Final Project

Question Description

For the final project, I want you to come up with an event/organization/cause that you think that the Idaho State University/Pocatello community would benefit from. Some of your peers have proposed causes like prescription-drug overdose awareness, an event to showcase local musicians, a COVID-19 health awareness booth, etc.

Fallacies and Persuaders Discussion 250 word, APA format

Question Description

Discussion prompt:

In the first half of your 250-word post, argue that women are more nurturing and caring than men are. Try your best to avoid fallacies. In the second half of your post, write a critique of the first argument, paying special attention to any fallacies you may uncover.

Music 117 Shakespeare’s in the Alley Video and Quiz

Question Description

Watch a music video and anwser the following 10 questions

Ex1:In the video, Peter Yarrow (of Peter, Paul and Mary) says that, when Bob Dylan first came to NY, he sounded like an imitation of which great folk singer?

Group of answer choices

Fortune 500 Companies

Question Description

For this Assignment, you may use a Fortune 500 Company that you have already researched. Thefocus here is on both domestic (American) and global operations. The Assignment incorporates howthe firm functions in different parts of the world and what it can do to maximize its effectiveness as aglobal organization.

Opinion writing

Question Description

Write about 500-600 words on which part(s) of the course you have found the most interesting, and why.

(Tip: If you relate an issue or issues that we have considered in the class to the contemporary world then that will be beneficial to you.)

All documents will be attached

​Read the article below and discuss whether or not you feel the author truly and accurately reflects on how history will view this last century and whether you agree with that view based on the 20th century’s impact and influence on the 21st century.

Question Description

Read the article below and discuss whether or not you feel the author truly and accurately reflects on how history will view this last century and whether you agree with that view based on the 20th century’s impact and influence on the 21st century.

Article: Retrospective:

Approx. 500 words…

​answer the question in three pages and create a power point please

Question Description

first write about the issue then the solution if there are then Suggest policy recommendations

and please add some chart to the power point and send me the expatiation of it

here is the qustion:

Will the US always be able to finance its budget deficit by borrowing, i.e. issuing Treasury debt?

Bio 130 one question

Question Description

A true-breeding plant with red seeds is crossed with a true-breeding plant with yellow seeds. Red seeds are dominant; yellow seeds are recessive. In the F1 generation, what will be the genotypes and phenotypes? In the F2, what will they be? Proper genetic nomenclature is required in your answer.

A day in life during World War II in the pacific

Question Description

In this Assignment, you’re first going to research and create a Pinterest page portraying dailylife of a person living during a time and place covered by this course. The time andplace should be as specific as possible. ( I also attached the rubric to the assignment down below)


Question Description

Hello I attached here the file of the assignment and I also attached the information that you need for the assignemnt

the business name: Sama Alburimi

location : Oman, Alburimi ( Opposite Almassa hotel )

hours and days of operation: from 10am to 10pm (only friday closed )