Logical fallacies


Initial Post
After viewing the Critical Thinking Fundamentals PowerPoint.pptxOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader Download Critical Thinking Fundamentals PowerPoint.pptxOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader do some internet research and locate an advertisement that uses one of the two logical fallacies explained in the PowerPoint. You can use a print advertisement or a television, radio, or internet commercial.

In your initial post, share your link to the commercial you chose. Then address the following:

Why did you choose this advertisement? (USLO 4.2)

What logical fallacy was used in the commercial? (USLO 4.2)

How did they use and show this fallacy? (USLO 4.2)

How effective was the fallacy for the commercial? (USLO 4.2)

As a writer, how can you use critical thinking to ensure that your points are clear and logical? (USLO 4.1)

Intercultural communication – Culture shock


“Culture shock moment – describe one culture shock moment you have experienced. Describe the situation of the stakeholders involved and analyze why it was a shock for you, but apparently normal for the other person/s involved.
Connect your experiences to the applicable stages of the U or W Curve.

Question of the incident(s):
– Describe the situation/context when and where it happened in detail, and describe the non-verbal or verbal communication involved – maybe write down the dialogue itself.

– Conclude why it happened, and analyze your own beliefs, norms, and behaviors prevalent which led to the miscommunication or the culture shock experience – refer to lessons from class for example to non-verbal behaviors, language barriers, stereotypes, and other concepts discussed. They must fit to explain your incident. = up to 40 points
– You may explain your feelings and if you solved the situation how it worked

Hb 3 parts


PART 1- 

Complete the Health Assessment and submit it as a .doc, .docx, .pdf or .pages document.


Health Assessment.docx

PART 2– 

Watch this short video on the top 10 countries with the highest life expectancy.

Then, post your thoughts (hit the reply button below) on why you think these countries have such a high life expectancy rate. And, reply to at least one of your classmates original post (hit the reply button below their original post).


Watch this video.

Then, post your thoughts (hit the reply button below) on Sport Nutrition and whether or not it applies to the topic in the video. Be very specific and compare to one of the specific topics covered in the video. After your post, reply to at least one of your classmates original post (hit the reply button below their original post). Do not reply to a reply.


HW1 – Business Data Management


I choose a business scenario (one page). I want you to  start the database modeling process by following these steps:

Discover all business rules for your organization.

Use the business rules to identify all entities, attributes, relationships, and constraints for the selected business.

  • Draw the ER diagram at the conceptual level.


  • Instructions:  ·      

Read the selected scenario carefully, use other resources to understand the business problem and then prepare a report that contains the following: 

  • 1.     A list of all necessary business rules. The list should include at least one sound constraint. 

2.     Entity relationship Diagram complete with all entities, suitable attributes including keys, and proper relationships. 


You can make reasonable and realistic assumptions when needed. 

Use Microsoft Visio or any other tool to draw the ERD model.

Ensure originality! Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Assignment will be rejected for any Plagiarized paragraph and will be assigned zero mark.

Community Teaching Project


Assessment QUESTION

Teaching Experience Reflection

For this assignment, students will reflect on and evaluate their teaching presentation to determine how to improve for next time.

The Community Teaching Project has indirect care experience requirements. The “Indirect Care Experience Hours” form, found in the Topic 1 Resources, will be used to document the indirect care experience hours completed in the Community Teaching Project and Presentation. As progress is made on the Community Teaching Project, update this form indicating the date(s) each section is completed. This form will be submitted in Topic 5.

In 250-500-words, describe the teaching experience and discuss the following:

Discuss one strength of the presentation.

Describe one area of opportunity for improvement. What was learned from this experience that will help in the future?

  • Describe the evaluation tool used by the audience to provide feedback on the teaching presentation.
  • Discuss the comments the audience and stakeholders provided on the presentation.

Oral Pathology Lesion Presentation PowerPoint


Topic: Cementoblastoma. 

Presentation has to be 8-10 minutes in length, there must be 20-30 slides. Information contained in presentation must be appropriate to topic and contain appropriate graphics which are clear and easy to see from the back of a classroom.  Readable font size that can be read from the back of a classroom. Relevant to research topic material pertains to assigned lesion and DENTAL HYGIENE.  Student does not go off on tangent discussing personal opinions. Must emphasize key points effectively. Summary of topic at the end of presentation is required. List of references in APA format as the final slide. 


Marketing management 201 Saudi electronic university Read the Chapter Case Study “McDonald’s


Part-A:Case Study(Max Marks-7)

Read the Chapter Case Study “McDonald’s—Colonel Sanders would be Proud, KFC is a Global Brand” from Chapter No- 8 entitled “Global Marketing” given in your textbook/E-book “Marketing” (8th ed.) by Dhruv. Grewal and Michael Levy (2022) and answer the following Questions:

While expanding globally, which sociocultural factors you think have affected KFC? 

On what basis you may differentiate the growth strategies taken by KFC in the United States and China?

Based on you understanding of the BRIC nations, should KFC consider expanding more aggressively into (a) India, (b) Brazil, and (c) Russia?  What national features of these countries would provide reasons to support or contradict such an expansion strategy?

Part-B:Critical Thinking                   (Max Marks-3)

Think about the various soft drinks that you know from your local market (like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, 7-Up, etc.). Critically examine how do these various brands position themselves in the Saudi Arabian market? (CH-9)

Exercise II


Depreciation methods

Answer the following questions and solve the problem:

1. How to calculate straight line depreciation step by step?

2. How to calculate unite of production depreciation step by step?

3. How to calculate the declining-balance method also known as the double-declining-balance method step by step?

On January 2, 2015 Gillette Co. purchases and installs a new machine
costing $300,000 with a five-year life and an estimated $50,000 salvage
value. Management estimates the machine will produce 190,000 units of
product during its life. Actual production of units is as follows: year
2015 – 34,000 units; year 2016 – 46,000 units; year 2017 – 56,000 units; year 2018 – 28,000 units; year 2019 – 26,000 units, etc.

Compute depreciation expense, accumulate depreciation, and book value
for the first four years using the following depreciation methods:

(1) the straight-line method,

(2) the units-of-production method, and

(3) the declining-balance method also known as the double-declining-balance method.

cys402 secure software development project


I uploaded the project QUESTION and a sample

  • Students can select projects from Github, based on shared products / applications
  • Students will be walked through the accomplishment of their projects by means of:
    • shared files that describe the different project phases (files will be shared by the instructor incrementally)

Software security is of concern not just during development but throughout the lifetime of a program. In the course’s project you will take the role of a software engineering and experience the different stages (or cycles) of secure software engineering. The software you will work on will be provided by each team.

For details about the different tasks students need to go through, please refer to folder project_proposal

  • First Deliverable: Phase I: Project QUESTION (see full QUESTION of the deliverable in file `first_deliverable.pdf’ under project_proposal folder)

Share the GitHub link associated with the selected product / project

security frameworks


Write a paper describing the following security frameworks:  

– NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF) 

– NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)



– Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (C2M2)



– CIS Top 18 Security Controls

– ISO IEC 27001/27002

– Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

– HITRUST Common Security Framework (HITRUST CSF)

– SSAE18 SOC 2

Start each Framework Question on a new page.

For each Framework, include at least one representation graphic

Include references and a conclusion at the end of your paper.

In the conclusion, answer the following questions, each under its own heading:

Describe how one framework might be better suited for your workplace (or a select ANY organization if you are not currently employed?

Would implementing any of the frameworks have prevented or reduced the impact of a recent cyber attack in the news? (Refer to a specific incident).

  1. Take care to explain and justify your answers. 
  2. Administrative requirements: