FIN 496 AAU Comparing Oil Company Taxation and Fines for Environmental Damage Questions


Notes from professor: 

” I just wanted to clarify few things about the assignment.

(1) The first question is an open-ended question, even though it seems like a multiple-choice question: Be sure to choose one or multiple as your answer, and be sure to back it up with reasonings we discussed during class or with any other external references/sources you found compelling and useful. When using other references, just make sure to cite them. 

(2) On how to cite the references, just putting a web link would be more than enough. No need to follow formal citation styles.

(3) Also, you should feel free to use any writing styles to your liking (e.g., short paragraphs, some bullet points, graphics, tables, etc.) as long as they help you get your points across.

(4) The article attached for the first question is just for your information. No need for you to feel obliged to exclusively use this article in your answer. “

W3 Discussion


Fill out template as directed.

Dont forget to do the SOAP Note. Follow Format below for the soap note..


Demographic Data

  • Age, and gender (must be HIPAA compliant)


  • Chief Complaint (CC) unless an Annual Physical Exam (APE)
  • History of Present Illness (HPI) in paragraph form (remember OLDCART: Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristics, Aggravating/Alleviating Factors, Relieving Factors, Treatment)
  • Past Med. Hx (PMH): Medical or surgical problems, hospitalizations, medications, allergies, immunizations, and preventative health maintenance as applicable
  • Family Hx: As applicable
  • Social Hx: Including nutrition, exercise, substance use, sexual hx, occupation, school, etc.
  • Review of Systems (ROS) as appropriate: Include health maintenance (e.g., eye, dental, pap, vaccines, colonoscopy)


  • Vital signs
  • Physical findings listed by body systems, not paragraph form

Assessment (Diagnosis/ICD10 Code)

  • Include all diagnoses that apply for this visit


  • Dx Plan (lab, x-ray)
  • Tx Plan: (meds)
  • Pt. Education, including specific medication teaching points
  • Referral/Follow-up
  • Health maintenance (including when screenings, immunizations, etc., are next due):



1. Please select only one (1) of the following questions to discuss in a minimum of 100 words. Don’t forget to read and respond to at least one other student’s post. 

1) From the Ideas vs. Opportunities video, discuss the framework that should be used to determine if ideas can be viable business opportunities. 

2) From the 2022 Breakthrough Brands report, please discuss the one breakthrough brand that you find most compelling. What is the simple idea? What is the business opportunity? 

2. Week#3’s essay will look at Managing Interdependence.  As you will read in Chapter #2, social responsibility, ethical behavior, interdependence, and sustainability are important concerns to be built into management control.  Keeping in mind those discussions and others referenced in our text, this essay will express your personal views with supporting information and must include the following points:

  • how a specific company has addressed at least two of the following: social responsibility, ethical behavior, interdependence, and sustainability

SOCW Walden University Diagnosis of Neurodevelopmental And/or Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders


The diagnosis should appear on one line in the following order.
Note: Do not include the plus sign in your diagnosis. Instead, write the indicated items next to each other.

Code + Name + Specifier (appears on its own first line)
Z code (appears on its own line next with its name written next to the code)

Then, respond to the following:

  • Explain how you support the diagnosis by specifically identifying the criteria from the case study.

Describe in detail how the client’s symptoms match up with the specific diagnostic criteria for all the disorder that you finally selected for the client. Note: You do not need to repeat the diagnostic code in the discussion.

Identify the differential diagnosis you considered.

Explain why you excluded this diagnosis/diagnoses. 

Explain the specific factors of culture that are or may be relevant to the case and the diagnosis, which may include the cultural concepts of distress.

Explain why you chose the Z codes you have for this client.

Social statistics


In Class Assignments instead of class:  The book has you doing pie chart and histogram.  I also want you to practice creating a table with percentile change using the database I put below and choose three other types of charts that you want to display visually using any variable from any of the databases you have access to.  Make sure you match the level of measurement to the right type of chart. There are many videos to help you here and under the SPSS and Dataset Assists.  

Grading criteria: 

Multiple types of charts using SPSS or Excel-10 points

Correct Level of Measurement used for each chart AND correct labeling and titling of charts (each axis is correctly labeled and there is a title at the top of the chart/table/graph 10 points

Use of datasets you have access to 10 points

One sentence explanation for each chart or table demonstrating that you can explain what the chart means.  10 points

Please answer question below.



