ATR-IR Graphs Analysis


For the graphs provided, I need an analysis. These graphs are from a lab where we tested 3 shoes to determine the Co-Polymer Composition (ethylene vinylacetate) (EVA). The SAMPLES we tested are the graphs labeled “Hello Kitty”, “Toy Story”, and “Pink New Balance” 

The STANDARDS are labeled “AT1231”, “AT1821” and “SA340502”

Standard 1 (AT1231): Nominal wt% vinyl acetate- 12%

Standard 2 (AT1821): Nominal wt% vinyl acetate- 18%

Standard 3 (SA340502): Nominal wt% vinyl acetate- 40%

Questions to answer: 

???Which band(s) in the IR spectrum did you use to determine the ethylene content of the co-polymer? Which band(s) did you use to determine the vinyl acetate content? To which functional groups and vibrational modes do these bands correspond?

???For the standards, how do the absorbance intensities change as the composition changes?
Are these changes consistent with compositional changes? Explain

???Is it possible to distinguish between the three insoles with only ATR-IR?

  1. ???Is this technique suitable for routine forensic analysis of copolymer samples? Justify your answer.

Tele health visit presentation


The purposes of this assignment are to identify the functions and issues related to point of care technology and the APN role in security, safety, and technology at the point of care.

Select a topic for a video/PowerPoint presentation (PPT) from the following:
Telehealth Visit

Create up to ten slides in a PowerPoint Presentation on the topic.
Slide format:
a.  Bullet points only no extended text.
b. Use graphics and images to enhance presentation.
c. Place the narrative in the Notes section of the PPT.

  1. Required content in the presentation for a target audience of executive leadership:
    a. Provide a brief overview, status, and latest trends.
    b. Discuss the role of informatics.
    c. Illustrate the characteristics of the topic in an example of:
    A specific personal or professional experience, or an incident you observed, or a case found in the research literature.
    Identify specific actions an APN can take to protect patient safety, privacy, and security in your example.

reflection- diagnosis aortic stenosis


Reflection: Address the following questions:  

Which diagnostic tests did you select for this client? Using the estimated national average cost for each diagnostic test from a website such as MD saveLinks to an external site., calculate the total cost for diagnostic testing for this client if she was uninsured and did not meet age requirements for Medicare. How might this information change your decision to order diagnostic tests for the client? Would lack of insurance change your management plan? Why or why not? 

  1. The client in this encounter would likely benefit from community and health care support services. Which services might you recommend? What is available in your community? What is the process of referral in your area?

Include the following components: 

demonstrate clinical judgment appropriate to the virtual patient scenario

cite at least one relevant scholarly source as defined by program expectations

communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation 

Our Ancestors Evolution


Our last discussion will bring into focus a lot of the elements that we discussed throughout these last few weeks. For example, think back to the beginning of the course when we learned about the finer points of evolution and how natural section plays a major part. How non-human primates adapted to their environments through physical or behavioral adaptations. Finally we are learning about how our earliest ancestors became bipedal. This leads us to discussion number three.

This discussion revolves around our earliest ancestors. What set them on the direction to the Genus Homo? How did the environment effect these changes? What are some of the physical adaptions (think about our hands, feet, pelvis and overall body proportions)? Finally, what are some of the ways this adaptation helped these species become successful?

For discussion posts, you are to write out your thoughts on the topic—about 1 or 2 paragraphs—and post it in the discussion forum.

Insurance Providers


As a manager, you have been chosen to present information on two choices for your company’s new health insurance carrier for employees. Assume you are also able to use an insurer within the Gulf Cooperation Council. Research the various providers in Saudi Arabia and choose one that meets the needs of your company.  Then, choose another country within the Gulf Corporation Council and locate a similar insurance provider option.  Create a comparison analysis presentation about both insurance providers. Be sure to include the following:

The different benefits available to the employees through their health insurance plan;

The responsibility of the employer in terms of premiums;

  • The advantages and benefits of both plans;
  • How do Saudi Arabia and the other GCC country you chose fund national health services and
  • How moral hazard plays into a company’s health benefit plan.
  • The presentation should meet the following structural requirements: 
  • Organized into seven slides, plus the title and reference slides.

