JOURNAL – Chapter 5.4-5.5


Read the assigned reading from the chapter. Then choose ONE of the questions below to answer.

Be sure to explain your answers and give reasons for your views. You should cite the textbook and use brief quotations and summaries from the textbook in your response. Do NOT use any other sources besides the textbook

Is Sartre exaggerating the extent to which people can define themselves when he says “existence precedes essence”?

Which seems more likely to you: that your path in life is determined before you were born, or that you are born and then you determine how your life will go? Why? Is there a middle ground on this issue?

What is your reaction to Sartre’s perspective on freedom? Do you find his view liberating and inspiring, or do you think it is disheartening and forlorn?

Georgia Gwinnett College What Would You Do? questions


  • What was your moral parsimony score?
  • What do you think this indicates about you?
  • On the last page where it reminds you of the questions, your answers, and how your responses compare to others, take note of three dilemmas to share and discuss.
  • Indicate the answers you gave and your arguments for why you took the stand that you did.
  • What do these decisions say about your moral intuitions?
  • Making Connections
    • In your responses, try to make some connections to the materials on logic in Unit I.
    • Were any of your moral decisions in these scenarios driven by deductive or inductive arguments?
    • Did you note any fallacies in any of your reasoning processes when potential conflicts between your beliefs were highlighted?
    • How might Socrates have approached one or more of these situations where conflicts might have arisen between various beliefs?

w2 mini soap note


Make up patient info.

Chief complaint- Ive been having symptoms of PCOS like facial hair growth and acne.

Diagnosis PCOS E28.2

Demographic Data

Patient initial (one initial only), age, and gender must be HIPAA compliant


Chief Complaint (CC)

History of Present Illness (HPI) in paragraph form (remember OLDCART: Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristics, Aggravating/Alleviating Factors, Relieving Factors, Treatment)

  • Past Med. Hx (PMH): Medical or surgical problems, hospitalizations, medications, allergies, immunizations, and preventative health maintenance as applicable

Family Hx: As applicable

Social Hx: Including nutrition, exercise, substance use, sexual hx, occupation, school, etc.

  • Review of Systems (ROS) as appropriate: Include health maintenance (e.g., eye, dental, pap, vaccines, colonoscopy)
  • Objective
  • Vital signs
  • Physical findings are listed by body systems, notin paragraph form
  • Assessment (Diagnosis/ICD10 Code)
  • Include all diagnoses that apply for this visit


Dx Plan (lab, x-ray)

  • Tx Plan: (meds)
  • Education, including specific medication teaching points           


Health Maintenance (including when screenings, immunizations, etc.

nursing informatics


Choose one regulation or policy from your reading and

briefly summarize its impact on HIT (Health information technology)

  1. briefly explain how it impacts Psych Nurse Practitioner

2. Must use at least 2 reputable sources to write this discussion  Reputable resources include your textbook, professional websites, or journal articles that are 5 years old or less

You may NOT use personal opinions, opinion papers, transcripts from conventions, or poster abstracts. 

1. McBride, S., & Tietze, M. (2023). Nursing Informatics for the Advanced Practice Nurse: Patient safety, Quality, Outcomes and Interprofessionalism (3rd ed). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company LLC.

  • Chapter 4: pg 76-94Torous J, Chan S, Luo J, Boland R, Hilty D. Clinical Informatics in Psychiatric Training: Preparing Today’s Trainees for the Already Present Future. Acad Psychiatry. 2018 Oct;42(5):694-697. doi: 10.1007/s40596-017-0811-4. Epub 2017 Oct 18. PMID: 29047074; PMCID: PMC5906202. 

System plan


With the move to electronic health records, the immediate accessibility and security of patient health information, data, and systems has become paramount. Technical infrastructure, networks, interoperability, and IT security are now directly connected to the delivery of patient care and must be well planned, implemented, and maintained as well as be secure, redundant, and have high availability. 

Develop a high-level plan for the health IT system that you chose in Week 1. Include the following in your plan:

Steps 1–4

Step 1: Describe the technical infrastructure.

