50 Week 4 assign


Complete the Sociologic Sciences Interactive Case Study following the readings and presentation for this week. Associate what you have learned about the theories to this case study, and then see the instructions below to complete a journal entry about your experience. This week you will complete interactive case studies and be asked to associate what you have learned about theory in comparison to the case study and reflect on it.

Each time you have completed a case study, submit your reflection. Each reflection should include the following:

A comparison of what you have learned from the case study to related theories you have studied. Make sure to cite these theories in APA format.

A comparison of the case study to your nursing practice, giving one or two examples from your nursing experience in which you might have applied a particular theory covered.

hum2023 religion and happiness


  1. In this module, you have learned about different religions and philosophical views of happiness. It can be difficult to talk about religion in today’s culture. However, most religions have more commonalities than differences. This assignment provides the opportunity to learn about a religion with which you are not familiar, as well as the role it plays in being happy.
    Choose from the list below a religion that is NOT your own: 

    • An Ancient Egyptian belief
    • Hinduism
    • Greek or Roman Polytheism
    • A Native American religion
    • Buddhism
    • Taoism
    • Judaism
    • Christianity
    • Islam
    • Write an essay answering the following:
    • Describe three features or tenets of the chosen religion.
    • Mention any written works and prophets.
    • Share how this religion compares to your religion (or beliefs if you do not have a chosen religion).
    • What role does religion play in being happy? Provide detail and examples.

Support your position by providing three pieces of evidence from the readings and lesson content.

ECH/321:Developmentally-Effective Learning Environments


Presentation Content

Individually, go online and research 3 technology-based classroom management and student-engagement resources that are appropriate for early learners (birth–age 8).
Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation about the 3 technology resources, using any presentation tool of your choice, and include the following in your presentation:

Each resource’s title and website

Appropriate grade level(s) that correspond to each resource

  1. Benefits of each resource

Data from each resource that can help the teacher assess and enhance teaching and learning

Explanation of how the use of each resource may affect student engagement, responsibility, and accountability

Explanation of how each resource might be used to implement a system of positive recognition in your classroom

Explanation of how each resource might be used to communicate student conduct and discipline with families/caregivers and colleagues

Explanation of how educators can advocate, model, and teach the responsible and ethical use of technology to their students

workforce planning and employment


Biblical Integration Essay Assignment Instructions


In the Biblical Integration Essay Assignment, the student will integrate the Bible with multiple course topics.


The essay will be a minimum of 2 pages of original analysis and discussion, excluding the title page and reference page. Specific Scriptures must be cited and discussed, as well as the course textbook. A title page and reference list are required. Approved sources include the Bible and the textbook. 

A main topic per week is age discrimination (week 1), planning and rewards (week 2), recruitment (week 3), metrics (week 4), internal selection (week 5), and decision making in week 6. But you may use the topics that are incorporated with the main topic. Please do not copy and paste but display your ability to discuss the term or concept in your own word’s aka paraphrase. 

Need quick response for my question


Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing mathematics question and need guidance to help me learn.

Pump P can fill an empty water tank in 7½ hours while pump Q can fill the same tank in 11¼ hours. On a certain day, when the tank was empty, both pumps were opened for 2½ hours.

a. Determine the fraction of the tank that was still empty at the end of the 2½ hours.(4 marks)

b. Pump P was later opened alone to completely fill the tank. Determine the time it took pump P to fill the remaining fraction of the tank.(2 marks)

c. The two pumps P and Q are operated by different proprietors. Water from the full tank was sold for Ksh 15 750. The money was shared between the two proprietors in the ratio of the quantity of water supplied by each.

Nursing theorist video


Complete a nursing theorist video analysis/reflection of one of the nursing theorist videos provided in the course. We highly recommend that you watch as many of these videos as you can throughout the course. This is a great opportunity for you to see and hear directly from the actual theorists that you are reading about in the text.

After watching one of the theorist videos, reflect on what you have learned.

Compose a paper that addresses the following:

Explain why you chose to watch this particular theorist’s video.

Describe the parts of your personal philosophy where you agree or disagree with this theorist.

Is there anything that surprised you in the video? If so, what surprised you?

Would you recommend this video to another student? If so, why would you recommend it?

What value did you receive from watching it?

Impact of Pandemic on healthcare in the U.S.



The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented disruptions to healthcare systems worldwide, presenting numerous challenges while also accelerating innovations and adaptations in healthcare delivery. This assignment aims to explore the multifaceted impact of the pandemic on healthcare, examining its effects on healthcare professionals. This written assignment is based on the impact of the pandemic on healthcare workers in the United States.

For this assignment, you will answer the following prompt(s):

Examine the psychological toll of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers. Consider issues resulting from high workloads, exposure to infectious risks, violence and aggression, and witnessing patient suffering. Some issues include burnout, moral distress, post-traumatic stress, physical or psychological injury from workplace violence, attrition from the profession, etc.

Offer two strategies for improving wellness, reducing burnout and attrition, and limiting the negative consequences associated with workplace stress (examples above) for healthcare workers.

Read and write


After reading “In Just?” and “Christmas, 1970,” please answer the following questions:

Regarding “In Just?

1. Almost all of the words in this poem are in lower-case. What is the effect of the arrangement of words on the page? What effect does this have when you look at the poem? How does the visual representation relate to the content of the poem?

2. Is the balloonman a “good guy,” or is he sinister? How can you tell?

3. Does the poem actually end? If so, where?

Regarding “Christmas, 1970,”

1. What is the role of race/nationality in the poem? 

2. How is the tree described?  Why do you think it is described in this way? 

3. This poem includes a number of details about time. How do place and time intersect in this poem? Why are they important?

“In Just?“: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/47247/in-just

“Christmas, 1970,”: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/53741/christmas-1970

Health Promotion Field Experience (Mental Health)


write a paper on the experience, using the course outcomes as guidelines

OUTCOMES to be addressed in paper: 

Identify immediate safety threats for client with psychosocial issues. 

Demonstrate essential elements of therapeutic communication. 

  1. Examine current trends and research in applying evidence-based decision-making to improve patient outcomes
  2. Reinforce patient education to promote wellness within the community.
  3. Develop a professional identity through behaviors that demonstrate integrity, respect, responsibility, legal and ethical concepts, teamwork, and commitment to learning related to the delivery of psychosocial nursing care. 
  4. Provided scholarly information with supporting details included in the paper.  Included a copy of the article.
  5. Also I’m attaching the rubric so it is easy to follow the direction.
  6. Also you can include the tools or support that helps in their recovery process. For example support group, exercise, journaling, family support, support handbook etc.. You can use any example found in the recording.

Gender Analysis Discussion Post


For this assignment, choose a media text (advertisement, clip, website, news story, YouTube video, etc.) and write a post of at least 450 words analyzing it using the themes and keywords from this module–that is, you should address how the text is challenging, contesting, upholding, and/or reproducing ideologies pertaining to gender, race, and/or sexuality, etc. For example, you might examine a news story about women in sports (e.g., the recent Naomi Osaka story) or analyze a particular ad campaign featuring popular feminism. This is a purposefully open-ended assignment in terms of topics. I want you to carefully think about how a feminist media studies scholar might approach your chosen text. What research questions might they ask of the text? What would stand out? Using this approach, be sure to closely read the elements of your chosen text.