Week 8-Workout 2


Core Tabata

20 seconds work/10 seconds rest 

Do the whole thing twice!

Round 1- (4 minutes- you will perform each exercise for 20 seconds/10 second rest, twice through)

1) Side plank arcs- from a side plank, take top foot and tap front and back (draw a rainbow with your foot). You can modify by having your knee down on your bottom leg)

2) Half burpee (just to a squat, no jump)

3) Oblique Russian Twists

4) Pulsating Squats with or without weight. 

Round 2

1)  Up/down Planks – Look this up. 

2) Wide mountain climbers- Your feet should be wider and step next to your hand.

3) Row Boats 

4) Deadbugs 

Round 3

1) Bicep Curls with weight.

2) Bicycles

3) Shoulder Press with weight.

4) Chest Press on floor.

***When you have completed the workout, please log your efforts here!  Don’t forget to include the FIIT details! What was your favorite exercise?

levels of management found in a company



What are the three levels of management found in a company? 

What types of decisions are made at each level?

Define transaction processing systems, and describe the role they play in a business.

Define decision support systems, and describe the role they play in a business. 

What is artificial intelligence?

ANALYSIS: What Level Are My Decisions?

For each of the following decisions, determine if it is operational, managerial, or strategic. (1 point each)

5. How many employees are out sick?

6. What are the sales forecasts for next month?

7. What was the impact of last month’s marketing campaign discount on the primary product?

8. How will an increase in the interest rate over the next year affect sales?

9. How will changes in health insurance laws impact the company over the next 5 years? 

10. How many paychecks were incorrect during the last payroll run

ECO204 The Fundamentals of Microeconomics


Pick any ONE business/company of your choice. The company you choose can be a small local restaurant or a large multinational company. Based on your selection, answer the following questions:

In your paper,

– Describe the basics of the business you chose- including the size of the business, types of goods/services the business sells, and possible barriers to entry/exit.

– Distinguish among four market structures: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly in this order.

– Discuss what kind of market structure your company falls under. Why?

– Analyze whether the demand of the goods/services sold by the business are elastic or inelastic. Why?

– Discuss if there are any externalities involved. If so, explain how the externalities can be fixed.

– Discuss any roles that larger companies can play in promoting inclusion, equality and reducing poverty.

The Fundamentals of Microeconomics final paper

Heal3600 Mini research product 1


Please pick a disease of your choice among what you have learned in this course so far, and provide a review, answering the following questions:

What is the name of the disease or condition you selected? 

Why is this condition or disease meaningful to you personally? This question is optional. You don’t need to include it in your work if you are not comfortable answering it. 

Cite some statistics / epidemologic facts of this disease.

What groups of people are particularly susceptible to this disease, why? 

  • How does the disease develop and progress?

What are the risk factors, symptoms and three consequences of this disease or condition?

  • What are  common treatments recommended to care for a person with this disease or condition?

What are two recent (within the last 2 years) research findings or advancements in treatment of this disease or condition?

Discussion Questions – 2


Discussion Questions – Week 2

How do organizations create a culture of honesty, openness, and assistance?

What are different ways in which companies can eliminate opportunities for fraud?

What is the purpose of adopting a code of ethics throughout a company?

Why are good internal controls important?

In what ways can organizations discourage collusive fraud?

Why is it important to inform outside vendors of company policies concerning payments to buyers?

How can organizations monitor their employees?

In what ways can organizations conduct proactive fraud auditing?

How does a response hotline for anonymous tips help to prevent fraud?

What is implied by the phrase “just about everyone can be dishonest”?

What are some nonstandard ways of trying to detect dishonest employees in the employee hiring process?

How does the Pygmalion effect relate to fraud prevention?

Business and IT discussion


Module 09: Discussion

Impact of Ecommerce and Mobile Commerce

Choose an e-commerce or mobile commerce platform for a business with which you are familiar. 

  • Discuss the impact of e-commerce technology on the business that operates the platform you chose. Consider the following questions:
    1. What       strategies has the business used to leverage e-commerce technology to its       advantage?
    2. How has       the platform affected the business’s revenue, customer base, or market       share?
    3. What       risks or challenges has the business faced as a result of using       e-commerce technology?
  1. Discuss      how mobile technology creates commerce opportunities for businesses.      Consider the following questions:
  2. What are       some examples of businesses that have successfully leveraged mobile       technology to create new commerce opportunities?
  3. How does       mobile technology enable businesses to reach new customers or offer new       products or services?
  4. What are       some challenges or risks associated with using mobile technology for       commerce?

Time series analysis


Consider the following time series plot of daily morning gold prices, based on the gold data from the forecast package:



We’d like to add a note about the spike due to incorrect value to the plot. First, we wish to find out on which day the spike appears: 

spike_date <- which.max(gold) 

To add a circle around that point, we add a call to annotate to the plot: 

autoplot(gold) + 

     annotate(geom = “point”, x = spike_date, y = gold[spike_date], 

              size = 5, shape = 21, colour = “red”, fill = “transparent”) 

Using the figure created above and the documentation for annotate, do the following: 

  1. Add the text “Incorrect value” next to the circle.
  2. Create a second plot where the incorrect value has been removed.
  3. Read the documentation for the geom geom_hline. Use it to add a red reference line to the plot, at y=400. 

Research Journal 7: Supporting Claim with Sources



Major League baseball players actions during the “Steroid Age”  were not only based on the desire to cheat, but they were based external pressures within the league that failed the players. The players essentially caved in to the pressure of competition and the fame that came with winning and making money. Since the league did not have strong policies on drug use or even drug testing, the penalties weren’t enough to maintain ethical practices. 


For this research journal, you will write a portion of your research-based argument. You will write one reason or subclaim of your larger argument. You will write at least one substantial paragraph In your journal entry, include the following:

Write your thesis statement at the beginning of your entry. This should be a clear and concise argumentative position on your topic.

Project intro


Topic of interest: Among patients aged above 65 years undergoing orthopaedic surgery (P), does the intervention of early mobilization protocols compared to no early mobilization (C) shorten the length of the hospital stay and other adverse effects in a three-month time frame (T)?

POPULATION FOR THIS PROJECTS IS THE FRONTLINE STAFF (NURSING, PT/OT & SUPPORT STAFF). What barriers leads to no ambulation and how can it beaddressed.


  • Do you think nursing doctoral education should be research focused, practice focused, or both? Explain your answer with at least two references.
  • Describe your population or problem of interest and the challenges, issues, or concerns you might have about investigating this topic.
  • 3. What objectives have you set, and how do you plan to meet these objectives?
  • How is the practicum topic impacted by evidence-based practice?

JOURNAL- Chapter 6.1-6.2


Read the assigned reading from the chapter. Then choose ONE of the questions below to answer.

Be sure to explain your answers and give reasons for your views. You should cite the textbook and use brief quotations and summaries from the textbook in your response. Do NOT use any other sources besides the textbook

According to Plato, are the ideas of Beauty and Courage objectively real, or are they notions that we invent in our minds whenever we want to? Do you think these ideas are objectively real? Provide an argument to back up your answer.

Is there any way that you can tell whether you are awake or dreaming? Is Descartes right that he cannot tell the difference? Try to identify and explain at least two ways that dreaming experiences and waking experiences are different.