Humanities Discussion


Visit this website: Three Native American Creation MythsLinks to an external site., and explore creation from the perspective of three Native American tribes: the Iroquois, the Yakama, and the Cherokee. Review the creation myth from the Mayan civilization you already experienced in the Unit 3 learning content.

  • In your first paragraph
    • Compare and contrast the creation myths of ancient North America to the creation myths of two of the following.
      • Mayans from Meso-American including Mexico
      • Guatemala
      • Northern Belize
      • Western Honduras.
    • Look for the underlying universal truths shared in these myths and the cultural, geographic, and climate structure that may have added to differences.
  • In your second paragraph
    • Explore how ‘myth’ might have impacted the people of that historical time period and reflect on these myths from your modern American perspective.
    • What are your feelings about the myths, and how do they compare to your understanding of the creation of the universe?

Death and Dying Process


You are a volunteer in a long-term care facility. While the facility employs inter-disciplinary providers including mental health providers and social workers, your daily encounters with residents and families often revolve around comforting them in various stages of the death, dying, and grieving processes.

You know that most of the population is comprised of visually-dominant learners, but most of their interactions are auditory in nature. Given this discrepancy, you ask leadership if you can create a brochure for residents and their families to outline a typical death and dying process, as well as tips to help embrace the grieving process at each step.

Leadership welcomes the idea. They ask you to create an evidence-based brochure for the residents and their families on this topic. Once you create it, they will have their social work and mental health provider teams review your content to determine if revision is needed prior to sharing it with the population.

Participation 2


Reply to peer post below 

Fortunately, I am in a position at a school that allows me access to a plethora of data in several different areas. I am currently employed in a high school with a population of 805 students. I have access to attendance data, data concerning grades, test scores, and more. Thinking about all the data that I have to review weekly has helped me narrow down my problem to a more feasible issue for this class. Sarlin et al. (2022) discuss the importance of problem-solving; identifying the problem is the first step to finding research that supports meaningful interventions and solutions. The course failure rate for the school is extremely high in multiple high-stakes courses. We currently have an unsuccessful after-school tutorial program that is supposed to support grade improvement. A well thought out plan for an appropriate way to provide meaningful instruction during the after-school program is needed. 

BUAD 310 Business Statistics – Index Match



1. Use formulas to fill in the red boxes for Questions 1 and 3 listed on the sheet ‘Data’.

2. Question 4 – Create 5 data visualizations that help you decide whether gender discrimination exists at FitLife Connect Inc.

3. Question 5 is styled as a findings report that your firm would give to interested parties (e.g., FitLife Connect Inc., law firms hired on behalf of employees and/or the company). You will see a text box with 3 headers in bold. Fill in your responses right below each header. 

For Question 5 you will do three things: 

   1. State the reason your firm has been hired to analyze this data. 

   2. In a few sentences, give your conclusion on whether gender discrimination exists at FitLife Connect Inc.

   3. In a short paragraph, discuss the evidence you generated that supports your conclusion. If you find evidence of gender discrimination, be sure to state which gender is experiencing the discrimination. 

Aggregated Demand and Supply


Between 2007 and 2009, the United States experienced a severe financial crisis and economic downturn commonly known as the Great Recession. Starting in 2006, housing values fell 30%, causing losses in mortgage-backed securities for families and financial institutions. The recession was marked by a drop in aggregate demand that caused a decline in GDP and an increase in unemployment.

In your initial post, draw or find an example of an aggregate demand and aggregate supply (AD/AS) model that illustrates the general trends of the U.S. economy during the Great Recession. (The example may be from your own research or from the textbook.) In addition to your image, provide a response to the following:

How did the AD/AS equilibrium change over time? Support your claims by referring to your AD/AS model.

Select an economic factor (GDP, unemployment, price level) and explain what impact any shifts in AD or AS (or both) had on your chosen factor.

Writing Assigment & Reflection


Assignment Overview

To enhance your understanding of the content in Chapters 9-11 and to help you in encouraging an athlete to manage their stress.


Please read chapters 9-11 in the book. Answer the following IN YOUR OWN WORDS:

1) Explain the inverted U relationship between arousal and performance.

2) List two techniques you might use encourage an athlete to manage their stress and discuss a specific scenario in which they might be useful.

REFLECTION Assignment 

Reflection is an important part of the learning process. Your task is to keep a course journal in which you’ll write a short paragraph summarizing what each content area means to you and how you can use the knowledge to guide your future professional practice as a coach.

For example, consider the following questions in your reflection:

What were the most important and/or interesting things you learned?

What were the most confusing or difficult ideas or tasks?

How could you incorporate this knowledge into professional practice?

Violence in America Mod 3


General Instructions:

  1. Use only MS Word or Google Docs to complete writing assignments.
  2. At least two academic sources (think Google Scholar, not Google) should be cited both in-text and in the reference list.
  3. No contractions (i.e. couldn’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t, can’t, won’t, don’t, etc.)
  4. No questions.
  5. No quotes. You must put everything into your own words and cite the source from which you got the information.
  6. 1-inch margins on all sides. Use a clear and easy-to-read font like Times New Roman, 12-point size. Double-space your entire paper.
  7. Use the free version of to correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  8. Remember that the reference list does not count toward the word minimums!

Choose one of the explanations that work from the textbook and discuss why it is a better indicator than the one you chose for the last assignment. There will be all kinds of academic research on these actual legitimate explanations of criminal behavior. This should be at least 250 words.



A good friend of yours has just met someone she thinks you would really like; she claims you and this new person have much in common and wants to arrange a lunch meeting. Because you trust your friend’s judgment, you agree to lunch. How might your lunch meeting unfold?

For this Discussion, you will analyze the effect of self-fulfilling prophecies on education, careers, and relationships.


Think of a time when you expected a new acquaintance to act a particular way.

Review the Learning Resources for this week and consider how self-fulfilling prophecies could affect your own education, career, and relationships.

  • Post a QUESTION of how your expectations might influence your behavior toward a new acquaintance. Explain whether self-fulfilling prophecy made it more likely the new acquaintance would be just the kind of person you had expected him or her to be. Explain the implications of the self-fulfilling prophecy for your own education, career(s), and relationships.

Letter of recommendation


My friend needs a letter of recommendation to get into a program for her Bachelor of Science. 

She would like to add these main points:

I would also add my work ethic, determination to find answers and resources to assist, my kind and caring nature to always be generous and give back to my community. I serve in support of my local church participating in harm reduction and peer support groups. I would be an asset to the psychology degree program because I have a desire to help others find their way and heal from the traumas of the world

I’ve volunteered working with children at preschool level, I’ve worked with special education students for several years at the high school level. I’ve done peer support and led mental health advocate groups. Personal information of how I may have supported you in a way that would suggest I’m good at support peers through difficult times.



Discussion post and one response to peer

Please read your Chapters 8 and 9 in your textbook and review the ICANN Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policies. Next, outline the requirements for a successful complaint for canceling or transferring a domain name under the ICANN policies. Next, please consider that the Coca-Cola Company that owns the domain name and the trademark for the drink, Coca-Cola, is seeking to cancel an allegedly wrongfully obtained domain name of registered by a John Jones who has no relationship to the Coca-Cola Company or their trademarked drink. Please analyze this case based on the ICANN dispute resolution policy requirements and tell us whether you think the Coca-Cola Company will prevail in an ICANN arbitration. Be sure to describe the reasons for your decision on who should win. Be sure also to respond to at least one student with a response of at least 25 words
