PBHE540 AMU Emergency Management Health and Medical Issues


In terms of selecting strategic partners and interagency collaborators, the most important question is, “What are the response linkages that will allow the emergency preparedness network to respond to a disaster or emergency?”

Emergency preparedness requires many organizations. Each student should formulate a brief sustainability plan for maintaining the appropriate community linkages for a high level of public health preparedness.  List the community partners that you identified as key and/or strategic in your plan. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of them and their role in your overall strategic sustainability plan for emergency disasters.

MPH Students: Please consider which organizations are critical for partnerships if you are working in a public health agency, such as a local health department or CDC.

EDM Students: Please consider which organizations are critical for partnerships if you are working in law enforcement, fire rescue, or city/county emergency operations. 

Week 2 Case Study – Data Visualization and Descriptive Statistics (Case Study #2)


This assignment will assess your ability to apply the concepts of chapters 1-3 to conduct an analysis of data on 4 variables collected from the 50 United States (Week 2 Case Study #2 attached). You will calculate various descriptive statistics, create summary tables and create various charts to summarize the data for a company. Finally, you will create a written report for company leadership summarizing your findings. You will need to enable the Data Analysis ToolPak Add-in on your Data Ribbon in Excel to perform the necessary analyses. Refer to the video on how to enable the Data Analysis Add-in. Note: If you use a Mac, the Data Analysis ToolPak is only available in Excel 2016 or higher.

Please refer to the videos on how to create box plots, create histograms, create scatterplots, run descriptive statistics and run a correlation matrix in Excel.

Synthesis matrix


Please read and study how to write synthesis matrix for your literature review by using/reviewing the following documents:

Literature_Review_and_Synthesis.pdfDownload Literature_Review_and_Synthesis.pdf

Synthesis_Matrix_Sample_themes01.pdfDownload Synthesis_Matrix_Sample_themes01.pdf

Synthesis_Matrix_Sample_themes02.pdfDownload Synthesis_Matrix_Sample_themes02.pdf

Here is another example “Synthesis Matrix: Research on Study Abroad Outcomes Download Synthesis Matrix: Research on Study Abroad Outcomes.”

Then, please write your own synthesis matrix based on the literature you have found and read.

Summary and Descriptive Statistics – Applied Statistics for Health Care Professionals


There is often a requirement to evaluate descriptive statistics for data within an organization or for health care information. Every year, the National Cancer Institute collects and publishes data based on patient demographics. Understanding differences between the groups based upon the collected data often informs health care professionals about research, treatment options, or patient education.

Using the data on the “National Cancer Institute Data” Excel spreadsheet, calculate the descriptive statistics indicated below for each of the race/ethnicity groups. Refer to your textbook and the topic Resources, as needed, for assistance with creating Excel formulas.

Provide the following descriptive statistics:

Measures of central tendency: mean, median, and mode.

Measures of variation: variance, standard deviation, and range (a formula is not needed for range).

  1. Once the data are calculated, provide a 150-250-word analysis of the descriptive statistics on the spreadsheet. This should include differences and health outcomes between groups.

PLSC-200-OLH-National, State & Local Govt-


Discussion on Immigration

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After listening to the podcasts for this week:

Post one (1) answer to the following question:

Do you support or oppose efforts to increase restrictions on immigration to the US?

Provide at least 2 examples or pieces of evidence from the assigned podcasts to support your thesis.

Make sure not to plagiarize!!! Please review the Academic Honesty section of the syllabus.

Follow the grading rubric below.

Definitions & Examples: Correctly identifies examples from the podcasts of the main arguments against immigration regarding all 3 of the following: jobs/wages, crime, and cost to taxpayers.

Response to Instructor’s Post : 1. Argues in favor (or against) greater restrictions on immigration. 2. Presents at least 2 pieces of evidence from the podcasts in support of your argument.

MGT404M Discussion


9.2 Action Required:

Required Readings:

Chapter 12: Restructuring Organizations.

  • Chapter 13: Employee Involvement. 

TEXTBOOK: Cummings, T., & Worley, C. (2015). Organization development and change. (10th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. ISBN#: 13 9781133190455 (print), ISBN#: 13 9781285800967 (e-text).

Recommended Readings:

Marwa,  Moses & Namusonge, Mary & Kilika, James. (2019). Influence Of  Technostructural Interventions On Organizational Performance: A Case  Study Of Commercial Banks In Kenya. International Journal of Scientific Research and Management. 7. 10.18535/ijsrm/v7i6.em03.


Amah, Edwinah & Ahiauzu, Augustine. (2013). Employee involvement and organizational effectiveness. The Journal of Management Development. 32. 10.1108/JMD-09-2010-0064.


Organizational Restructuring

9.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

Discuss the downsizing process in your own words and provide an example.

Discuss the reengineering process in your own words and provide an example.

Briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of the common organizational structures. 

Discuss the importance of employee involvement in the decision-making process and its impact on the organization performance.

McDonald fries 17


Introduction: A bibliography is a list of sources, and annotations are relatively short (one page, in our case) QUESTIONs and analyses of those sources. The annotated bibliography is an interesting genre, because it can be a process document (one that helps you complete a specific larger project, as it is meant to in our case) and an end in itself (it is possible to publish annotated bibliographies as books for researchers interested in academic conversations on particular topics). As a process document, the annotated bibliography offers us the opportunity to gather information about our sources (standard stuff like author, title, medium, etc.) and become familiar with (through summary, analysis, quote, paraphrase, etc.) how we might use them in our own writing. It also gives us a format to organize our research information, so that it is more easily accessible as we write.

WWC Theodore Roosevelts Profile Question


Write a 2-page profile (typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12- point font) on Theodore Roosevelt . Explain what you find admirable about this person and why. You may choose a person based on values, behaviors or skills they possessed. For instance, you may profile a person based on honesty, hard work, courage etc. Provide specific examples about the person you profile. Are the same positive qualities still important today? The paper should not be a biography of the person but instead should focus on their values. Mention some negative aspects of the person too. You will be graded on the persuasiveness of your profile and not on the identity of the individual chosen. Be sure to check for grammatical mistakes and cite sources. In addition to a Bibliography at the end, it is also important to cite sources throughout the paper!

Sexually Transmitted Infections


Select a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and do research on it. Write a 3-5 page paper about the condition/issue. In the paper discuss the concepts below:

What is the pathophysiology of one STI

What is the etiology of the selected STI

  • What are the clinical manifestations of the selected STI
  • What is the treatment for the selected STI
  • Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, textbooks, reference texts, and CINAHL nursing guides. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format.
  • I do not accept information obtained from web sites, as these sites have not been vetted or peer reviewed.

You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide: https://guides.rasmussen.edu/nursing/referenceebooks

Visit this link for an example of how to cite a video: https://guides.rasmussen.edu/apa/av#s-lib-ctab-4539348-3

PSY 211- Discussion Post


In this module, you will explore the concept of attachment style as it occurs in early life-span development.

For your initial post, review Infants and Toddlers in Foster Care and answer the following questions. Consider aspects of your own experience and knowledge in formulating your response.

What aspects of research in attachment are important to consider in foster care placements or systems?

What are some of the everyday situations in early life-span development that influence attachment style?

In what way is attachment a bidirectional process?

  • How do the lives of children with disorganized attachment look different from children with healthier attachments?
  • How does attachment style early in life influence our attachments later on in adulthood?
  • How does the concept of attachment style apply to any of the following programmatic themes? You may want to review the Programmatic Themes PDF document. 
  • Self-care
  • Social justice
  • Emotional intelligence

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