I have an assignment

Question Description


Refer to the link above of Langston Hughes’ biography.

Langston Hughes published “I, Too” in 1932.

How has America’s view of African Americans changed? How has it not?

Write an 8 to 9 sentence paragraph. (Keep it at this length, and MLA format please!

Thank you

Using the information provided in your reading this session, develop a problem statement you might address in a business report. Then identify three sources that you would use in your research, and justify your choice in 2-3 sentences per source based on

Question Description

Using the information provided in your reading this session, develop a problem statement you might address in a business report. Then identify three sources that you would use in your research, and justify your choice in 2-3 sentences per source based on your reading.

uwp 104 bussiness writing

Question Description

To write a letter to your employees announcing that, as of January 1, 2021, your business or organization will offer financial incentives meant to control its health care costs. This letter will be sent in hardcopy to employees at their homes. 1000 words.

The Form and Function of Family 2DQ1

Question Description

What is a definition of family that encompasses the different family structures prevalent today? Discuss the importance of acknowledging nontraditional family structures. Explain how family systems theory can be used to better understand the interactions of a modern family (traditional or nontraditional).

Create a power point

Question Description

I uploaded a research paper and a presentation outline.

Please refer to the presentation outline and make a Powerpoint. I think it is enough to write a summary of 2 to 4 lines for each point.

And please make a script for the presentation.


Question Description

  1. Organization?
  • E-Commerce Vendor (Amazon)
  1. Type of Attack?
  • DNS Flood

Please write 2.5 or 3 pages about Impact: Discuss the significance and impact of the attack (technical, financial, and social, etc.). based on the file that attached

major points to talk about

  • Consequences of attack
  • Potential lost revenue
  • Angry customers
  • Bad reputation of company

Why does Deresiewicz think it is “even hard to give your students honest feedback (65)?” What are the consequences of this for a university education?

Question Description

Using the reading as a tool, respond to the following question. The response must be 2-3 pages, 12-point font, and double-spaced. You must cite in accordance with a standard citation style and include a bibliography page. The essay must be submitted through SafeAssign.

Week 12

Question Description

Answer the question with short answer ( 5-6 sentenc)

-Doyou think Reagan’s econmoc policy wasn;t very succcessful, as people benefited from it espacially rich people. and on the other side, poor people were harmed from it as poverty rised and the number of homeless growed.

Describe the Kuhn Cycle and evaluate an example of a scientific revolution

Question Description

Describe the Kuhn Cycle and evaluate an example of a scientific revolution that led to a new paradigm that better explained phenomena than the prior paradigmatic explanation did. Can the Kuhn Cycle concept be used to explain changes in management thought as well?

250 words.

General Discussion – Marketing Management _ Marketing Communications

Question Description


Avoid plagiarism, I want original text answer & not copied, matching ratio should not exceed 5%.

Word-count minimum 120 words.

Marketing Communications

1/ What types of media do marketers use for marketing communications?

2/ What determines which media should be selected ?

Support your answer with examples & evidence.