Economic Ordering Quantity



The annual requirements for a particular raw material are 2,000 units costing Re. 1 each to the manufacturer. The ordering cost is Rs. 10 per order and the carrying cost 16% per annum of the average inventory value.

1. Based on the above

Find and explain the economic order quantity and the total inventory cost per annum.

The costs of placing an order are Rs. 150 per order. It is estimated that 1000 units will be used in the next 12 months. The carrying cost per month is Rs. 2.50. Assuming that the demand is deterministic and continuous and that no stock-outs are allowed, determine the optimal order quantity.

2. Based on the above, explain the following

What is the time between the placing of orders?

The procurement lead time is one month.

What is the re-order point based on the on-hand inventory level?

Case discussion operations management


Company Name: Erewhon Company URL: This is the company to use for the below prompt. I have also attached the slides from class for reference to use

STEP 1: Discussion #4 – Posting (Due by 10 PM on the day stated in the course SCHEDULE). Answer the following questions:

  • List company name and URL

List one production process and provide the following QUESTION – QUESTIONs: (a) steps involved in the process, (b) which of the five process strategies characterize the process and why?

List one service process and provide the following QUESTION – QUESTIONs: (a) steps involved in the process, (b) which of the Service Process Strategies characterize the process and why?

 In case of pure service business, list/describe two service processes & In case of pure manufacturing company, list/describe two production processes]

Arson Investigation Methods


You are the training and logistics officer for the Prometheus City Arson Squad. Your position requires you to demonstrate in writing the training and equipment needed for an arson unit to successfully operate in the field while conducting arson scene investigations. Your job is extremely important because the equipment and training sessions you are responsible for will save the lives of the unit and the public.

You will explain the resources and training necessary to accomplish the mission of arson investigation in Prometheus City. You will identify tools and equipment for strategic needs, as well as safety equipment. You will also discuss training that would support the arson crime investigative effort. Make an extra effort to identify the dangers in an arson scene, as opposed to other types of crime scenes.

Review unit materials for this assignment.

Stay Motivated, Organized, and On Track


Now that you have read Dr. Padrón’s personal story, list at least 5-7 things you have learned about Dr. Padrón and that you found motivational.  Add your own comments/reflection about his success story: Write a few sentences. How can Dr. Padrón’s story be motivational for you? 

  • Discuss 3 Motivational and 3 Time Management success strategies that you will incorporate after you have read this week’s chapter and watched the videos. How do you plan on implementing the strategies in school and beyond? 
  • Describe how you will apply the SMART strategy to set your short-term academic goals (for this semester). Provide specific examples.   
  • Use the example below to begin writing your motivational academic long-term goal and describe how you will apply the SMART strategy to achieve your long-term academic goals (graduating from Miami Dade, entering the workforce, etc.).   

Marketing Problems and Research Questions


Instructions: Imagine yourself as an employee in a marketing research company involved in a consultation project. Select a company, product, or brand (Cannot be Nike) as your client for this assignment. Your responsibilities include:

Conducting preliminary research on your client and identifying three significant marketing problems.

Note: For each problem, provide detailed Questions and justifications explaining why it poses a challenge to be resolved.

Next, based on the identified marketing problems, formulate five research questions to guide your consultation project and assist your client in overcoming these challenges.

  1. Ensure to include a “References” section that lists all the sources cited in your paper.

Deliverable: 2-page paper, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, utilizing Times New Roman font.

  • AI Tool Usage Policy

Strict Prohibition: The use of AI tools, including but not limited to ChatGPT, is unequivocally prohibited for all assessment activities outlined in this course.

DB Q MKT610 9


For this discussion, assume you are the marketing manager for a chain of 8 clothing boutiques that targets 18-30 year old females with current fashion trends. 


What is Direct Marketing?

Direct Marketing Tips (Mail)

Watch each of the videos taking notes as you watch. Identify points made in the videos about direct response marketing. 

  • Discuss how the information in each video would apply to direct response marketing for the clothing boutique specifically:

Discuss the direct marketing methods presented in the textbook and prioritize the list of methods for the clothing boutique from highest priority to lowest with justification for your ranking.

  • Find and share an existing direct mail piece that works for females in the 18-30 age group. Based on what you learned, which tips are followed in this ad? Did they use urgency or scarcity? Why?

Cystic Fibrosis Concept MAP


Create a concept map for one of the topics from the list below: 

–> Cystic Fibrosis <–

The content of the concept map must include:



  • etiology

risk factors (genetic predisposition and environment factors if applicable)

causative factors

common signs and symptoms for the disease

  • labs & diagnostic tests
  • nursing interventions
  • medical treatment
  • complications of the disease
  • patient & family education
  • What is a concept map? 
  • A concept map is a visual representation of an overarching topic and the relationships between individual ideas, images, or words that lend themselves to the larger picture. Using designated shapes, as well as labeled lines and arrows, concept maps can depict cause and effect, requirements, and contributions between items. Concept maps are ideal for developing logical thinking, dissecting complex systems, and contextualizing specific ideas within larger topics. Source: Lucidspark. (n.d.). What is a Concept Map? to an external site.

Applied Economic Theories in Health Care


part 1

Respond to the following:

If mergers and market consolidation in health care do not increase access or lower prices for consumers, why have they been so prevalent in the last 20 years in the United States?  

Are there economic theories or concepts that help to explain the regional variation in health care utilization and cost, as outlined by the Dartmouth Atlas of Healthcare report? 

  • part 2
  • Economic Data Analysis

The decade since the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act went into effect in 2010 has seen fundamental shifts in the cost and practices in health care and insurance. Studying the data from this period of transformation in the United States can help us to understand the movement of health care costs in the years to come. 

Review the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care 2018 Data Update.…



Introduction to Biology
Themes in the Study of Life
Define Evolution:
Define Biology:
Properties of Life
List and describe the properties of life:
Biological Hierarchy
List the order of the biological hierarchy from most inclusive to least inclusive:

Organisms Interact with their Environment
Describe how energy and chemicals cycles through the environment, including the role of
producers and consumers:
How is structure related to function? Name two examples:
What is the difference between a system and a model?
Scientific Method
List the steps to the scientific Method starting with an observation:
A hypothesis must be_______________ and _______________ to start an experiment.
What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative data?

What is the difference between a theory and a hypothesis?
What is the difference between a theory and a fact?
Using the moth on the tree example from your lecture, come up with a question, hypothesis and
experimental design:
What are the controls?
What are the variables?

Business OMP 430


Week 2: This week we will discuss Chapter 3 & 4. In Chapter 3, we will examine how each of the issues relating to business ethics and the key players involved. We will then examine how the practice of business ethics affects an organization daily.In Chapter 4, we will explore the topic of corporate social responsibility (CSR) where we change from the internal perspective of the organization to an external one and look at how an organization should interact with its stake holders in an ethical manner.

Please answer the following questions for the discussion.

How would you describe the culture of your company ? What values beliefs and norms do the employees share? If you do not have an occupation, use your home or church as the organizations.

List the five key functional areas within an organization.