Discussion replies

Question Description

Please respond to the discussion posts attached in 150 words each and a citation supporting your response. It doesn’t have to be super formal, because it’s a response to another classmates post– just make sure you read and related to their post. Thank you!

five sentences

Question Description

In five sentences or less, what the possible issue (or problem) here and why is it a problem?

Please go over the link and the attachment then answer what the possible issue (or problem) here and why is it a problem?


Trends in influence in HRM

Question Description

Please discuss the current trends of influence in Human Resources Management

Write a 175 minimum word response to the following questions:

  • Discuss and illustrate briefly each of the important trends influencing human resource management.
  • Define strategic human resource management and give an example of strategic human resource.

Anil OT journal – I need a case study on the below topic

Question Description

Pick one of the following terms for your research: analyzability, core technology, interdependence, joint optimization, lean manufacturing, noncore technology, service technology, small-batch production, smart factories, or technical complexity.

2 pages, APA format, references.


Mounika OT journal – I need a case study on the below topic

Question Description

Pick one of the following terms for your research: analyzability, core technology, interdependence, joint optimization, lean manufacturing, noncore technology, service technology, small-batch production, smart factories, or technical complexity.

2 pages, APA format and references please


Timed Quiz- Need back within 1 hour

Question Description

The timed quizes need to be at least at an 80% or they will have to be redone.

Please send me the answers as you have and for the graphs please provide the coordinates only, you dont need to draw the line on the graph

please see more details from attached.

Question Description

1. Read a newspaper article or publication on wind energy related issues and submit a one-page summary report on the article or publication. Please, include a citation of the article or publication.

2. The power equation for run-of-the-river hydroelectric generation is given by the following:

Legal Issues in the Healthcare Workplace

Question Description


i want to write for me a research paper 3 pages double spaced APA style. You will write a summary of the topic. i attached for you a power point about the subject that i want you to write about.

thank you

Answer 3 questions (legally- where are zoomers?)

Question Description

1. When someone is using Zoom (a Zoomer) where are they legally?

2. If someone has a dispute arising out of a Zoom call, which court (or alternative venue like arbitration) would an action have to be in?

3. Which jurisdiction’s would govern the action?

react native with expo

Question Description

  • Score for team A
  • Score for team B
  • Button for Team A
  • Button for Team B

When the button for Team A is clicked, the score should go up for Team A

When the button for Team B is clicked, the score should go up for Team B