

9.2 Action Required:

Required Readings:

  • Chapter 12: Restructuring Organizations.

Chapter 13: Employee Involvement.

TEXTBOOK: Cummings, T., & Worley, C. (2015). Organization development and change. (10th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. ISBN#: 13 9781133190455 (print), ISBN#: 13 9781285800967 (e-text).

Recommended Readings:

  • Marwa, Moses & Namusonge, Mary & Kilika, James. (2019). Influence Of Technostructural Interventions On Organizational Performance: A Case Study Of Commercial Banks In Kenya. International Journal of Scientific Research and Management. 7. 10.18535/ijsrm/v7i6.em03.

Amah, Edwinah & Ahiauzu, Augustine. (2013). Employee involvement and organizational effectiveness. The Journal of Management Development. 32. 10.1108/JMD-09-2010-0064.


Organizational Restructuring

9.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

  • Discuss the downsizing process in your own words and provide an example.

Discuss the reengineering process in your own words and provide an example.

Briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of the common organizational structures.

Discuss the importance of employee involvement in the decision-making process and its impact on the organization performance.

Risk management


After receiving your briefing of the threat analysis, the Executive Board has an increased interest in your security program. The CEO has asked for an overview of your plan for implementing the fixes to the problems. You advise that risk management is a continuous process but offer a briefing on the framework and some of the immediate “fixes” that will be implemented in the initial projects.

Based on your research for Unit 3:

Explain the overall RMF process to the board and how it will improve security overtime.

Select the categorization of the corporate network using the Low-Moderate-High impact levels for confidentiality, integrity, and availability and brief that decision to the board.

Give some examples of planned fixes to improve security for those areas.

Explain how this effort will require financial and organizational support.

Explain how the impact levels selected for categorization will aid in resource allocation.

Portfolio Management HW


Q1. In any organization, projects could be both internal and external. Internal projects are executed  to enhance capability and/or capacity of an organization and are sourced from within the  organization. Whereas external projects are executed for clients external to the organization. Give  examples of both internal and external projects for an organization. Also explain with justifications  and examples if Project Portfolio Management (PPM) would be applicable for only the selection  of external projects or for selecting both types of projects? 

Q2. A project charter is ideally developed for each project. What is a project charter and what  possible assistance can a project charter provide in PPM and how? 

Q3. What are the differences in the focus of “Project Management (PM)” and “PPM” over the  PPM lifecycle? What performance measures can be used to evaluate a project from the perspective  of PM and PPM? 



Assignment 2: Annotated Bibliography

1. Search the existing academic literature related to the topic you chose last week (following guidelines described in Module 2).

2. Identify 10-15 peer-reviewed academic articles you believe are particularly relevant to your topic. 

3. Skim these articles by looking at the year they were published, reading the abstracts, and looking for the central findings and theoretical contributions of each.

4. Identify 3 of these articles which are the most relevant for you and your topic. All 3 articles must meet the following criteria:

  1. All three must be published in a Sociological academic peer-reviewed journal OR be a Sociological book or book chapter published by an academic press.
  2. Two of the three articles must have been published since the year 2000, and at least one must have been published since 2015.
  3. At least  two of the three must report findings from original empirical research. 



This assignment is two answer two questions.  The first should be at least one page and may include resources outside of the textbook.  The second should be at least one page and include outside resources with the textbook.  Please use APA style including all resources (textbook cited as well) for the assignment.

Question 1:  Define the Sports Marketing Mix and the 5 Ps that make it up.  Is one of the 5 more important than the other 4?

Question 2:  What do you feel is the most important functional area of management given in Chapter 2 and why?  What do you feel is the most important key skill of management provided in Chapter 2 and why? 

Text:Principles and Practice of Sport Management: Sixth Edition.Masteralexis, Barr, and Hums (4th or 5th Editions may be available used and will work as well).

I have disscation



Reply to this post with a written entry will no less than 100 words and up to 250 words. Each entry must contain some reference to either the course book (page) or an external reference (URL for example).  You also must reply to another post (at least a response with at least two sentences). Please click on the icon with the three vertical dots on the upper right of the Canvas page to see the rubric for this assignment. 

Discussion question

You are the VP of Finance at your company.  Your firm is planning to build its new manufacturing plant out in the mid-west of the United States.  There are three locations it’s considering.  Each location has its unique opportunities, challenges, predicted revenue streams and of course costs due a myriad of factors such skilled labor, materials, services, etc. 



Your reading this week has opened your eyes as it relates to program management. You realize now that your organization does not clearly understand the difference between program management, project management, and portfolio management.

To help educate your organization, create a memo that explains the differences between program management, project management, and portfolio management.

  • Use the Purdue OWL Memo FormatLinks to an external site..
  • Your memo should be at least one full page but no more than 2 pages.
  • Your memo should be created specifically for the organization you work for (If you aren’t employed, you can use DeVry University or use an organization you worked for in the past or an organization you want to work for in the future).

In addition to our reading, find 3 other scholarly sources to help you build your memo’s argument.



This project allows you to use your creative skills and also to get you set up for a format to “fill in the blanks” for your final project in which is delivering a marketing strategy for Audio Partners. The G-StIC model will be used to develop a marketing strategy. This includes:

G – developing a set of goals,

S – developing a strategy to meet the goals,

T- determine tactics to accomplish the strategy and then

I – implementing the plan and

C – developing the measurements and controls for the strategy. to an external site.

Submission Requirements:

Cover Page (develop a creative design for the page that intrigues the reader, this can include developing a logo and finding the right font for your company.

Table of Contents

Goals for Audio Partners 



Strategy (2-3 pages)

Target Market

Value Proposition

Tactics (5-6 pages)




  • Price
  • Communications
  • Distribution

Implementation (2-3 pages)

  • Organization
  • Processes
  • Schedule

Control (2-3 pages)

  • Evaluate
  • Monitor

Workforce Planning


Because of the stress on call center representatives, the call center also wants to reduce the number of weekly calls per representative from 250/week to 200/week by the end of the 12-month period.

How many call center representatives, supervisors, and managers will be needed at the end of the next 12 months, assuming the same ratio of supervisors-to-representatives and managers-to-supervisors? Round to the nearest whole number.

Assuming a turnover rate of 20% per year for call center representatives and 10% for supervisors based on current roll levels, how many representatives, supervisors, and managers will have to be hired over the next 12 months to meet the projected call center demand? Round to the nearest whole number.

  1. What staffing challenges do you see in meeting the call center’s staffing requirements for the coming year? What can be done to meet the projected staffing requirements?

Women’s Health


Discussion Prompt

Select one of the following discussion questions:

A 21-year-old female patient presents to the office for an annual exam. She has had normal, regular menstrual cycles since she was 14 but she has not had a menstrual cycle in over 6 months. A pregnancy test is negative. The FNP wants to order blood work to determine the cause of her secondary amenorrhea. When the patient hears that if all is normal the treatment will be giving progestins to initiate a menstrual cycle, she tells the FNP that she cannot do that because she does not believe in birth control pills. The FNP tries to advise the patient that it is not birth control pills, but a hormone to assist in regulating her periods and the patient leaves the office crying. What does the FNP do now to help this patient?