Discussion post MT297


In this discussion, you address how to build a relationship between team members which is necessary before beginning to coach team members for success.

There are two discussion topics this week. You must respond in an initial posting to both topics by Saturday and then two subsequent postings to classmates on two different days for this discussion.

Topic 1: Developing Employee Skills


You have four coaches that have recently been trained and their coachees are complaining that they want to change coaches. When the boss asked the coachees what the problem was, they all said they were tired of being told what to do.

  • Diagnose what the problem is and suggest how it might be solved. Be specific in your recommendations — What would you say to the coaches?

The Digital Divide


For this assignment, after reading the required material from the textbook/module(attached below), and doing your own research on the Digital Divide, you are to write about your knowledge of this topic. Sometimes we take for granted the things that we have and make assumptions that everyone (at least in the U.S.) is privy to the same information as us. However, as you have likely learned in this module, that is not always the case. Please write a 3 to 5 page paper on the following (these can be your section headings as well):

– Introduction

– The Digital Divide – what is it?

– Who is impacted by it?

– Discuss how technology hinders the Digital Divide.

– Discuss how technology advances the Digital Divide

– Did you learn anything new?

– Conclusion

Strategic planning ct2


Industry Analysis

In the business world, critical thinking is essential for analyzing industries in relation to profit, competitive advantage, and attractiveness. In this assignment, we will assess the strength and practicality of industry analytic frameworks and use them to analyze an industry.

To analyze an industry, we can use various frameworks, such as the Porter’s Five Forces Model, SWOT Analysis, and PESTEL Analysis. These frameworks help us understand the industry’s competitive landscape, opportunities, and threats.

Evaluate Porter’s Five Forces Model, SWOT Analysis, and PESTEL Analysis

Detail what each of these frameworks evaluates.

Assess the Strength and Practicality of each Framework

Assess the Weakness and Impracticality of each Framework.

Do any of these provide a complete picture of an industry? Why or why not?

Explain how you would get a comprehensive analysis of an industry?

inventory Planning and control


Using the above data, answer the following questions (show your work):

  • Calculate Q* (economic order quantity).
  • Calculate ROP (reorder point) with and without safety stock for Reorder Point Model.
  • Model.
  • Calculate T (target order-up-to level) for a Fixed Period Model.

Calculate P (time between orders) for a Fixed Period BUS 364 Supply Chain Management

Chapter 4: Inventory Planning Homework

Directions: Using the provided data, answer all the questions. SHOW ALL YOUR WORK. Upload a copy (Word, PDF, or Excel) or a photo (GIF or JPG) to the drop box in Brightspace by the due date.



Weekly Demand

2000 units


# weeks per year

52 weeks



Setup or Order Cost




Holding or Carrying Cost

10% per unit per year



Cost of the Item

$10 per unit



Lead Time

2 weeks


Z (.90)

Desired Service Level of 90%



Standard Deviation of Demand During Lead Time 

200 units

Week 11 and 12


1- For this discussion board, do all of the following:

  • Define a negative correlation, and provide a real-world example
  • Define a positive correlation, and provide a real-world example
  • Explain why two variables could be significally correlated with each other, but that we should not interpret that as a cause-and-effect relationship ( 300 words )


A social psychologist conducted a study of the effectiveness of a local campaign to persuade people to recycle. The report of the study noted that “The overall R2 for predicting degree of recycling was .31, which was statistically significant—the betas were .03 for exposure to television advertisements, .02 for exposure to newspaper advertisements, .12 for having been contacted personally, and .28 for having a neighbor who recycles regularly.” Explain what these results mean.

Project 3 Case Study


Read the Case Study Documents (at least Part 1), and WRITE 1-2 pages  of organized notes for yourself. This writing should include specific parts of sources that stood out to you, and why. Consider practicing “summary-response” where a quote or paraphrase you take from a source is framed by your own word thoughts about the quoted content, with author’s name, source year and title, are used in MLA format.

A summary-response should be mostly response (including how you plan to use the source), and only a short summary with who/where/when details about it, and its (human) author. A notable quote and/or paraphrase from the source, why the source interests you, and how it will be used in Project 3, should form most of the Response part.




Purpose: To provide the student with an opportunity to apply research appraisal tools to health-related/clinical practice in advanced nursing practice.

Assignment QUESTION: Utilizing the evidence-based gap you have identified or would like to address in clinical practice.Provide an overview and background of the problem you have identified, formulate, and describe a PICO (T) question addressing interventions that might meet the needs of clinical practice, in the setting you have identified.

This is a continuation of the work you started with your previous PICO (T) initial work.If you have revised your PICO (T) since your last submission, you should update your PICO (T) final as needed.You may use Appendix B of the Johns Hopkins Evidenced-Based Practice Model for Nursing and Healthcare Professionals, as a guide.

Finish company and people part


Topic: Art auctions

The part that I want to add : I have looked into finding businesses and people who are relevant to the auction sector. One prominent person I heard is Chen Liangling, a well-known Chinese auctioneer who works as Christie’s Hong Kong’s senior specialist and auction manager. I was especially impressed by Chen’s skill at directing auctions and her alluring demeanor—she was frequently dressed in traditional Chinese garb. Examining her methods and accomplishments could provide insightful information for our project. I plan to include her as a character in our story, emphasizing how an auctioneer’s skill is essential to a successful auction. My curiosity has been piqued by this investigation, leading me to look into her past and contributions to the area in more detail.



The goal of this assignment is to segment the iris region of an eye and convert it into a co-centricity invariant representation (from Cartesian to polar coordinates) of a nxm matrix.

Use all images in “eyes.zip” in the Files section. For each image:

1. Use (a) the Hough transform for circle detection (any Matlab/Python implementation you find), and (b) Daugman’s integrodifferential objective to calculate both boundaries of the iris (inner and outer)

2. Convert the iris region into a polar coordinates representation (as in the lecture slides). 


Matlab/Python code with any additional external functions you used.

A  screen recording of your execution, for each image, where you will show: (i) the hough transform results superimposed on the image; (ii) Daugman’s method results superimposed on the image, and (iii) the “unwrapped” iris.

Arizona State University DB12 – DB13 Describing and Arguing for the Solution for the Proposal


DB 12 Describing the problem for the Proposal Assignment (5)

Describe the problem discussed in the Informal Proposal Assignment Instructions. 

DB 13: Describing and Arguing for the Solution for the Proposal Assignment (5)

Memo template.docx

Today you will write a QUESTION of the solution to the problem you described or DB 12  which is mental health days  and then give at least 3 developed reasons that argue for that solution.  

Make sure that you have at used at least one quotation from one source to back up each reason.  More than one quotation per reason would be better.  So if you can say X says this.  Furthermore Y also agrees.   Multiple sources that agree actually makes you more persuasive