Answer 10 questions using only the textbook link.


2. How has the presidency developed over time? How has the office become more powerful?

3. Why is the presidential veto so powerful? How is it used to shape legislation?

4. What is Going Public? How does it work? Why and how has it changed over time?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of executive orders and executive agreements?

6. What is the bureaucracy? What are its chief characteristics as described by Max Weber?

7. How did the bureaucracy evolve over time? What were the three major stages of its development?

8. What were the first cabinet departments? How many agencies are there today?15. Describe the three eras of judicial review.

16. What is the structure of the federal judiciary?

17. What are the jurisdictions of the federal courts?

18. Describe judicial decision making.

International Political Relations


1. Introduction (150 words)

This part will briefly introduce your report, including aims and chosen country.

2. Business Environment in Vietnam

This part will display and analyse your data in details following first four guidelines on handbook: political environment, economic environment, regulatory environment and social/cultural environment. Therefore the structure can be as follow:

2.1 Political environment (200 words)

Risk A (e.g. form of government)-what the specific situation of form of government in Vietnam is.

Risk B

2.2 Economic environment (200 words)

Risk C

Risk D

2.3 Regulatory environment (200 words)

Risk E

Risk F

2.4 Social/cultural environment (200 words)

Risk G

Risk H

3. Discussion  (Make sub-headings following the instruction in this part)

In this section, you should discuss benefits, challenges and suggestions of your customer’s decision of entry and investment in this country.

4. Conclusion 

This section will conclude important parts in whole paper.

The Aims and Purposes of Criminal Law Questions


Critical Thinking Questions:

1. What are the specific aims and purposes of criminal law? To what  extent does criminal law control behavior? Do you believe that the law  is too restrictive? Not restrictive enough?

2. If you ran the world, which acts that are now legal would you make  criminal? Which criminal acts would you legalize? What would be the  probable consequences of your actions?

3. Beccaria argued that the threat of punishment controls crime. Are  there other forms of social control aside from the threat of legal  punishment? What else controls your own behavior?

4. Would it be ethical for a criminologist to observe a teenage gang  by hanging with them, drinking, and watching as they steal cars? Should  the criminologist report that behavior to the police?

Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 5


ssigned Readings:

Chapter 5. Strategic Management and Corporate Public Affairs

Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. Describe the corporate public affairs function today. What are the three opportunities for PA executives in the future?

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code


Using an ICD-10-CM code book, assign the proper diagnosis code to the following diagnostic statements. Please be aware that when an answer consists of more than one code, there will be an answer blank for each code.

  • adenocarcinoma of adrenal cortical
  • neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder, malignant
  • plasma cell leukemia
  • B cell lymphoma; intrapelvic lymph nodes
  • secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of the chin
  • malignant neoplasm of orbital bone
  • secondary cancer of islet cells of pancreas
  • basal cell carcinoma of skin on scalp
  • plasma cell tumor
  • benign neoplasm of abdomen
  • benign neoplasm of the bursa of the shoulder
  • CIS of the rectosigmoid junction
  • malignant neoplasm of the adrenal gland (left side) with metastasis to the kidney and renal pelvis
  • metastatic cancer from the bladder dome to the ureter
  • cancer of the stomach (fundus)
  • lipoma of right kidney
  • right lung cancer




Choose a patient from your clinic site and create a case scenario. Based on the information collected, develop an SBAR report. You can use the SBAR template provided to guide your report.

After identifying the relevant data and analyzing the situation and background of the client, write the SBAR report including recommendations to the healthcare provider.

Be ready to record a brief video with your SBAR presentation, no longer than 5 minutes.

Please refer to the rubric for grading.


#5. Utilize effective communication techniques when initiating and developing interpersonal and interprofessional relationships to promote interdisciplinary client care.


#5. Use information and communication technologies to document and collaborate with interdisciplinary health care providers in an evolving healthcare delivery system.

Hci 315 telehealth and medicine 8


Week 8: Interactive Activity

Read the following: 

“Teleultrasound: Historical Perspective and Clinical Application” ???? ???? ?????? ?? ???????? Click for more options

“The impact of telehealth support for patients with diabetes or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on unscheduled secondary care utilisation: a service evaluation” ???? ???? ?????? ?? ???????? Click for more options

  • Watch the following video(s): 

Examples of data collection by patients: 

“Collecting ECG Data”

“Collecting Blood Pressure Data”

The purpose of this Activity is to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts learned in this week’s readings/ educational videos.
Action Items

Based on your reading explain some telemedicine applications for healthcare delivery of patients with diabetes?

How the vital signs data is collected for online patients? 

counseling 120 ra


Read Chapters 6 & 7 in College Success. Write a one-page double-spaced journal reflection summary of these chapters. You must have a minimum of one paragraph per chapter. Please answer these questions in your one page summary reflection.

1. What did you learn and how will you apply this to yourself and your college and career success?

College Success TextbookLinks to an external site.

This link will open in a new window. If you want to work in the window within Canvas, click on the next item in this module titled “College Success Textbook.” Once you are in the Book, make sure to click on the “Contents” icon in the left menu bar so that you can see the table of contents of your book.  

Annotated Bibliography Assignent


Annotated Bibliography: The annotated bibliography assignment is used to prepare for the Psychodynamic Technique PowerPoint assignment. Students will select one psychodynamic technique or concept from the list provided below and create an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a list of sources that are relevant to a topic you are researching. Students will select five sources for this assignment; the sources must be peer-reviewed and published within the last seven years. Each reference should be formatted according to APA. Following each reference, students will summarize the key findings and conclusions of the source, note any limitations, and make a clear connection to how the source informs or connects to the selected topic and final PowerPoint that the student intends to complete.


Defense Mechanism Interpretation

Transference Interpretation

Dream Analysis 

Case Study Help


Decolonizing Data: A Quantitative Native Approach to Indigenous Mental Health and Higher Education

1.What specific strategies can be employed to collect accurate and meaningful data about the challenges faced by first-generation college students, particularly those from Native American communities, in order to better understand their experiences and improve support systems?

2.How can institutions of higher education, in collaboration with tribal communities, actively promote the decolonization of data and address the “representation paradox” to ensure that native students are properly accounted for and their unique needs are met?

3.In what ways can social work researchers actively engage with indigenous communities and implement a strengths-based approach to support native students’ mental health and success in higher education, while respecting their data sovereignty and promoting a culturally sensitive learning environment?