Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia Case Study


28-year-old previously healthy female is brought to the emergency

department complaining of sudden onset of palpitations and a “fluttering”

sensation in her chest . She quickly became short of breath and light-headed .

Physical examination reveals an oral temperature of 37 .0° C , a pulse rate of

1 95/min, a respiratory rate of 20/min , and a blood pressure of 90160 m m Hg.

Examination of the lungs is umemarkable, and a cardiac examination is

significant only for tachycardia. Her electrocardiogram revealed narrow

complex tachycardia with absent p wave .

1. What is the most likely diagnosis?

2. What is the epidemiology of this condition?

3. What is the pathogenesis of this condition?

4. What is the treatment of her condition

EDG2941: All About Me Teacher Board and Teaching Philosophy


Could you please help me with 3 paragraphs on teaching style? I would say I’m a facilitator and believe in learning through play and helping students come to the correct answers through gentle guidance. .Personal histories and teaching autobiographies help students and families get to know you and understand the source of your beliefs. Create a board that will help your students, families, and colleagues get to know you. You must include three typed paragraphs describing your teaching style based on course-related readings (you might consider theorists such as Piaget, Vygotsky, Gardner, and the like). Be sure to complete the module readings and consider your values to help you with this. 

ECPI University The Investigative Team Discussion


Discussion Topic

CATEGORY: Crime Scene Technicians Example: A case where a Crime Scene Technician missed evidence at the crime scene. The Crime Scene Technicians inappropriately stored evidence and the chain of custody was not maintained. 

In your original post, answer the following:

  • Summarize the facts involved in the case, the crime that was committed, and the parties involved.
  • Describe the responsibilities, observation process, and goals of your assigned role (as identified in the chart above).
  • What impact do these observation skills have on the overall outcome in your sample case? Explain your response (provide an example from the case in your explanation).
  • Assess the strengths and weaknesses of your assigned team member’s contributions to the criminal investigation.

Community/Public Health Nursing And Social Determinants Of Health


Topic 1 DQ1

Identify the social determinants of health (SDOH) that affect families and communities. Describe the impact of health disparities and SDOH on care outcomes. Explain the role of the community health nurse in addressing these SDOH. Describe how the community health nurse can advocate for practices to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Topic 1 DQ2

Develop a nursing intervention for community health goals (local or global in nature) using the nursing process to address any health issue. Select and describe one community resource that can aid in the implementation process of the intervention. Identify two ethical principles to protect the health and safety of diverse populations when implementing the proposed nursing intervention.

Week 9 – Writing Response: Alain Locke


Writing Response Reading:

Read: Enter New The Negro by Alaine Locke in the African American Literature Anthology digital course textbook, pages 149-156 

Please respond using your own original writing voice and from your personal informed perspective (first person point of view).

Step 1 Directions: Carefully read the above pages. After you have a firm understanding of the assigned reading, write a one-page response (200 words) to the writing prompt below:

Step 2: Based on your comprehension of Locke’s extended discussion of the New Negro, which of the assigned authors in this course–James Weldon Johnson, Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. Du Bois, MLK, Malcolm X–best represents Locke’s definition of the New Negro and how so?

Secure Network Traffic Analysis and Anomaly Detection using Cisco Packet tracer


prepared a presentation for a ” Project Title : Secure Network Traffic Analysis and Anomaly Detection” the evaluation was good , but the feedback is that it is too wordy and lacks implementation.


1-could you execute it using Packet Tracer and generate both normal and anomaly traffic using what i mentioned in presentation, 3 ways for anomaly detection( Rule-Based Anomaly Detection-Statistical Anomaly Detection- Machine Learning-Based Detection Approach )?

explanations :  

2- attach a screenshot file to explain how to run the network and how to generate a traffic (normal and anomaly ) how to evaluate normal how to evaluate anomaly and how to detect them using 3 ways (what you  mentioned presentation) ?

Review Appraisal


Hi I need help with an assignment for a systematic review appraisal and qualitative review appraisal I will attach 6 total documents 2 are labeled example and 2 are labeled  Qualitative Review template form and systematic Review template form you will use and the 2 articles are the articles that goes with each appraisal the systematic article with the systematic appraisal form and the qualitative article I have attached with the qualitative appraisal form. just use the examples as a guide to fill out the templates. Just wanna make it clear that two separate templates need to be filled out the two I have attached below each based on each article. 

New energy-wind energy market research industry research


Based on methods such as industry research and company research, combined with quantitative and non-quantitative data, we will conduct an industry research on new energy-wind energy market research based on the Tebong CRM we are currently doing, as well as new energy subsidiaries.

Wind power (clean energy) industry analysis

1. Macro overview of the industry

2. Policy environment analysis

3. Analysis of the economic and social environment of the wind power industry

4. Analysis of technical barriers

5. Analysis of the development status of the wind power industry

6. Prospect prediction

7. Distribution of wind resources in China

8. Competitive Landscape Analysis

9. Industry Analysis

10. Wind power generation operation and maintenance market analysis

11. Investment value evaluation…



paper Expectations:Write, minimally, two full pages (with out the title page)

Font: Use Times New Roman, with 1 inch margins, and font no bigger than
“12.” Be sure to double space and cite.
Writing Topics; answer ALL questions:
? Analyze the representation of race in Candyman.
? How does the film try to link the 90s film to modern day concerns like
police brutality? Is the film successful in linking the two?
? Is Candyman a villain, a hero or an antihero? Explain your reasoning.
List of Critiques of Candyman
1.“Candyman,” Reviewed: A Sequel That Cuts Far Deeper Than the
2. Candyman: the politics, the gore, the ending discuss with spoilers
3. Nia DaCosta on ‘Candyman’ and the Power of Terrifying Legends

Like last time, you will have several choices. PICK ONE. You do not have to write them all!


Week Four Prompts (WWI)

Week Five Prompts (Jazz Age)

Week Six Prompts (Depression)

Please write approximately 300 words on the prompt. Give reasons/examples that support your conclusion. Support your arguments by referring to statements in the textbook and/or the lectures. If you use the book, you can cite it like this (text, p.x). If you use the lectures, you can cite it like this (lecture, timestamp). 

Your topic may well be huge and multifaceted. Books may have been written on it. If you go over, I will understand. But this is a short essay and not a research paper so you do not need to look outside course materials.