SMART goals task


icon SMART Goals

For this assignment, you will work on setting goals for yourself using the SMART method. You will find an explanation of this method in the module that will guide you in your goal-setting process. You will list a minimum of five professional goals that you would like to accomplish during the clinical experience in this term. For each goal, you must provide an explanation of how the goal is representative of each of the SMART characteristics: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. Be sure to answer the following questions for each goal summary: Can you measure it? Is it attainable? Is it realistic? What is the time frame you have set for completing that goal?

BAI329 Lab Application


Lab Insight: Apply the same steps used in Lab 4.1 Excel (and continue using Lab 4.1 Data.xlsx), but now compute the profit margin (Sales price per pound minus Cost per pound) and profit margin percentage (margin divided by sales price per pound). Then use Excel’s Data Analysis ToolPak to compute the descriptive statistics (mean, median, maximum, minimum) for the profit margin percentage.


Compute the profit margin and profit margin percentage ratios.

Summarize the profit margin ratios using descriptive statistics.

  1. Create a visualization showing the margin percentage. Include chart title and axis titles.
  2. Data: Lab 4.1 Data.xlsx
  3. Analyze the Data: Refer to lab 4.1 in your text for additional instructions and steps.

Answer the following questions based on the details computed.

UIW The Meaning of Cultural Diversity Among Staff as It Pertains to Employee Motivation Synopsis of The Article


The “Sign of the Times” (SOTT) is like doing a current event. However, this will be relative to Workplace Motivation and the chapter(s) we are doing that particular week. You will do a SOTT in class each week. The preparation should include finding a periodical on the Internet, copy the URL and paste it into a Microsoft Word document, and typing a two-paragraph synopsis on the same document. The synopsis should summarize the article and explain how the article is relative to multicultural issues and the chapter(s) we are covering that week. Please be sure to use the APA format (APA 7th Edition) when writing your response. 

Capture the flag


  • Vulnerability title for each of the three vulnerabilities found in the capstone environment
  • CVSS vector and score for each of the three vulnerabilities found in the capstone environment
  • Identify the affected component for each of the three vulnerabilities found in the capstone environment
  • Discussion as the QUESTION for each of the three vulnerabilities found in the capstone environment
  • Discussion for the Impact for each of the three vulnerabilities found in the capstone environment
  • Discussion for the technical fix for each of the three vulnerabilities found in the capstone environment
  • Discussion for the remediation for each of the three vulnerabilities found in the capstone environment
  • Discussion
    for the technical details including screenshots and explanation for the
    screenshot for each of the three vulnerabilities found in the capstone

Disc 3 dissertation


Overview: While you are in the infancy of thinking about your dissertation topic, it helps to begin with the end in mind.  During your literature review, you will uncover a gap in the scholarship on your proposed topic.  While this gap may be content or methodological-specific, it is critical to think about the type of methodology your study will employ as you begin your search.  Therefore, you will review the University of the Cumberland’s doctoral research handbook for approved research designs. You will not be “locked in” to your choice until your IRB is approved in DSRT 839, but you should have a general idea of how you will collect data on your proposed topic. 

AI in Brazil for financial services and investing firms


Dear freelancer, please update the attached doc file paper using the attached pdf and the teacher’s comments:

“You start going off to the wrong direction to talk about number of cities for McKinsey Bain and BCG that’s NOT what we asked for. Don’t compare number of citations please – we need hard facts, numbers on S&T related – you don’t even need to talk what report said what as long as you have that information cited, essentially we want to own our work. Please consider this structure attached and the link. Pure focus should be Brazilian S&P hub sorely- please don’t compare number of source on different research institutes like last time”

Link to use:…

This professor is very strict


Read one of the following chapters from Courageous Faith: Life Lessons from Old Testament Heroes: chapter 1 (Abraham), chapter 2 (Jacob), or chapter 3 (Joseph). Write a thread that describes how you identify with the hero by highlighting the parallels between the hero’s life, circumstances, and relationship with God and your life, circumstances, and relationship with God. Reflect on the way the hero’s life illustrates possible solutions to your own circumstances or describe how the hero’s example may enhance your faith and relationship with God (or others). You may use the questions in the “Ask Yourself” section at the end of each chapter as they may assist you in developing your thoughts for your thread.

PSY 3590: Personality


According to Freud’s theory of personality development, the “core” of who we are is set by the time we are 5 or 6 years of age. Erikson’s theory of development proposes that personality continues to develop throughout our lives. These theories are not necessarily in opposition. It could be that certain “core” aspects of personality are indeed formed early in life whereas other aspects of our personality change in later life. Based on your own experiences and observations, as well as the theory and research discussed in Chapters 10 & 11, do you think the “core” of personality is or is not formed in our very early years (by the age of 5-6)? Why/why not?

HUM186: Issues and Ethics in News and Social Media


Social media platforms and other technology have revolutionized how we communicate with one another and how news is delivered. Unfortunately, social media platforms, and even some news outlets, contain misinformation. In this assignment, you will investigate the role of social media in American news media. You will also reflect on these organizations’ responsibility to provide accurate information. 

Write a paper in which you answer the following:

What role do the following play in contemporary American society?

Traditional news media

Social media

  • What do you think the news media’s responsibility is in providing accurate information to the public?
  • Are social media platforms responsible for ensuring the content their users share is accurate and factual? Why or why not? 

English Task


Prepare a reflective and detailed career plan including short term and midterm career plans, including reflection on external engagement. The portfolio will include the main text and attachment used as evidence for your reflection.

The Career Plan is a personal and analytical record of relevant competences development gained through experiential learning and how they link to the plan for the next 3 years. It is designed to encourage reflection on experience, and to enhance self-awareness. The objective of the Career Plan is to enable students to focus on the development of their personal and professional competences and to develop these alongside the more theoretical focus of the rest of the programme for a specific career goal.