Fill in the blank


Following the successful mapping of the human genome in April of 2003, gene editing has become possible. Using CRISPR-Cas9, scientists can edit genes in order to prevent and cure once debilitating and lethal diseases and disorders. 

Look at the following video to see how Dr. Neville Sanjana, an assistant professor at New York University, explains CRISPR to five very different audiences: a child, a high schooler, a college student, a graduate student, and an expert in the field. As you watch, notice how Dr. Sanjana shifts ethos, pathos, and logos in ways that are appropriate for his listener. 

Biologist Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty – CRISPR | WIRED 

CMST 301 Digital Media and Society


Topic 1: Fake News

video to watc:  Fake news vs real news (PBS online video)…

Additional resources:…


Fake news is no longer a matter of the occasional hoax. There is growing evidence that fake news has the power to shape public opinion and even sway elections. As more Americans get their news online, it is increasingly vital that we as consumers know how to verify sources and spot fake news.

Explain at least two ways fake news could affect results of political elections?

What can companies like Facebook and Twitter do to stop users from spreading fake news? What can we, as consumers, do? What do you think would work, especially with younger users?

Review the Resources and reflect on the definition and goal of evidence based practice


Post a QUESTION of the healthcare organization website you reviewed. Describe where, if at all, EBP appears (e.g., the mission, vision, philosophy, and/or goals of the healthcare organization, or in other locations on the website). Then, explain whether this healthcare organization’s work is grounded in EBP and why or why not. Finally, explain whether the information you discovered on the healthcare organization’s website has changed your perception of the healthcare organization. Be specific and provide examples.

The following is required for all initial discussion posts.

Include an introduction paragraph. In the last sentence, state the purpose of the discussion: The purpose of this discussion post is… The introduction paragraph must include 3 or more sentences.

Quality Management: BADM370


Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Library Research Assignment

Discuss the following points regarding the evolution of total quality management concepts:

  • Prior to the advent of the total quality management concept, what was senior management’s typical approach toward quality?
    • In your discussion, provide an example showing management’s typical approach toward quality.
  • What has led to the more comprehensive strategic view of total quality management?
  • What are the benefits of a more comprehensive strategic view? Please support your discussion with an example
  • .…

Please prepare balance sheet


I. Using Excel, prepare comparative financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) for the two most recent years (2022 & 2021). Round amounts to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. This section is worth 7 points.

II. Using Excel, prepare common-size statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) for the two most recent years (2022 & 2021). This section is worth 7 points.

III. Using Word, discuss the findings of the comparative and common-size statements.  What changes seem relevant or significant? How is the company doing?  What do you think the comparative and common-size statements are telling you?  Is the company doing better or worse? Explain, in detail, your analysis. This section is worth 6 points.

milestone 5


Milestone 5 Assessment

Submit a document answering each of the following questions.

On which (if any) social categories do you categorize others? Why do you (or don’t you) categorize? Is your behavior fair or unfair to the people you are categorizing?

Consider some of the important social groups to which you belong. Do your group memberships lead to ingroup favoritism or even prejudice?

What are some of the ways that prejudice can be combated?  Which do you think would be most successful? Why?

Have you ever confronted or failed to confront a person who you thought was expressing prejudice or discriminating? Why did you confront (or not confront) that person, and how did doing so make you feel?

HCI 316 ASS 1


E-Health Instruments: Empowering Consumers in Their Health Journey


In this essay, you will explore the diverse landscape of e-health instruments available to consumers. Your task is to:

• Describe the main types of e-health instruments used in the consumer sphere. Classify them into meaningful categories based on their functionalities or target areas (e.g., monitoring devices, fitness trackers, mental health apps).

• Provide examples: Briefly discuss several specific examples within each category, highlighting their key features and potential uses.

• Analyze benefits: Focus on one e-health instrument of your choice. In-depth, critically analyze its potential benefits for consumers, considering aspects like accessibility, empowerment, and improved health outcomes. Refer to relevant academic research and evidence to support your arguments.

Gawande Journal #4



To complete this assignment, you will submit a journal entry at the  end of each unit throughout the semester. A reading assignment will be  given, and you will journal your thoughts, feelings, and/or concerns  that may have arisen while reading the assigned chapter. These journal  entries must be completed in Microsoft Word and will be graded on timely  submission as well as whether or not it addresses the specific issue  covered in the chapter. It is very important to journal how you felt  before reading the chapter and then if the particular reading changed  your mind. Discuss specific quotes that affected your opinion and how  you will practice differently because of this reading. 

Dissertation Assistance



I have finished my dissertation, but for some reason the Chair is finding small errors in my paper. I would like assistance. Here are the comments:

1. So, you have page numbers in the header and footer. Per the template, it is only in the header. Also, these prelim pages are numbered incorrectly. It uses roman numerals, not cardinal ones. Please go back to the original template and fix it.

2. Add the figures and tables to their their section

3. Run your editor/grammar function. There are 144 errors to address. Most are probably the author’s last name, but once you save it to your Word dictionary and accept the save. That will resolve it.

Community-centered approaches to conservation


First one. Due March 15:

Select an African country you have not looked at so far, and look out for either an Ecotourism Project, Community based Tourism Initiative, or Community based Tourism Enterprise and find out about its premise to achieve conservation objectives in that country

Second one. Due March 12 11:59 Washington time

You have been assigned a country/region in Africa. Using RELIABLE academic sources, select one CBNRM, eco-tourism, or CCE Project in the country/region assigned to you and discuss the following;

a. describe the project

b. why you chose the project

c. why was the project started, and who started it,

d. achievements of the project

d. failures of the project

e. way forward – what can be done