Reading and answering questions


After reading “The Lesson” and “Dum Dum Boys,” please answer the following questions:

Regarding “The Lesson,”

1. How does Sylvia feel about Miss Moore? Do her feelings change over the course of the story?

2. What lesson is Miss Moore trying to teach the children by taking them to FAO Schwartz? Does Sylvia learn this lesson? Does she learn a different lesson? If so, what? 

3. What evidence is there that Sylvia has been changed by the visit to FAO Schwartz? 

Regarding “Dum Dum Boys,”

1. On his return home, the narrator asks himself, “I wonder what the hell they are doing wrong.” Who is the “they” he refers to? Why does he ask this question? Does he answer it? 

2. Reflect on the significance of the moment when the narrator hears that Cameron has renamed himself. What is the effect of the particular name the author chooses to give him? Why do you think it is important to the story?

OSU Everpixs Demise Case study


This week we’re discussing Everpix. Please briefly answer the following questions based on the written case PDF, additional research and the video provided.

(1) In the context of this chapter, list three takeaways from the EverPix story that you can learn from / avoid if you attempt to solve a problem with a new business venture.

(2) How large of a role do you think EverPix budget for advertising and promotions played in the venture’s eventual failure?

(3) Venture capitalists typically try to invest in companies that have huge – home run – income possibilities. Do you think EverPix had potential to hit singles, doubles, triples, or a homerun? Explain.

(4) Based on today’s market, competitive landscape and technology how could you turn this idea into something successful? (discuss this in 2-3 paragraphs)…… I just want to mention that I don’t want notes or draft, i want you to do it for me and i will tip you

none Critical thinking


Insurance Providers 

As a manager, you have been chosen to present information on two choices for your company’s new health insurance carrier for employees. Assume you are also able to use an insurer within the Gulf Cooperation Council. Research the various providers in Saudi Arabia and choose one that meets the needs of your company.  Then, choose another country within the Gulf Corporation Council and locate a similar insurance provider option.  Create a comparison analysis presentation about both insurance providers. Be sure to include the following:

The different benefits available to the employees through their health insurance plan;

The responsibility of the employer in terms of premiums;

The advantages and benefits of both plans;

How do Saudi Arabia and the other GCC country you chose fund national health services and

How moral hazard plays into a company’s health benefit plan.

Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements:

Organized into five slides, plus the title and reference slides.

Employ professional themes and transitions.

Saudi electronic university Dis


Dis 1. 2 file

Discuss the philosophies of utilitarianism and deontology. Consider the four ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. Provide your perspectives on how leaders use these principles in decision-making in a healthcare organization and patient safety.

VDis 2 2 file

550 discussion

An effective policy is one that achieves a specific outcome in terms of the impact that it has on an organization. Healthcare organizations need to understanding the importance of a policy with regard to setting the internal and external direction of the organization. This can only be done by measuring its effectiveness toward achieving a set standard. Select a healthcare policy and describe its expected outcomes.

Based on what you learned this week, address the following requirements:

Demonstrate the impact of the policy by discussing changes in short-term, intermediate, and long-term outcomes.

Are the changes in outcomes truly attributed to the policy?

Identify the relative cost-benefit or cost-effectiveness of the policy.

Personal statement for grad school


Prompt: What are your short term and long term professional goals and how will an MSF from USD help you to achieve these goals? (450-500 words)

Point to emphasis in the essay 

  1. Explain that my goals as a immigrate is to become a financial analyst in America 
  2. Explain the drop of my gpa in the last two years. Last two years of school was during covid 2020-2022. Emphasize that was hard time studying in a depression environment on one hand and dealing with three family deaths on the other. Grandfather, Aunt, uncle died due to covid back  in Nigeria due to lack of medical care.
  3. Explain that my grades is not an indication to my success and that I tried more than one path to gain access to the finance field as long as online class. “More experience in my resume please add the project and work experience”
  4. Please add Clear narrative, Specific examples, and Show a “good fit” 

MATH112 graph functions


This discussion re-visits the concept of a function. You will explore the online graphing tool Desmos and graph algebraic functions.

