Team Leadership Best Practices – DB


After you have reviewed the Assignment Details below, click the Launch Discussion Board link under the Assignments tab for this unit to open the Discussion Board and make your post.

Use these videos for help on how to post to the Discussion Board:

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Assignment Details

Leading teams requires a constant level of feedback and review.

Have the leaders for whom you have worked utilized a strengths-based or weaknesses-based approach to feedback, performance review, or coaching?

Discuss an example of how a leader has used one or the other approach.

How did the leader’s strengths- or weaknesses-based approach influence your performance, emotions, or development?

PMIN607 Media and Technology in Ministry


Research the recent appearance and hearing of Mark Zuckerberg by the US Senate
Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg apologises to families in fiery US Senate hearing (<>
Share in your paper about the nature of the hearing, what lead up to the hearing, background, questions asked by US Senate members, Zuckerberg’s responses. What other CEO’s were present? Why? Any responses from the public? Reactions by parents of children that are negative impacted by Social Media. Did the meeting “change” anything regarding online safety for minors etc. What is your opinion on this topic? Explore a pastoral / biblical response to the issue of online safety.

Peripheral Vascular Disease Discussion


Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is a very common condition in the United States and is a leading cause of disability among people older than 50. It is more common in smokers, people with diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol. Many people seem to think that this is a normal part of aging, and that nothing can be done or that the only alternative is surgery. Today, however, surgery is only one of several effective treatments available for peripheral vascular disease. Research and discuss some of the debilitating issues associated with PVD and one non-surgical treatment that would be helpful for people with this condition.,into%20the%20narrowed%20artery%20segment.



Complete the Final Project Template:

Assessment Tools and Interventions

Copy and paste your revised Practice Toolbox submissions into the template in the designated spot.

Include 1 page that elaborates on the intervention you chose for this week’s Discussion. You should answer the same questions for the elderly/aging adult intervention that you did with other populations (why you selected the intervention, why it would be helpful for the population, what challenges or limitations there might be).


Write a 1-page summary describing your ideal population to work with, based on your research and work throughout the term. Is this the same population you identified in Week 1, or has your perspective changed?

HRRM532: Week 8 Discussion Question


There are many ways to retain existing employees through recognition and rewards. Recognizing top performers with cash bonuses and praise can help employees feel appreciated and become loyal to the organization.

  • Define a spot recognition program and provide an example of an appropriate spot bonus.
  • Identify at least three potential drawbacks or problems with implementing a spot recognition program.
  • What are some ways to mitigate the problems identified by implementing a spot recognition program?
  • Identify at least one recognition or reward that can be used to motivate a millennial but may not be as appealing to a baby boomer; explain your thoughts.
  • Share your experiences in your narrative.

editing the document- New Immigrants Expedier Mobile App Research Plan


You need to edit the whole document I uploaded, the instructions you need to follow are below. Most ideas of the document are from chatgpt, so please get the idea from it but do not use it. You should focus on immigrants (potential users), potential investors, and Expedier.

Please summarize the introduction partand let it focus on immigrants (potential users), potential investors, and Expedier.

Also add potential investors for the marketing instruments part.



You have been retained by Expedier to research the market for the app and to understand its size and potential and how best to market to both potential users and potential investors. 


Read 2 articles and answer questions


Then respond to the following three questions:

  1. In 50-75 words, summarize the main argument(s) of Douthat’s article in your own words.
  2. In 50-75 words, summarize the main argument(s) of Callard’s article in your own words.

Discuss how one (or both) articles have impacted your perspective on travel (150-200 words).

  1. In so doing, you might choose to discuss if/how you will adjust your future travel behaviour as a result of what you’ve read. However, this is just one idea and not a requirement.
  2. If one article was more impactful than the other, you may choose to focus on that article. There is not a requirement that you discuss both for this response.



Post a two (2) to three (3) paragraph discussion where you define the difference between the “validity” and “reliability” of an investigation. Then identify the factors that impact the validity and reliability of psychological research. Finally, explain how a psychologist can increase the validity and reliability of research.

Be sure to back up your arguments with this week’s assigned readings and cite sources using APA (Seventh Edition) formatting and style. Your post should be thoughtful and promote critical discussion with your peers and the class instructor.

Book:  Shaughnessy, J J., Zechmeister, E.B., & Zechmeister, J.S. (2015). Research methods in psychology (10th Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education

book and film review


Victor Rios guides readers through his journey navigating structural poverty, gang involvement, and ultimately, earning a Ph.D. Explore two to three key concepts from Rios’ book that resonated strongly, examining their implications for the intricate relationship between schools and youth crime. Rather than providing a summary, focus on elucidating the ideas that have personally impacted the understanding of how schools and youth crime intersect or diverge. This analysis will be juxtaposed with concepts discussed in this week’s lecture to enrich further how we speak about the educational system’s role in addressing or perpetuating youth criminality. Cliff notes included and cite the videos.…

Theorist Presentation


Presentation must be 15-20 slides in total and include audio on all slides. I will provide the audio, I only need you to create the PowerPoint with the notes. Please follow the rubric below. The theorist will be Marilyn H. Mishel. Thank you 

Address the information below for the PowerPoint Presentation and ensure that you follow the grading rubric below.

Introduction of the Nursing Theorist (Select any theorist from this course)

Classification of the theory (Grand Theory, Middle Range, Practice Level, etc.).

  • Discuss the model/concept of the presented theory (theoretical overview).
  • Applicability to nursing practice (Clinical or Professional Examples)
  • Implications for Nursing Research (How will this theory advance nursing practice?)
  • Conclusion (Summary)
  • References