Step 2: Explain integration and interoperability requirements.

  • Step 3: Analyze security risks and mitigation.
  • Step 4: Develop high-level business continuity and disaster recovery requirements.
  • Analysis of risks of not addressing the Steps 1–4
  • Justification for each of the steps (as a response to the risks)
  • Format your plan in Microsoft Word using headings and paragraphs. 

Society Reflection



Reflection is an integral part of the learning process. It allows us to learn more about ourselves, and the subject matter we are learning and improves academic skills. You will have the opportunity to reflect on the content you learned in this course and apply it to the real world. Remember to view the assignment rubric (see below) before completing the assignment.

Assignment Instructions

Review the module activities and resources.

Write a reflection that includes the following information:  

  1. What did you learn about society, social structure, social institutions, and socialization in this course? 
  2. How can you be a change agent and part of social change?  

Have you been part of any social movements in your lifetime?  

  • What social movement stood out the most to you? 
  • How will you apply this knowledge to your courses and future career?



Impact of Ecommerce and Mobile Commerce

Choose an e-commerce or mobile commerce platform for a business with which you are familiar.

  1. Discuss the impact of e-commerce technology on the business that operates the platform you chose. Consider the following questions:
    1. What strategies has the business used to leverage e-commerce technology to its advantage?
    2. How has the platform affected the business’s revenue, customer base, or market share?
    3. What risks or challenges has the business faced as a result of using e-commerce technology?
  2. Discuss how mobile technology creates commerce opportunities for businesses. Consider the following questions:
    1. What are some examples of businesses that have successfully leveraged mobile technology to create new commerce opportunities?
    2. How does mobile technology enable businesses to reach new customers or offer new products or services?
    3. What are some challenges or risks associated with using mobile technology for commerce?

Discussion of 600 words


Week 5 Discussion

Should the United States join the International Criminal Court? Would U.S. membership help promote international justice or would it expose American officials and service-people to politically motivated harassment? Why is the United States resistant, and does non-membership serve U.S. interests?

If you support American membership, explain why in the U.S. In the ICC thread; if you oppose U.S. membership, explain why in the U.S. Out of the ICC thread. Defend your position with either logical arguments or contemporary or historical facts. Post your essay no later than midnight on March 16.

Respond to the postings of a least two other students, one from each of the two threads, no later than midnight on March 18. What are the strengths and shortcomings of the other students” arguments? How could their arguments be strengthened? 

Solve the problems


I need answers to this two problems! This is for chemistry class.


Tell me what I have done wrong in solving this problem.  There are several mistakes.  Write out a correct solution to the problem.

I want to convert the concentration of a 5.67 % (m/v) solution to its equivalent concentration as %(m/m).  The density of the solution has been measured to be 1.2 g/mL.  My solution is

(5.67 % m/v) x 1.2 g/mL = 6.80 % (m/m).


Solve the following problem showing all of your work and including all units.  You can solve the problem in several steps or as a tandem conversion problem.

How many grams of Br2 are needed to completely convert 15.0 g Al to AlBr3 ?

                                       Al (s) +     Br2 (l) –>      AlBr3     (hint:  the equation is not balanced) 

I need someone to answer the following questions


Q1/ In chapter 1, their introductory chapter, Landy and Milkis discuss a number of fundamental concepts of American politics and government, including a

democratic republic.

Briefly explain what they mean by a democratic republic.

Q2/ In chapter 1 of their textbook, Landy and Milkis explain that they take an

“American political development” approach to the study of American

government. Briefly explain what this means and provide one reason why, in

their view, this approach can best help us to understand American government


Q3/In chapter 1, Landy and Milkis use the Preamble to the Constitution as a basis

for introducing the overarching goals or purposes of government in the United


Identify and briefly explain ONE of these goals or purposes.

Q4/ Identify and briefly explain a SECOND goal or purpose of government in the

United States based on the Preamble to the Constitution.