  1. Access the attached Desmos User Guide and review all sections except for Regressions.
  2. Use Desmos ( to graph three assigned functions, as follows: Start by graphing either y = 1/x or y = 1/x^2 and modify that function to create the graphs of three other algebraic functions with the following properties:

a. one vertical asymptote (no horizontal asymptote)

b. one horizontal and two vertical asymptotes

c. one horizontal asymptote (no vertical asymptote). Ensure that the entire function 2c is in the positive halfplane.

3. Using the graph of each function, state the domain and range, and write the equations of the horizontal and vertical asymptotes.

4. In five to ten sentences, explain your rationale for determining the domain, the range, and the asymptotes from the graph. What ideas have you studied previously that were useful in the analysis?

map your argument


You have your position. You have an idea about your argument and evidence. You understand the opposition and the importance of refutation.? 

Now let’s try to map your argument to one of the two forms: the Classical or the Rogerian. You will want to use one of them in your presentation, and this exercise will provide you with a draft version.?  

Look at the outlines for each type of argument as presented in this week’s lecture. Then choose one that will suit your argument or temperament best. Based on your choice, select the appropriate template below, fill it in, and upload it to Canvas for the Week 7 assignment.? 

Click here for the Classical Argument TemplateDownload Click here for the Classical Argument Template

Click here for the Rogerian Argument TemplateDownload Click here for the Rogerian Argument Template



You have to answer the following hypotheses by completing the research methodology and find the results for the findings. 

the hypotheses are Hypothesis 1: Increased Social Media Presence Positively Correlates with Asset Valuation Volatility.

Hypothesis 2: Social Media Usage is Associated with Increased Incidence of Creative Accounting and Fraudulent Practices. 

these two hypotheses you have made yourself and in the word document attached you have showed the method on how to find the findings and research method

 please use graphs and formulas when you can. The word count for this will be 4k words (excluding references). Around 15-20 references should be used using harvard references. The word document has to be like this structure:

chapter 3: research methods:


research philosophy

research approach

variables and measures

measures of the independent variables

measurement of the dependent variables

measures of the control variables

data sources and sample selection (if you need to sample)

chapter four: findings, analysis and discussion:

introduction results

analysis and discussion

descriptive statistic

correlation analysis

multiple regression (if able to do)

Discussion Questions from Special Education Law


Why is it important how intellectual disabilities is defined?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of I Q tests and testing?

  1. Why is the medical definition of intellectual disabilities of little use to teachers?
  2. Adaptive behavior is the degree to which an individual meets the standards of personal independence and social responsibility expected of his or her age and social group. What are some specific examples of adaptive behavior? Why is adaptive behavior difficult to measure? Why is  it necessary to include adaptive behavior in the definition of intellectual disabilities?
  3. How might a child appear intellectually disabled in school but not in the community? How might a child appear intellectually disabled outside his or her social group?
  4. How can an individual’s interaction with the environment cause intellectual disabilities?

What are the most important curriculum goals for children with intellectual disabilities?

  1. What supports do you think are necessary for successful inclusion of a student with intellectual disabilities in a general education classroom?

BU664-8 Unit 2 Discussion


Go to Yahoo FinanceLinks to an external site.

Review the financial statements of a public company Under “Get Quotes”, type in the symbol of a public corporation. For instance, F is Ford Motor Co. Symbols can be looked up as well on Yahoo!. Then hit “Get Quotes”. After you’ve gone to the company’s webpage, take a look at the financial information on the company. Discuss your thoughts as to how well the company is run from a financial standpoint.

Consider corporations in more than one sector of the economy. For example, you might look at FPL (Florida Power and Light, GF (General Foods), CVS (CVS Pharmacy), etc. The more diverse your companies are, the more others can learn from your research. The “Users must post before seeing replies” setting has been enabled for this post. This means you will not see your fellow students’ posts until you have posted your initial post!