Week Eight


Write about discussing the following topic:

The video is about a matrilineal community that is unusual in many ways. It is a tiny matrilineal community in a vast nation that is completely patrilineal, patrilocal, and patriarchal (though most Chinese women do retain their maiden name even after marriage). Please view the video and comment on it (there is one more video about the Mosuo community, but viewing it is optional, you can see it’s title in the References Section).

There are two types of unilineal descent systems: patrilineal and matrilineal. Discuss the difference between patrilineal and matrilineal systems. What is bilateral descent? In your opinion, what is your own family: patrilineal, matrilineal, or bilateral?

Please post your own response and also, do remember to respond to the postings of at least two of your classmates.


VICE Asia. China’s Last Matriarchy: Where Women Rule. Oct. 23, 2018.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMTJt2RnJAk&feature=emb_logoLinks to an external site.



Assume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. You want to ensure that the system will be usable and acceptable for the nurses impacted. You realize a nurse leader must be on the implementation team.

To Prepare:

Review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and reflect on the scenario presented.

Consider the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader on an implementation team for health information technology.

The Assignment: (2-3 pages not including the title and reference page)

In preparation of filling this role, develop a 2- to 3-page role Question for a graduate-level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team. The role Question should be based on the SDLC stages and tasks and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the following steps:

  • Planning and requirements definition
  • Analysis

Design of the new system


Southern Arkansas University Tech Criminal Law 2


Measuring violent crime is a complex and multifaceted task that requires a comprehensive approach. In no less than 250 words, you should choose one method used to measure violent crime, discuss the strengths and limitations of that method, and the challenges involved in accurately measuring violent crime.

General Instructions:

  1. Use only MS Word or Google Docs to complete writing assignments.
  2. At least two academic sources (think Google Scholar, not Google) should be cited both in-text and in the reference list.
  3. No contractions (i.e. couldn’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t, can’t, won’t, don’t, etc.)
  4. No questions.
  5. No quotes. You must put everything into your own words and cite the source from which you got the information.
  6. 1-inch margins on all sides. Use a clear and easy-to-read font like Times New Roman, 12-point size. Double-space your entire paper.
  7. Use the free version of Grammarly.com to correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  8. Remember that the reference list does not count toward the word minimums!

business #4


Check Your Understanding:


What are the marketer’s basic components of the new product development process?


Where does our textbook suggest new product ideas come from? Can you think of others that are not mentioned in our textbook?


Describe the basic components of the Kproduct Life Cycle (PLC).


Describe the basic components of the “Diffusion of Innovation” Life cycle. Think of a technology that has come and gone. What disruptive technology/technologies superseded and replaced it? Example: 8-Track Player replaced by cassettes, then cd players, mp3 players, online music


Keeping an eye on how the world is changing around us,  what are some emerging trends you’ve noticed firming up?


Describe the basics of demand elasticity?  Why are some products more elastic than others?


What is break-even analysis? How is  derived? 


How does scanner data provide useful information for product pricing?


What is price discrimination? How does price discrimination differ from segmentation pricing?


Describe and contrast pricing for market penetration versus market skimming.

University of Nairobi architecture information on Roman architecture questions


Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 6

Lesson 2

  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
  • Initial Post Instructions
  • This week you will read about architecture. The lesson includes information on Roman architecture, which was greatly influenced by the Greeks and Etruscans.

Locate at least two architectural works that were influenced by Greco-Roman architecture. These can be from any time period after the Greco-Roman period but should be from different periods themselves (e.g., one from Renaissance and one from Baroque). Then address the following:

What is the function of each structure?

How does each work exhibit influence of the Greco-Roman period? Is the influence specifically Greek, Etruscan, or Roman or a combination?

How would you compare the two selected works? Take the role of the evaluative critic.

  • Use examples from the text, the lesson, and the library to help support your answer. Please remember to provide images and citations to help illustrate your points.



Safety is a crucial part of a successful internship. One of the best ways to observe safety in field is to be prepared. In this Discussion, you consider behaviors that may help you with safety in field.


