

the poster guideline file explain you about what you should do. The other file is the rubric to see all the requirements are met.

Criminal Homework 4

Question Description

Now that you have seen the Canadian version, how does Canada’s border control compare to the U.S. ?

Is it easier to get into Canada? Why?

Is it easier to visit Canada than to visit the U.S. ?

What other differences did you see?

need answers to below questions

Question Description

Chapter 10 –discussion question #1-2 & exercise 7 (100-150 word essay)

Chapter 11- discussion question #4 & exercise 4

Include at least two APA formatted references (and APA with in-text citations) to support the work this week.

attached questions in word doc

Algebra and geomerty questions

Question Description

its all the basic stuff, only 18 questions, either filling the blank or multiple choice, no big questions

shouldn’t be taking more than 30 mins to complete them if you know the knowleage,

but i require all the questions a 100% correct.

CRM 102 intro to criminal justice

Question Description

Answer one of the six questions on page 269.

One to one and half pages, not required to be APA compliant. No title page needed. No references required. Your opinion. Double space and indent paragraphs.

Textbook Title: Essentials of Criminal Justice (2019)

International finance case

Question Description


I need help developing 8-10 slides powerPoints that answer provided questions about “EMIRATES AIRLINE: A BILLION-DOLLAR SUKUK-BOND ISSUE” case

Please provide in the note section what to say exactly in each slide.

Please find attached the case and the questions to be answered

Revise paper based on feeback (ASSESSMENT 1)

Question Description

My paper is attached below…you will revise the paper based on the feedback

The feedback is also attached with the original instructions as well


I need the plagiarism to be below 15% SAFEASSIGN

Watch:Video 2 of playlist “Race – The Power of an Illusion” California Newsreel

Question Description

Write a 1 page (single spaced, 12 pt. font, 1-inch margins) minimum response. The first

paragraph should describe the event. The second paragraph should relate the event to course

materials. The third paragraph should be a reflection of the event.


Supply Chain management case

Question Description

In the file, there is an article followed by requirements. The length can be as long as you need. (approximately 5-6 page total)

Please notice that, at the end, where shows case 3&4 substitution need to be done as well.