CJUS650 Colorado Technical University Unit 3 Individual Project



Assignment Guidelines

Develop a research paper that identifies a specific Department of Homeland Security (DHS) operating agency. Fully describe 1 DHS operating agency from the following list:

??Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security (CISA)

??U.S. Customs and Border Protection (???)

??U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

  • ??Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

??U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)

  • ??U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

??U.S. Secret Service (USSS)

  • ??Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

The information must include a discussion of the selected DHS agency.

  • ??Identify the agency’s mission, goals, objectives, and metrics.

??Conduct an analysis of how these mission areas address the threats or challenges.

  • ??Recommend agency program priorities among the current set of goals, objectives, metrics, or budget items.

??Justification of all choices is an essential element of this assignment.

SNHU Discussion post


you will examine the Annual Financial Statement of a company of your choice to determine their use of option contracts. First, select a publicly held company. Retrieve their annual financial statements either from their website or from the SEC EDGAR Company Filings

What is the company you have selected?

What is the company using their option contract for?

What is the value of the option contract in the Annual Statements?

Copy/paste a picture of the value from the financial statements.

Imagine you are a retiree from this company and received stock as part of your pension package benefit. What would you do with the shares to earn extra money above the dividends?

performance review scenario



When Amal was hired on for her role as an Administrative Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer, she was thrilled about the opportunity to work for Organization ABC. Unfortunately, the information provided in her job Question was limited. After a month on the job, despite receiving two days of training from the person Amal replaced, Amal’s supervisor noticed that her performance was inadequate. Amal’s current supervisor knows that she is a phenomenal worker, based upon past employer references. 

Response Items to Address

To ensure Amal’s success, and the success of future employees, what aspects of the performance management process need revision (attached)? Also, how can future performance management aspects be successfully addressed?



Create an outline for your paper, ideally which will serve as guidance to help facilitate your writing of your first draft in two weeks. There is not a set structure you need to follow for the paper, although the outline provided here is similar to what is ideal. You are not locked into this outline for your actual paper, but this portion of the research project is designed to help you create a flow to the paper, which you will then fill in with information that you synthesize from the scholarly literature you will incorporate.


Online Support Groups for Anxiety

Analyzing the Effectiveness of Virtual Support Communities in Alleviating Anxiety Symptoms

OCP Options


Discussion Prompt

Choose one of the following patients and present THREE birth control options that you would recommend for them. Be sure to discuss the pros/cons/indications/contraindications for each method and support your recommendations with evidence. Initial post should be >250 words, in 7th edition APA format, and contain at least one high level scholarly reference.

17-year-old newly sexually active female, allergic to copper, BMI of 35.

28-year-old mother that is nursing her 12 week old infant.

40-year-old woman with a history of migraines, smokes ½ pack cigarettes per day.

  • 25-year-old newlywed that wants to start trying to conceive in 2 years.
  • 36-year-old mother of 3 that states she does not want to have any more children.

MySQL Sample


1- Go to the following link

2 – Read the web page and click on download the MySQL Sample Database button

3- Extract the downloaded folder

4- Open MySQL Workbench and run the SQL script from the extracted folder

5- A schema called classic models should appear in the left panel of MySQL workbench

6- Study the tables and answer the following queries using SQL statments:

A- Who is the highest spending customer?

B- What is the total amount of revenue in 2003?

C- Who is the president of the company?

D- What is the QUESTION of the product that sold most in 2003?

What to turn in:

1- A SQL file with SQL statements answering the four queries

Discussion #3: SWOT Matrix (M2.L6)


The purpose of this assignment is to give you practice in performing SWOT analysis for a company. You will practice the following skills: Problem-solving and analytical thinking skills by compiling information to propose alternative solutions; examining multiple points of view, defending your position by using evidence to support your position; you will also practice writing skills. 


Select a company that you are familiar with. List two examples of Strengths and two examples of Opportunities (SO) within the organization. Provide an example of SO strategy and explain how an internal strength can be matched with an external opportunity to create a strategy.

List two examples of Weaknesses and two examples of Threats (WT).

Use to quantify the extent of a disease by defining prevalence and incidence


This week we are learning the methods to use to quantify the extent of a disease by defining prevalence (the proportion of the population that have a risk factor under study) and incidence (the likelihood of developing a disease). Use the library to find an epidemiological study in Saudi Arabia, if possible, on the cumulative incidence of a disease by using a person-time study where the participants either develop a disease during the specified time period. 

Discuss the participants at risk at the beginning of the study and the persons who developed the disease during the study and discuss the concept of the incidence rate of the disease under study.

RN Job Market Discussion


Question: Conduct a search in several job listing websites for your location. Count the advertisements for RNs. How many employers are represented? Think of all the different healthcare agencies in the community. Do the ads represent most of them, some of them, or only a few of the potential employers of nurses? Of those listed, how many specify backgrounds or experiences beyond that which a new graduate would have? How many specify the shift or work schedule? If wages are noted, what is the range of wages quoted? Reflect on your own expectations for employment after graduation. How do your expectations compare with what you find in these advertisements?

MGT 520 Discussion 2



When Amal was hired on for her role as an Administrative Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer, she was thrilled about the opportunity to work for Organization ABC. Unfortunately, the information provided in her job Question was limited. After a month on the job, despite receiving two days of training from the person Amal replaced, Amal’s supervisor noticed that her performance was inadequate. Amal’s current supervisor knows that she is a phenomenal worker, based upon past employer references. 

Response Items to Address

To ensure Amal’s success, and the success of future employees, what aspects of the performance management process need revision? Also, how can future performance management aspects be successfully addressed?