Fitness Program


Read the article Physical Activity Recommendations for Public Health: Development and Policy Context

Design an effective personalized fitness program for both men and women. Be creative! Use graphics and links where necessary, as well as cite all sources used. Create a PowerPoint presentation to showcase your fitness program.

Answer these questions in a Word document:

For what type of person is this exercise program designed? Can everyone do it, or just a particular type of person?

Can the exercise program be done alone, or does it require more than one person?

Is any special equipment needed for this exercise program?

  1. What type of limitations might prevent a person from participating in the exercise program?
  2. What are some ways that access to participation in this exercise program could be improved?
  3. What are the benefits of participating in this exercise program (be detailed and specific..this is where you can discuss any policy implications to fitness programs)?

Supply Chain Question



In this assignment, you’re required to make a presentation using PowerPoint slides for Procurement for the following subjects. 

Steps to analyze the Profile Spend of a project sent to Procurement. 

How to evaluate Requirements in the received PR (Purchase Request) to Procurement. 

  • How to do a market analysis for a list of requirements before floating an RFP (Request for Proposals). 
  • How to assess a supplier base for a project before floating an RFP (Request for Proposals). 
  • Steps for determining the Sourcing Strategy. 
  • Importance for Tendering Timeline. 
  • Procurement role in the technical stage after receiving the proposals from bidders. 
  • How to do a UPL comparison. 
  • What’s Total Cost Ownership (TCO), and what are the steps to calculate it. 
  • Steps to conduct a successful Negotiation with a supplier (approaches/tactics/tips). 
  • The most effective way to use BATNA, WATNA, and ZOPA.. etc 
  • How to calculate the savings 
  • What’s the purpose of LOA and LOI? 
  • How to finalize /close the contract’s deviations sent by bidders. 

Needing help with a power point project in risk management


Enterprise Risk Management Presentation

Visit the universitys  Online Library and the internet to find at least two articles that identify the following: 

A large company for the purposes of evaluating its ERM processes; . some Some examples of large companies are Walmart, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, and Amazon.

Supply chain risks for that company that were addressed by transferring risk through the purchase of insurance.

  1. In this exercise, carry out research to present your work in a PowerPoint presentation:

What ERM practices does the company implement?

What standard or framework do they use?

Describe the processes and use visuals to aid in the explanation.

Evaluate the effectiveness of the ERM practices.

  • Describe each supply chain risk scenario.
  • Explain what was insured and identify the insurance that was purchased.
  • Discuss what happened (or could happen) should the risk materialize.

Explain the impact of the risk with and without insurance.

  1. Identify and briefly describe any residual risk.
  2. Provide your suggestions and recommendations.

media- news


There are 5 different categories of news, international, National, state, local,fund and interesting. under each category you should provide 5 news with the answer. Here is an example of the assignment .

International: Which country has the best quality of life in 2023?

A: (Switzerland)

National: Where are bills passed in the US?

A: Bills are passed in the United States primarily through the legislative process, which involves both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

State: Where did the recent mass shooting occur, involving individuals charged, one of whom was free while awaiting a murder trial?

A: (In a Chicago)

Local: A woman accused of leaving her boyfriend in a suitcase to die get a new lawyer?

A: (Sarah Boone, IN WINTER PARK, Fla)

Fun/Interesting: which city exploring the concept of sustainable agriculture in an innovative manner?

A: (Missouri farmers) This entails utilizing fertilizer effectively to conserve finances while safeguarding the land and water from detrimental runoff.

International Economics Question


According to the documents attached to this assignment, the Roman Empire is an early version of a modern market economy. I would like for you to watch the khan academy video on market vs command economy. Based on your class ppt, readings on the Roman Empire economy, and the video, I would like you to visualize where the Roman Empire belongs along the economic regime spectrum from command economy to market economy. With this in mind, you are to pick at the two documents provided in this assignment folder to explain how likely are the claims made by the authors of the two papers regarding the Roman Empire resembling more of a market economy. How sensical and credible is the evidence they have provided for these claims? After analyzing these documents, explain whether the Roman Empire leans more toward a command or market economy in your opinion, and why?

