Print Media Question


Every year Reporters Without Borders analyzes the degree of freedom that “journalists, news media, and netizens” have in 180 countries around the world, based on factors such as media independence, self-censorship, transparency, and violence against journalists.


Go to “2023 World Press Freedom Index” Links to an external site.

Click on a specific country for its rating. To learn more about that country, click on “See country fact-file”. 

Links to an external site.Analyze 3 countries:

1 country in the top 10,

1 country in the bottom 10, and

the United States.

For each of the 3 countries, discuss:

What country did you pick and what are the ratings? You can compare its 2022 rating to past years as well.

  • How did it get it’s rating? (Read the summary on the Reporters Without Borders website – click on “See country fact-file” for more information). Discuss for each country you selected (3 total). Response must be 2-4 pages double spaced

Bus 307 Operations Management and Quantitative Techniques week 3 discussion 1 and 2


Discussion 1 

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 9: Forecasting.

From Chapter 9, answer Discussion Question 1: Which forecasting techniques do you think should be used in calculating fuel prices? Time series models? Causal models? Qualitative models? In causal modeling, what types of independent variables might be used? Justify your answer.

Discussion 2 

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read the article’s Trickle of Jobs Returning to U.S. Shores Could Soon Become a TorrentLinks to an external site. and Outsourcing Pros and Cons for Your Digital MarketingLinks to an external site., and watch David Weinstein Discusses Factors That Lead to OutsourcingLinks to an external site..

Based on the content presented, discuss some of the pros and cons of outsourcing. Do you think many organizations are experiencing an increase or decrease in their levels of outsourcing? Why? 




Required Readings

Sweitzer, H. F., & King, M. A. (2019). The successful internship: Personal, professional, and civic development in experiential learning(5th ed.). Cengage. 

Chapter 7, “Working with Clients” (pp. 198–203)

Walden University. (2017d). Safety in fieldLinks to an external site.[Webinar]. Available from…

  • To locate and view the “Safety in Field” webinar, click on the link referenced above, and then locate the applicable webinar link.

Submit a reflection paper in which you do the following:

Describe the client population with you are currently working. Identify clients:

  • Backgrounds

Reasons for seeking services

  • Personalities



Explain whether or not the population you are serving is heterogenous. Consider:



  • Social Class
  • Religion


  • Sexual Orientation

Explain how similar or different your clients are from you. In your explanation, answer the following questions:

  • What do you have in common with them?
  • What aspects of their lives and lived experiences are different from yours?
  • Explain the importance of recognizing these similarities and differences.
  • Explain how this knowledge impacts your work with clients.

I need someone to complete a 3-4 paragraph response


To complete the assignment: you will write a response to the question below. You are to do the reading first, and use only the materials in the reading to help you with the response.

Respond to this question: How does Durkheim’s conception of the division of labor differ from that of Marx? How do the implications/consequences differ for politics and conflict?

Here is an example of a good response question:(DO NOT USE THIS RELATE IT TO THE REST)

Marx argues that ownership of the means of production is the primary source of inequality in capitalism. The Weber readings from this week suggest that other forms of ownership and control over scarce resources remain equally, if not, more important than one’s relationship to the means of production. How would each explain the tremendous economic power generated by Silicon Valley firms in recent years?

The file is too big so here is a link to a google doc with the reading:

Hb HED 120 NUTR 158



1. Provide answers to the 2 questions below in a Discussion Post. (5 points)

  • Provide the definition of health literacy from the assigned reading? (a direct quote from the reading is fine)
  • In your own words, explain the importance of health literacy and possible problems associated with a lack of health literacy.


1. Watch the following videos:

2. Based on the videos, answer the following questions:

a. What is metabolic syndrome and how it can be prevented? (explain fully)

b. What are two of the risks associated with sitting?

