Week 5 Journal

Question Description

The assignment is in the download. Everything must be in own words.

Here is the reading reference:

Hall, G.E., Quinn, L.F., & Gollnick, D.M. (2019). Introduction to teaching: Making a difference in student learning. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/

Exercise 8 – Plasma membrane,

Question Description

Exercise 8 – Plasma membrane, ALL ANSWERS I SCANNED TO YOU by JPEG, some of them are incorrect and some of them are missing you need to complete the missing question and correct some answers as much as you can.

Summary chapter 14-26

Question Description

name of the book:

Michael Boylan, To the Promised Land

Anomaly: pick out something unconventional and surprising that happened during all the chapters read—One Anomaly.

Link anomaly to a philosophical principle from the first part of the course.

Respond to this question with a minimum of 250 words and 3 scholarly sources.

Question Description

List three basic financial statement analysis proceduresdescribe how you would calculate each procedure and discuss why you would useeach procedure. Based on your reading and outside research, please communicateyour own understanding of the requirements. Citations, references, and outsideresearch are required.

University second year Physics Lab. Bid only if you have expertise on Physics.

Question Description

one hour Physics Lab, I will provide my student account. and you need to do a handwritten answer and submit it online.

if the score will lower 75% I will withdraw the question.

So only bid if you have confidence with you Physics.

his 121 louisiana purchase

Question Description

After reading, viewing, and watching the various sources about the Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark Expedition, answer this: what were some of the scientific, geographic, and/or diplomatic achievements of this event? What evidence do you have that supports your answer?

EMH Discussion

Question Description

How has the Internet changed the role of the media? How have Facebook and other forms of social media changed the role of the media? Can citizens take some role in making the press more responsible? Explain?


Spanish Workbook 1&2

Question Description

i have some spanish workbook pages i need done, They are really simple questions so its not hard at all, im just too lazy

This needs to be handwritten so please print the pages, write it, then rescan them to me please

Complete Criminal Justice Discussion (LYNN)

Question Description

Criminal Justice Policy

Select an example of a criminal justice public policy or program from your own experience, the assigned readings, or from scholarly research. Discuss why it came into being and how it has been implemented.


watch 5 minute video answer question no outside research

Question Description

View the brief video below.use reading included titled borderline personality disorder as a guide, thoroughly Describe all of the characteristics of borderline personality disorder that you can identify in Becky.Borderline Personality Disorder