Please answer the following questions from the readings, citing your sources using APA style.

Healthcare Allocation: an ethical framework for public policy:

1) How are ‘health,’ and ‘healthcare’ defined in this text? Do you agree?

2) Explain ‘basic goods,’ ‘positive moral norms,’ ‘negative moral norms,’ and ‘moral virtues’ and how each of these terms applies to healthcare.

3) What is the concept of community? What kinds of communities are included? How does this relate to the Common Good?

Human Dignity and the Common Good

4) Explain in your words Human Dignity as the reading from the Catechism presents it.

5) The common good is not the same as the sum of individual preferences (CSDC 164). Explain the difference, using an example.

6)  What are the basic rights presented as belonging to the common good?

Health Care as a Social Good

7) What are the ‘moral languages of healthcare” in the US?

8) What is the difference between a private and public good in economic theory?

Leadership and Business Environment Case Study


Introduction Perform a SWOT and PESTEL analysis for chosen business. (500 words)

  • From the analysis in task 1, in your opinion, evaluate how the changes in PESTEL factors has influenced the Opportunities and Threats for the chosen business. Critically comment on how the business is using their Strengths to negate Threats and address Weaknesses affecting their Opportunities. (500 words)
  • Based on the analysis of the PESTEL factors, identify any two leadership styles that will suit the business, and two leadership style that will not suit them using justifications. Your answer should include relevant theory and use of literature. 
  • In your opinion, what is the impact of organisational culture and structure on ability of the organisation pf your choice to respond quickly to the environmental challenges and opportunities. 
  • Comment on the policies and efforts of your chosen company on the environmental sustainability in terms of response, responsibility, and social obligations. In your view is the chosen company meeting stakeholders’ interests.

HLT 312 Week 4 discussion questions


Week 4 of Ethics for Healthcare Professionals.

Discussion 1:  Health care professionals are morally obligated to ensure their clinical decisions are informed and reflect best practices. The first step in ethical decision-making is to gather as much relevant information as possible. Describe the types of guidelines you would use to decide that you have as much information as you need to ensure an ethical decision. In replies to peers, discuss under what conditions, if any, you might decide not to act according to your own moral obligations. Provide an example to justify your response.

Discussion 2: In any professional career one should prefer to act ethically. Explain types of reflective practices and methods and how to integrate them into your work life to ensure that you think critically about both the art and the science of your patient care delivery. Provide examples. In replies to peers, describe what it means to act ethically in your professional career.

Clinical Field Experience C: Comprehensive Discipline Management Plan Investigation help me fix my grammar and english


Setting clear behavioral expectations and having a plan to respond should those expectations not be met are both essential to establishing a positive school culture. Articulating those carefully crafted behavioral expectations to members of the school community is integral to students’ success in meeting them. Equally important is having a plan to support students who have challenges demonstrating the expected behaviors.      

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Comprehensively review and evaluate your school’s student code of conduct and discipline management plan in terms of how they both promote student success and ensure social justice, equity, confidentiality, cultural diversity, acceptance, and respect between and among students, faculty, and staff within the school.

Determine how the student code of conduct and discipline management plan are communicated and administered by interviewing 2-3 staff members and reviewing any additional documents and artifacts.

Use any remaining field experience hours to observe or assist the principal mentor.

Case Write Up



In order to do this case, there is a little bit of prep work before reading the material. 

So first, review the elements of the case here first on NPR.Links to an external site.

Then read: Vioxx Case (Presley)Download Vioxx Case (Presley)

MerckLinks to an external site. is a major pharmaceutical companyLinks to an external site. that depends on patents and innovations.  The patents of Fosamax and Zocor expired in 2006.  Merck had planned Vioxx to be its next Blockbuster drug. 

What might Merck have done when information came out that Vioxx caused Cardiovascular problems?

Was it ethical for Merck to withdraw sponsorship of researchers who took issue with Merck’s marketing of Vioxx? And was it good strategy?

Compare Merck’s actions in influencing reported research results on Vioxx to the strategy of the tobacco companies in the 1950’s as they countered research that established a link between smoking and cancer?