Module 3 Discussion Forum

Question Description

What is the impact of rapid environmental changes on organizations?

This posting should be at least 250 words. Respond to at least 2 other students’ responses before Sunday. Your primary posting can end with a “tag- line” or a related question of your own.

Group Project – Reproductive Ethics

Question Description

My part of the project covers Surrogacy

Form of the Presentation

1. Define the topic you are discussing- Surrogacy

2. Facts about your topic

3. What are the Pros and Cons

4. Opposing Arguments + Rebuttal the Argument

5. At least two questions

Answer 2 Discussion Questions and write one page summary

Question Description

Read: Chapter 10 “Organizational Change and Leadership Processes”; Answer Discussion Questions 2 and 3 (p. 192-193); Also read: McDaniel & Malone (2015) and Wheatley (2015). Write a 1-page summary of ONE article.

Attached Organization communication chapters (Miller,2015).

McDaniel & Malone (2015)

Wheatley (2015)

SYM506 Applied Business Probability and Statistics Topic 3 Chapter 6 and 7 Practice Problems

Question Description

I need help with ALL of these questions. The questions from chapter 6 that need to be done are problem 45 and 71 and for chapter 7 they are problems 53, 55, and 76. This needs to be done on an Excel worksheet.

Laws, Policy, and Morality

Question Description

Respond in 150 words

  • Does simply following laws and policies make the employees of criminal justice organizations moral? When employees follow rules, policies, and procedures, are there fewer or greater economic impacts on organizations? Explain your answers.

include proper grammar, in text citations, refeences

The Problem of Analysis of Moisture Content in Spices and How to Overcome it?

Question Description

The Problem of Analysis of Moisture Content in Spices and How to Overcome it?

write an essay on the given topic (1000 words excluding references). Use illustrations to support your essay. Avoid plagiarism. Use the text book. Use the below rubric

I have another assignment for you, please provide quality work

Question Description

When a gun was used to fire a bullet of mass 5g it was found to have a recoil velocity of 3m/s when a bullet left, it barrel at a speed of 600km/h.

(i) Why does a gun recoil when it is fired?

Analysis of the Effects of Population Growth

Question Description

magineyou have been hired as a consultant for the United Nations. You havebeen asked to write an analysis of how global population growth hascaused the following problem and how it affects climate change orpopulation growth in a developing country of your choosing:

Can you help with this reflection?

Question Description

This assignment is designed to help you articulate the relationship between God’s grace and God’s law in Christian ethics. Draw upon the material in Parts I and II (Chapters 1- 4) of An Introduction to Biblical Ethics: Walking in the Way of Wisdom.

Subject: Sociology, Socialization Discussion

Question Description

Question: Childhood is changing. We have entered into an era of intensive marketing to children. Please provide three potential effects that this new advertising and marketing to children has on their lives. (Consuming Kids)

Video attached: Consuming kids: The Commercialization of Childhood.