ECOM500 Discussion 09


Impact of Ecommerce and Mobile Commerce

Choose an e-commerce or mobile commerce platform for a business with which you are familiar. 

Discuss the impact of e-commerce technology on the business that operates the platform you chose. Consider the following questions:

What strategies has the business used to leverage e-commerce technology to its advantage?

How has the platform affected the business’s revenue, customer base, or market share?

  1. What risks or challenges has the business faced as a result of using e-commerce technology?

Discuss how mobile technology creates commerce opportunities for businesses. Consider the following questions:

  1. What are some examples of businesses that have successfully leveraged mobile technology to create new commerce opportunities?
  2. How does mobile technology enable businesses to reach new customers or offer new products or services?
  3. What are some challenges or risks associated with using mobile technology for commerce?
  4. Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate. 

DQ 7 the same as Cintia


Watson’s theory of caring has has played a major role in helping professional nurses honor their unique and distinct values. However, the theory does not conform to the biomedical, bureaucratic, health care system and sometimes presents practical difficulties for nurses’ work.  A model of caring includes a call for both art and science; it offers a framework that embraces and intersects with art, science, humanities, spirituality, and new dimensions of mind body spirit medicine and nursing evolving openly as central to human phenomena of nursing practice.

Our contract with society is our Code of Ethics. In order for the public to feel safe within our care and grow from the provision of the care we need to have the care viewed and feel like we are truly engaged in their care. One of our former ANA president Rebecca M. Patton discusses the importance of the Big and Little P. 

Inventory Control and Managing Talent


Teamwork is an essential skill in today’s workforce. When you graduate, your first job will likely be to supervise a team of hotel associates. What three things can you do as a leader to create a positive environment for your employees and encourage teamwork? Please give specific examples of how you would do this and provide an explanation. For example: Be a good role model would be a way. Then explain what you mean and give an example.

Another part of your job will be having the responsibility of completing many projects. In the hotel environment, teamwork is how work gets done. When working as a member of a team, a Project Team Charter is often used to get things started. Please read through the Team Charter sample that is attached. What would be the benefits of creating a team charter prior to beginning project work?

Discussion: E-Commerce and Mobile Commerce Technology


Impact of Ecommerce and Mobile Commerce

Choose an e-commerce or mobile commerce platform for a business with which you are familiar. 

  1. Discuss the impact of e-commerce technology on the business that operates the platform you chose. Consider the following questions:
    1. What strategies has the business used to leverage e-commerce technology to its advantage?
    2. How has the platform affected the business’s revenue, customer base, or market share?
    3. What risks or challenges has the business faced as a result of using e-commerce technology?
  2. Discuss how mobile technology creates commerce opportunities for businesses. Consider the following questions:
    1. What are some examples of businesses that have successfully leveraged mobile technology to create new commerce opportunities?
    2. How does mobile technology enable businesses to reach new customers or offer new products or services?
    3. What are some challenges or risks associated with using mobile technology for commerce?

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate. 

Create 2 slides for a power point presentation on Transition plans for ESE students


develop a ppt presentation to educate parents about the collaborative approach to designing an education plan for transition. Include all of the IDEA requirements and include a discussion of how collaboration with families, teachers, and community members a crucial component for transition at all levels are. Provide a minimum of 2 each culturally responsive and practical approaches to establish effective partnership with families, educators, and community. Design your ppt specifically for families and keep in mind the diversity of who they may be (i.e., ELL, uneducated, professionals, advocates, etc.). All members of the team should have a speaking part on the ppt. Your presentation should include:

Transition planning definition.

IDEA requirements and recommendations

  • Role of each team member with an emphasis on the teacher
  • Explain EIP and Examples of transition activities (include Elementary students)
  • Provide an overview of how progress monitoring is conducted.
  • Saint Leo Core Values
  • Slides needed: 
  • IEP & Examples of Transition Activities and 

Progress monitoring