Project 2 – System Development – An information system (IS) is a system application.


Week 2 Project Tasks

This week, you will continue with your application from your W1 Project and complete the following tasks:

Describe the mechanisms that you used to solicit input from stakeholders to produce your requirements for your use-case specifications and your declarative requirements.

Determine at least three (3) nonfunctional requirements categories and produce a minimum of twelve (12) declarative requirements, paying attention to quality criteria discussed this week.

Define at least three (3) subjects of use-case models that you will specify in Week 3. For now, you need to discuss how you arrived at your subjects and provide a brief QUESTION for each. This week, you do not have to produce the actual use-case models.

Parkinson’s disease, treatment side effect.



A patient who has Parkinson’s disease takes levodopa and carbidopa. The patient reports experiencing tremors between doses. The primary care NP should —— Answerer:  Add Entacapone.

  •   2. A patient who takes levodopa and carbidopa for Parkinson’s disease reports experiencing freezing episodes between          doses. The primary care NP should consider using ——– Answerer: Apomorphine.

  3. A 65-year-old patient is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The patient has emphysema and narrow-angle glaucoma.       The primary care NP should consider beginning therapy with: ——– Answerer: Selegiline 

Please, I need to develop the discussion of this 3 questions. Answers posted in every questions.

  1. It is must be completed today, before 6 PM if possible. 

Extreme Engineering – Widening the Panama Canal


Watch the entire video and write a summary

A brief history of the building of the original canal.

What are the 3 main parts of the canal?

Briefly explain how the ships are moved through the locks.

What’s the greatest danger that threatens the canal and the ships and how do the engineers address that?

  • What was the width of the old canal and what is the width of the new widened canal?
  • Briefly explain the involvement of Army Corp of Engineers in building the canal.
  • What was the solution learned from Germans that was used in Panama Canal?
  • Conclusion: 
  • What was the main reason for the second attempt to build the canal successful?
  • What management lessons do we learn from that?

Discussion week 11


Watch the videos listed below and answer the questions that follow:

Adolescents & Addiction:

Adolescent Drug Addiction

The Science of Relapse

Brain imaging on drugs

Please answer the following questions and indicate what videos helped you answer the question. 

Discuss three things new to you or that stood out to you from watching the videos. 

Identify at least two biases you may have regarding persons with a substance use disorder and how this may affect your work/treatment. (Note if your preferences changed after reviewing this week’s material). 

How vital is substance/addiction education for your PMHNP/future career? 

What is one specific thing that you can do to increase your knowledge of substance use disorders? 



You apply the practical side of the module topic using your experience as a user, manager, or technology professional. This enables personal application where you can demonstrate knowledge of the course material.

Continuing your work as an Information Assurance Consultant, review tools to perform a quarterly review of access rights for a company with two thousand employees. Provide an access review of the following systems: physical access, computer network, VPN, system, database, and applications. The access reviewer is to have access to a list of active employees and employees terminated in the past 90 days. You have read about access tools in your readings. Here is a listing of some current access tools:

Clarify your own viewpoints about the meaning of life and to confront potential challenges to your views.


Your discussion post should answer each question above in at least 2 to 3 sentences, and provide arguments and evidence to support your responses. Successful posts will answer each question with specific examples and details from the assigned sources.

Share your perspective on the following questions by making an argument that involves your own view and those of the authors we read in this unit. Select ones that support your view and at least one that would be in opposition to it. Include your response to the opposing argument(s) as well.

  1. Do you think life has or can have meaning?
  2. Why might one question whether life has any larger meaning or purpose?

Write a response that addresses the following:


Using the manual on Tourism and Poverty Alleviation as well as the chapters from Sustainable Tourism and the Millennium Development Goals for support, critically assess the Tourism and Poverty Alleviation Recommendations for Action paper. Explain what the paper did well, what it could have done better, and where its weakest points were.

In addition to the manual and two chapter readings from this unit, refer to at least 3 key concepts of sustainability and other systems presented earlier in this course, to back up the points you make in your critique.


Length: minimum of 350 words (you will probably need more in order to adequately respond to the provided prompts)

HIST-2035-01 Women & Work in American History


Read the Linked file “Nineteenth Century Women’s Roles” and Read the Short Story by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps “The Angel Over Her Right Shoulder”. 

discuss some of the themes of Phelps’ short story “The Angel Over Her Right Shoulder”, such as how Mrs. James’ ‘story’ relates to the Key Concept of “the Cult of Domesticity” that was prevalent in the early 19th century and what does [or should] constitute “fulfilling” work for women [“a woman’s work is never done”; “a woman’s place is in the home”].  Do the dilemmas that Mrs. James faces in her domestic situation in the early 19th century have any parallels to expectations women face regarding their working lives today? 

(What is Sustainability?) Reading Notes



While reading each assigned chapter in the textbook, you are to take notes as you read and upload them to Canvas for credit. The Weekly Objectives and Discussion Board prompts for each chapter can help guide your focus on what to take notes on, but you do not have to follow them to earn credit.

Why are you required to take notes? Reading notes are a required assignment because they provide several benefits. Reading the textbook chapters provides an alternative viewpoint on sustainability concepts, and writing the notes forces you to spend some time reflecting on what you just read. Note-taking is also an important skill to have when studying for any course.

Teamwork and Collaboration Lessons Discussion

Question Question

I’m working on a humanities discussion question and need support to help me learn.

tell me about a past role where you led/manage others and had to make a decision that was unpopular amongst the team. What strategies did you use to align with the team?what did you learn from this experience?

Tell me about a time when you were working with a diverse group of people, and
you had to make a decision that not everyone was on board with. What did you personally do in this situation, and what was the outcome? If you have not worked in a diverse team, what would you do to achive the best outcome?