Employ professional themes and transitions.

UCLA E-commerce question


Currently about 80-90% of all search queries in the US start with Google. And let’s be honest, we “google” and we don’t yahoo or bing something. Googling has now become synonymous with using a search engine. That being said, I’m interested to see what type of results you get from Google vs. Bing.

Conduct a Google search on a product, service, or company of your choice. What type of ads (paid search ads, product listing ads, etc) show up for the search result and where are they located? Make sure to check the top, bottom, and sides of the page as they might not always be located right at the top of the search results. Share what you find.

Now do a search for same word on and discuss those results. What’s the same and what’s the difference? Which results page do you prefer? Be specific and detailed. Include any interesting observations you find.

Power point presentation to one specific chapter from the book 18-20 Slides.


Midterm Presentation: I will be asking for you to choose one specific chapter, choose a sub-section within the chapter, and create a PowerPoint with at least 18-20 slides in total on the specifics including a title and reference slide. As long as the presentation is detailed and creative based on the topic that you choose, that is what I will be looking for. The last slide should be a reference page formatted into the proper APA format. Detail the specifics of the topic that interests you. Make sure that your presentation is creative use color, pictures, graphs, and video clips. You can choose any ONE chapter from the textbook and within the chapter, choose a subtopic (an important 1 topic from a section/issue). The textbook should be one of the sources used. You are free to go outside of the textbook and use other outside sources. I am looking for 3+ sources (cited). 

Please give clear desciption, accurate answer with support details.


Describe the history of the same sex marriage movement.  Examine stereotypical or false beliefs, values, and opinions that resulted in misinformation leading to the oppression of this category.

MUST include a reference page.

*Academic integrity requires students to refrain from engaging in
or tolerating acts including, but not limited to, submitting false academic records, cheating, plagiarizing,
altering, forging, or misusing a college academic record; acquiring or using test materials without faculty
permission: acting alone or in cooperation with another to falsify records or to obtain dishonest grades, honors, or awards. *

Citing a Book


Author’s last name, Author’s first initial. Author’s middle initial. (Year of publication). Title of work. Publisher.


James, Henry. (2009). The ambassadors. Serenity Publishers.

Citing a Website


Author’s last name, Author’s first initial. Author’s middle initial. (Year, Month Date published). Article title or page title. Site Name. URL


Limer, E. (2013, October 1). Heck yes! The first free wireless plan is finally here. Gizmodo.

Kinesiology Question


You are writing a paper on the documentary BS High on Netflix about that high school football team. Write a 2-3 page paper answering these questions. Make sure to use at least 3 outside sources.

For this entire assignment, you are required to refer to the documentary to
help you in answering these questions. Also, use things we have talked about
in the first half of the class along with outside sources.

Q1. What were your initial thoughts after watching the Bishop Sycamore

Q2. From a PR standpoint, what could Bishop Sycamore have done differently to
manage the crisis better?

Q3. What lessons can other sports organizations learn from the Bishop Sycamore
situation in terms of managing their public image?

Q5. As future sport promotions professionals, what strategies would you
recommend to Bishop Sycamore for rebuilding their reputation?

Q4. How do you foresee the Bishop Sycamore incident affecting the way schools
and teams are vetted before being covered by major media outlets in the future? 

IT 660 – HW4


Prerequisite: Learn about Wireshark tool which will be used to complete this assignment.

What is Wireshark: ? Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer that captures packets from a network connection, such as from your computer to the internet. Packet is the name given to a discrete unit of data in a typical Ethernet network. Wireshark is the most often-used packet sniffer in the world. It’s often used by Network engineers to troubleshoot network problems and examine protocol implementations. Here is a YouTube video showing installation and password sniffing  (first 6 minutes of the video are useful)

HW4 Exercise Goal

Understand how packets travel through Network for inbound and outbound traffic for HTTP (unencrypted) and TLS (Encrypted).

Install Wireshark, Sniff and capture a sample inbound and outbound packet.

No coding is necessary for this exercise. Configure tool using the instructions below and watch/capture the traffic flow patterns in the tool for this part.