MGT 3320 CHAPT 14


Chapter 14-  Google the case of Star Chevrolet v. Green.  This is one of the leading U.S. cases regarding contracts with minors.  Read the case synopsis and  1) summarize the issues in this case, and; 2) explain how the court held in the case and why the court held as it did.  Relate the information contained in this chapter  to the issues and holding in this case. (minimum 200 words)

Also at the end of Chapter 14, under Problems and cases, do case question # 4.  For this case Google State of Kansas v. Kristina Bishop.  This case also discusses the concept of lack of capacity to contract because of age.  Answer the questions posed about Ms. Bishop’s argument about why her prior DUI conviction when she was 16 years old was invalid because she was a minor, and could not enter a diversion (arguing that the diversion was a contract).  Did this argument hold up?  

Methods of structured english emersion for elementary


1. In your readings and research, you will find a variety of terms used to describe an English language learner. For example, terms such as English language learner (ELL) and English learner (EL) are often used interchangeably.
What additional terms have been used to describe these learners? What accounts for the evolving terminology? How does the use of particular terms affect schools, teachers, and learners? What is the term used in your area (school/district/state)? What do you think is the reason this term was selected?

Arizona’s Language Development Approach (pptx) – Course Sidekick

EL Instructional Services | Arizona Department of Education (

2. Based on what you now know of ESL, bilingual, sheltered English instruction, and structured English immersion (SEI), which models do you prefer to see implemented and why?

CAL Two-Way Immersion Home Page

Full article: What is student agency and why is it needed now more than ever? (

Student Success Center – Page: esl-database-esl-5000-v2.1 (

Discussion Posts


Task 1 

Please consider the following questions over the two weeks of the discussion (there is no need to try to cover everything in the first post): 

The word ‘marketing’ means      many different things to many different people (whether they are directly      involved in ‘marketing’ or not). Why do you think this is? 

There are many definitions      of marketing in the Lecturecast, and in the required and additional      reading materials. What are the pros and cons of some of these definitions      and which one(s) best represent(s) what marketing is truly about? 

Task 2

  • What arguments are there for      and against the practice of marketing?

Task 3 

What is the most significant ethical challenge in digital marketing today?

Task 4 

  • What are the effective modern strategies for marketing?

Task 5

As an Engineer, how would you define Marketing?

Task 6 

What are the key differences between the traditional definition of marketing and other modern interpretations in the business world?

  • Task 7 

Which definition of marketing do you find most relevant, and why?

Chem 102: Ionization Constant for a Weak Acid / Beers Law and Spectroscopic Determination of K


I need assistance completing 2 portions of a Lab for Chemistry 102. I have broken it down into simple steps below. The images I have taken directly from the assignment page will provide more detailed instructions. DO NOT USE AI. 

Part 4: 

Going to this link:…

Logging in with credentials I will message you. 

Downloading the completed lab notebook from the page. 

Creating the necessary tables seen in the instruction images. 

Use these tables to make calculations and write a discussion on the topic. 

You will be submitting 3 things: 

Your report sheet, with data tables and discussion 

A pdf of your work on paper or the excel file you used for your calculations

A pdf of your lab notebook for this experiment 

Part 5: 

Complete this worksheet:…   Using either excel or google sheets to graph data. 

The worksheet will navigate you to another virtual labe similar to the previous one where you will complete all data and download a copy of your lab notebook. 

Stakeholder Presentation


For this assessment, you will create an slide PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholder or leadership groups to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for the third assessment

Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health.

Explain how the interdisciplinary plan could be implemented and how the human and financial resources would be managed

  • This assessment will provide you with an opportunity to sharpen your ability to create a professional presentation to stakeholders. In this presentation, you will explain the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle and how it can be used to introduce the plan (P), implement the plan (D), study the effectiveness of the plan (S), and act on what is learned (A) to drive continuous improvement. By using this cycle, the stakeholders will have a tool and a proposal to expand on these ideas to drive workplace change and create improved processes to solve an interprofessional collaboration problem.