ASU Parental Control Rights and Limits Discussion


Answer the 3 questions. Once you have answered the questions, you are required to comment on at least 2 of your classmates’ posts.

1. Do parents have the right to restrict their children’s access to television and the internet?  Why or why not?  Is there an age at which children’s media choices should not be monitored or limited by their parents?

2. Do you agree with the statement from the article “Civility is learned at home by example”?   Do you think civility can be learned outside the home?  Explain your answers.

3. Do you agree with the statement from the article “We are not born civil”?  Please explain.

African American Studies


ASSIGNMENT: Write your personal thoughts on what we have discussed in class so far.  Look at the syllabus for clues on works we discussed this week. These assignments should have a personal, not scholarly, tone. 

Suggested topics: (These are just suggestions, so you are not required to use all or any of these prompts) 

What did you like/not like about any of the works? 

Did anything you learned last week surprise you about Black Horror? 

What do you believe was the artist’s message in the works?  

Have you had a personal event in your life that reminded you of any of these works? If so…how? 

Please write about “Us” by Jordan Peele

Write a memo Anti-Trust In The Beer Brewing Industry


Read the “U.S. vs. ABInBev and Grupo Modelo” anti-trust lawsuit. This is a DOJ blocking action
because it is attempting to stop a planned merger between the two companies. You would know
ABInBev most from its Budweiser Brand. You would know Grupo Modelo for its popular Corona
and Modelo brands.
For this memo, you want to focus on the coordination efforts in the industry led by ABInBev and the
pushback that Grupo Modelo had given ABInBev prior to the proposed merger. The DOJ was trying
to stop this acquisition because Modelo was a strong competitive counterbalance to AB’s industry
dominance. If they merged into one firm, then this counterbalance would no longer be present

Use R to complete 2 questions in the document


Please submit (i) a word file explaining in detail your answers to each question (you can use screenshots of the R to explain your answers) AND (ii) an R file with a separate tab for each question. For each question, make sure you develop the model and present the simulation results the R file should be self-explanatory. The assessment of your work will include both the accuracy and the clarity of your word file and the R file. But even if you are struggling with R, we will grade favorably if you demonstrate your understanding of the concepts and how you are planning to solve the problem.




Q. 1: What are the eight most important and unique (something you were not aware of or familiar with) concepts or insights that you obtained from Chapter 7? State the significance of each  in one sentence.**

Q. 2: What are the eight most important and unique (something you were not aware of or familiar with) concepts or insights that you obtained from Chapter 8? State the significance of each  in one sentence.**

Q. 3: What are the eight most important and unique (something you were not aware of or familiar with) concepts or insights that you obtained from Chapter 9? State the significance of each  in one sentence.**

HSM discussion board


 Options Menu: Forum

Rural Hospitals Can’t Find the Nurses They Need to Fight COVID | The Pew Charitable Trusts (

After reviewing the article:

Suggest a reason as to why you think medical staff are reluctant to seek jobs in the rural areas.

Suppose you are the Nursing Director of a rural hospital that is facing a significant shortage of nursing staff. Given the information provided in the article and you own knowledge, describe, in detail, one potential solution that you could develop to alleviate the current and future staff shortage. Make sure to include in the discussion why you think that your solution is a viable option

Forum Discussion -Parkinson Disease management


Add references to your posts, and be aware that TURNITIN IS ON.
The purpose of the discussion is to elevate the level of knowledge regarding disease symptom management.

a. add

b. increase
the dose of levodopa.

c. discontinue the carbidopa.

d. add

2. A patient who takes levodopa and carbidopa for Parkinson’s
disease reports experiencing freezing episodes between doses. The primary care
NP should consider using:

a. selegiline.

b. apomorphine.

c. modified-release

d. amantadine.

3. A 65-year-old patient is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
The patient has emphysema and narrow-angle glaucoma. The primary care NP should
consider beginning therapy with:

a. ropinirole

b. selegiline.

c. carbidopa/levodopa.

d. benztropine.

Discuss the technical aspects of In vitro fertilization reproductive issues in general terms.


his week you will submit the final draft of your term paper. Use this template Download this templatefor your term paper.

Your term paper should:

Discuss the technical aspects of your topic in general terms.

Discuss the public policy debates relevant to the topic you choose. This section should cover arguments that favor and oppose the use of the techniques or products.

Express your personal opinion regarding the topic’s importance and the validity of the pro and con arguments. Within the personal opinion/conclusion, frame your position with an ethical theory from the six workable theories covered in this course.

Cognitive Psychology lab report


A major hypothesis of this study is to predict that words with fricatives consonants are more likely to be judged, in the rating test and AB forced choice task as foul language than the words with plosive consonants. There is a sample in moodle. We need to write for Method with procedures.

reading about sounds and foul language

Click,other%20sounds%20for%20giving%20offense. link to open resource.

reading 1 about sound symbolism

Click link to open resource.

data filling sheet_Exp A

Click link to open resource.

experiment powerpoint_Exp A

Click to open resource.

data filling sheet_Exp B

Click link to open resource.

experiment powepoint_Exp B

Click link to open resource.

50 Week 7 Assign


Based on the reading assignment ( McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 10 and 11), select a middle-range theory.

After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.

The following should be included:

An introduction, including an overview of both selected nursing theories

  • Background of the theories

Philosophical underpinnings of the theories

Major assumptions, concepts, and relationships

Clinical applications/usefulness/value to extending nursing science testability

  1. Comparison of the use of both theories in nursing practice
  2. Specific examples of how both theories could be applied in your specific clinical setting
  3. Parsimony
  4. Conclusion/summary