Please answer two question

Question Description

Please answer ONE essay question from each of the sections.

or each individual essay question you will write 500 words each, minimum.

Please Read the book and finish the question.

the reading resource is here

and the questions are in the files.

fun eco bio project

Question Description

Soil Health and You.

Look through the Soil Health Primer linked in this week’s modules. Describe one living thing that lives in the soil and one sentence about how it is ecologically connected to people.

Try not to repeat the living things posted posted before you.

​Facebook Cambridge Analytica Scandal

Question Description

Facebook Cambridge Analytica Scandal online and provide answers to the following questions:

  1. What caused this crisis?
  2. Did Facebook violate any rules/laws? What are the consequences of these violations?
  3. What should Facebook do now to better protect user privacy and prevent data abuse in the future?

I have presentation in PowerPoint and I want someone add a part to it and a conclusion.

Question Description

I have presentation in PowerPoint and I want someone add a part to it and a conclusion.

I have the part in the files and the conclusion also.

The presentation has 10 slides and after edit it I want it to be also 10 slides

Urgently need help

Question Description

Please explain each step; the most important thing is to explain all concept since i know the answer

…………………………needed ASAP……………………………….

please solve: Solve log ( 2x + 1 ) – log 6 = 2 for x. Pleaseexplain how you arrived at your answer. Thanks!

Whether transgenderism is good or bad?

Question Description

I want you to give proofs that transgenderism is either good or bad. I want you guys to use scholarly article to back up any claims and the Bible can be quoted as well. I attached the rubric paper in the description below

the question is described below.

Question Description

Review the SBAR description and sample in the attachment.

Select a case study (posted under week 2) and write a SBAR nursing note using the TEMPLATE provided. Make sure to address each element properly (what does under S, versus B, versus A, versus R).

math 5A thought question

Question Description

Make up a function where you have to use the chain rule and the product rule, in thatorder, when you take the derivative. Be sure to show the work of taking the derivative toverify that you made up a function that works!

Family Health Assessment Part I

Question Description

What is a definition of family that encompasses the different family structures prevalent today? Discuss the importance of acknowledging nontraditional family structures. Explain how family systems theory can be used to better understand the interactions of a modern family (traditional or nontraditional).

Exchange Rate Fluctuations of Ten Currencies

Question Description

The term project 403 excel sheet is a example of the exchange rate table you’ll make

The fin403 term project explains it

Use excel to make graphs and tables this is a recording of the teacher explaining the project further