Required Readings

Sweitzer, H. F., & King, M. A. (2019). The successful internship: Personal, professional, and civic development in experiential learning(5th ed.). Cengage. 

Chapter 7, “Working with Clients” (pp. 198–203)

Walden University. (2017d). Safety in fieldLinks to an external site.[Webinar]. Available from http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/c.php?g=81877&p=…
To locate and view the “Safety in Field” webinar, click on the link referenced above, and then locate the applicable webinar link.

    Review this week’s readings and the Safety in Field webinar.


Determine in which stage or stages in the social worker developmental process you expect to be by Week 11.

  • Identify two new behaviors or changes to behavior that you will incorporate to ensure you are putting safety first.

IDSC 4000 Research Project Rough Draft


The rough draft has to be a minimum of 6-8 pages long excluding the works cited page. Must include a minimum of 4 scholarly, peer-reviewed literature from 2 separate disciplines. The disciplines I have chosen are Education and Psychology. I will attach the outline for the paper. I already have 2 resources for each discipline, however, my professor said that it would be great for background knowledge, but if I would like to “get my point across” I would need more that are peer-reviewed and scholarly. Below is my working thesis statement:

Thesis Statement: Socioeconomic status, or SES, can be defined as the social standing or class of an individual or group. This is also dependent on a person’s working-class level, the area in which they reside, or the school they attend. I plan to argue the effects socioeconomic status has on the success or failure of a student.

ashford university Reading Journal


Consider the following questions when writing your journal entry. You do not need to answer all questions, but you should address at least one of the questions. Aim for more than a summary, and use your write-up to show your understanding of the readings. Where possible, deepen your discussion by adding comparisons, addressing points of agreement or disagreement, or adding critiques (refer to comments given on previous assignments). Your answer should be in paragraph form with proofread, clear prose,450 words.

  • What is “White nationalism”? How does it relate to other types of nationalism? Explain.
  • What is populism? How is populism related to nationalism? Explain.
  • Distinguish civic and ethnic nationalisms. How do these relate to other ‘types’ of nationalism? Explain.
  • How do civil and ethnic nationalisms differ? Consider distinctions in ‘type’ as well as in uses.
  • What is religious nationalism, and is it a ‘global threat’? Connect this discussion to Brubaker’s discussion of religion and nationalism.

comprehensive project product/service selection



Think carefully about this selection as you will be working with this product/service for the entire course culminating in a presentation. There are a number of idea websites that you might use to help provide a product/service business idea such as: Springwise | New business ideas, trends and innovation and Entrepreneur.com. You may also choose to imitate aspects of a company that is already doing business (but you may not directly use an existing company for the project) in the marketplace or you may have your own business or business idea you wish to work with. The key is to use that product/service business to apply the lesson concepts and terminology to develop key components of a marketing plan.

Briefly describe your chosen product/service business. Provide some rationale for your choices. This means tell me why you wish to explore this business during our marketing project.



Community Engagement Research Paper AND Abstract

A. 1–2-page research paper on “Community Engagement involving Pharmacist.”

B. I need an abstract summarizing. 

      A. The paper needs to include research on: 

  • People of color, specifically African Americans 
  • Education on what drugs do to the body, drug interactions, etc?

How people have a lot of confidence in Pharmacist 

Name up to 2 “studies” that include Pharmacist involvement. 

  • Explain how community leaders, like pastors, principles of schools/organizations, and even political leaders lean on pharmacist for guidance concerning their health.


Introduction-(1-2) sentences – Comprehensive to lay person, then (1-2 sentences should understood by someone in the healthcare field.

  • Identify “Gap” in Knowledge (1-2 sentences) limitation in literature, issue that is present at the moment, Ex-Despite the importance community engagement ………..
  • Methods-(1-2 sentences) is this quantitative, qualitative surveying, what are the main results?
  • Results (2-3 sentences)-What’s the main story/points?
  • Conclusions 2-3 sentences Ex. This is a very important target that should be used to lead