2024 Spring Term (1) Introduction to Psychology PSY 100 1208[54651] (Borough of Manhattan CC)


Watch “CTE: The silent killer in contact sports,” a TED talk by Dr. Emer MacSweeney.

Answer the following questions:

What does the abnromal version of the tau protein do?

What’s the link Dr. Ann McKee confirmed?

According to Dr. MacSweeney, when is the critical period of brain development?

What’s the difference between a concussion and a sub-concussion?

How many sub-concussive impacts, on average, do NFL players receive in one season?

What happens to the brain when it is impacted? Include the tau protein in your answer.

*Write the answer next to the question.

*Echo the question in your answer.

Example: Which category or categories of psychological research was mentioned in the article?

Answer: The category is…

Answer: The categories are…

Example: What limitations of the study are mentioned? 

Answer: The limitations of the study are…

Need help writing a marketing research pitch


Your final project is a video in which you will provide marketing recommendations based on your mixed-methods research for either a new product/service or extension of an existing product. 

A      brief company background 

Your      idea for a new product/service or a new extension for an existing      product/service

A      QUESTION – QUESTION of your research problem

  • Your      questions for your interviews

A      summary of the results of your interviews

  • An      overview of your survey questions

A      summary of your survey results to include descriptive statistics

  • Your      recommendations for the new product/service or a new extension based on      your research results

Include at least 3 credible or industry specific references such as business publications in addition to the course textbook.

  • I’ll provide the info of the company, idea, survey..

Informative Presentation Informative Presentation


his assignment is an Informative presentation. It needs to educate the audience on a particular topic. Your job is to inform, educate, and inspire. Choose an interesting and relevant topic. It should be current, but not tied only to today’s events.

You must record your presentation and post it to Blackboard.

It is important to keep in mind that production value does not matter for this recorded assignment. Few students have access to a recording studio, so do not worry about your setting and production quality. Your video must be viewable and must have adequate sound, but it does not have to be studio-quality. You might record your presentation more than once, but do not re-record it to fix minor production issues.

HCAD520 AMU Human Resource in Healthcare Discussion


Your textbook lists several challenges facing human resources departments in the health sector today. Research one of those challenges. Describe the challenge you have selected and explain why it is a unique challenge to the health sector. Be sure to discuss relevant/applicable employment law(s) that affect the challenge you selected. Through research, develop at least two evidence-based solutions to the challenge you selected. Explain why you believe that the solutions you suggest will be viable.

Challenge – Use of Social Media

Use of social media. Employees’ use of social media (e.g., Facebook, Instagram) can create various legal issues, and the extent to which employers may access those accounts to monitor employees’ nonworkplace behavior is an open question.
Showalter, Stuart.

CIU Regarding War of 1812 and Slavery Discussion


Evaluate the ways in which the United States was transformed by the War of 1812, which ended in 1815. Your answer should draw upon material from the era spanning the presidencies of Jefferson through Jackson, and should look at economic, political, social and cultural changes that accelerated after 1815. Were these changes all positive? Why or why not?

Describe the proslavery view of white Southerners in the years after 1815. What were the most important causes or origins of this view, and how did proslavery ideology impact the politics and society of the slave states? Your answer should also analyze how pro-slavery Southerners were challenged by slaves, free African-Americans or others in the U.S. at the time. What were the results?

BCU Walmart A Comprehensive Analysis Questions


Company: Walmart
1. Briefly provide an overview of the company.

a. What do they do?   Length in business, organizationaltype, locations, markets, etc.

2. define the company’s strategy and mission statement

3. What is their Value Proposition, Competitive Priorities, and Core Capabilities?

4. Who are their key customers? 

5. What does the supply chain look like between them and the customer? 

6. What type of omni-channel services do they provide?

7. For your industry and company what has been the impact of the pandemic to their supply chain?   Please be specific and provide as much detail as possible.     

8. What was the effect on businesses and consumers?   Why? 

9. As of today, what is the status of the industry? 

10. How is the recovery process coming and what does it entail?

Theories of counseling


  • Review the Psychoanalytic Case Conceptualization Example found in this week’s Learning Resources and use this document to prepare your initial Discussion post.
  • Select one of the case studies presented in this week’s Learning Resources, and answer the following points as if you were a person-centered counselor. Use your Learning Resources and the notes you took on language and technique from the person-centered expressive arts therapy video to support your conceptualization and integrate examples from the case to support your post. Include the following:

Response question


Review the crisis communication case studies in the Liberman texts; review the assigned readings and watch Conversations In Crisis 4 with Arturo Nunez.. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

In at least three brief paragraphs (30 to 50 words each):

1 — Choose one or more Nike communications crises and describe how the company was effective or ineffective in its response.

2 — Discuss another company in which you have strong brand loyalty, and how/why the brand has cultivated that emotional bond with you.

3 — Describe how you believe that brand loyalty might be threatened or strengthened in a crisis, and why.

References to crisis communication research/theories and other class materials are always suggested to support your discussion. 

PSY-402: Week 5- Memory and Brain Mechanisms Analysis


Using four or more scholarly sources, write an essay, address the following prompts:

Explain how memories are formed in the brain (using neural circuitry) and how are they maintained.

Given what we know about brain mechanisms in memory, evaluate if our memories are accurate. Support your answer using information on how memories are stored in the brain, including an explanation of how working memory is similar to and different from long-term memory.

  • Describe how knowledge of the brain and memory systems can be used to help individuals suffering from memory problems (e.g., poor memory, amnesia, PTSD), including techniques to improve the short-term and long-term memory process.
  • Describe how the brain equips us to think critically to solve problems related to behavior and mental processes.

For question #1, you need to use an Excel formula for this calculation.


For question #1, you need to use an Excel formula for this calculation. Please refer to the live classroom on what to use. We don’t use tables in this course.

#2 is incorrect. Again, make sure you are using the Excel formulas.

  • #3 is a perfect example of how you should set up the problems. It looks great. 🙂
  • For #4, you need to explain where the student went wrong with their setup.
  • For #5, include what the input represents. So, “=norm.s.dist(____)”. What variable goes in the parentheses? Make sure to explain. Also, include an explanation on why you subtracted from 1.
  • #6 is incorrect. This is what the student did incorrectly. State what the student did wrong and then correct it in the cells.