Business Discussion question


Mid-Term Assignment: Profile a multi-national enterprise (MNE) of your choice. Each student will profile a “MNE” of choice that will summarize the company’s business model, market (segmentation) strategy, global operating locations, headquarters location, number of worldwide employees, most recent available financial (revenues) performance, and current serving CEO. In the Introductory paragraph state “up-front” the primary source of information used to write your paper. In the narrative (body) section of the paper highlight any competitive advantages of this global MNE and any unique/interesting aspect of this company. In the conclusion area, state if you would like to work for this particular global MNE. The paper is to be 3 – 4 pages maximum length, double-spaced , and saved using Microsoft Word format. Include a cover sheet that reflects the course number (BUS 1801-3), Your Name and Student (9XX) number, and date you submit this assignment. Upload the completed paper to the Canvas course site: Assignments by the due date in the course schedule.

Write a film review on a film that has to do with World War II


Choose a movie related to World War II (to watch) and write a review. Examples are “Saving Private Ryan,” “The Tuskegee Airmen,” among others.

First, provide a synopsis and summarize the story and/or contents of the film; include comments on the main historical characters. Second, discuss the story in relation to the information you read in the textbook. Third, express your critical opinion of the story and/or its dramatization? Write the report as an essay with full sentences and paragraphs. Do not use bullet points. Your ideas must be expressed in your own words and the report must be written in an academic format. See section on plagiarism (of the syllabus). Write in the third person and refrain from using “I” or “you”. You will also have to need integrate somethings from the PowerPoint that will be linked below into the paper. Addtionally, PLEASE refrain from using ANY types of AI becasue my school does use AI detection to go over all papers. 

three *different* forms of resistance


In an essay please describe and analyze three different types of resistance discussed this quarter from course materials (lectures/readings/section/films/etc.). For full credit, make sure to compare and contrast each form of resistance and answer the following questions below. It is expected you will include a short introduction, thesis statement, and conclusion. Please cite any relevant information from lecture and use in-text citations for direct quotes. No outside sources will be accepted.

For full credit — your response must go beyond general information about movements. You must demonstrate what you learned in this course by using clear evidence and detailed analysis.

1) Describe three *different* forms of resistance. (The three forms of resistance should be distinct and not have much overlap). 

2) Use a thesis statement to frame your argument.

3) Critically analyze each form of resistance and provide clear evidence for your analysis.

4) Explain how these forms compare and contrast.

5) Of the three forms of resistances, which do you think is the most effective and why?

soccccc120 12345677


Write 5 paragraphs identifying and explaining  5 ways in which Karl Marx criticizes capitalism. (Five things that Marx said are wrong, bad or harmful about capitalism.)

Your answers to the questions must be of substantial quality  in order to get points. Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them. Your answers must be original, use your own ideas and words. Be sure to refer to the required videos in your answer.

Use at least 3 of the following sources of information: 

Political Theory: Karl MarxLinks to an external site.

Crash Course Sociology # 6 : Karl Marx & Conflict TheoryLinks to an external site.

Eight Marxist Claims That May Surprise YouLinks to an external site.

Why was Karl Marx Wright About Capitalism

Bourgeois and Proletarians, Manifesto of the Communist Party by Karl Max and Frederick EngelsLinks to an external site.

Links to an external site.

Interest Rate Swap


Imagine that you are working with a client who wants to expand internationally. Your manager has asked you to become more educated in interest rate swaps.

Prior to attempting this discussion forum,

  • Review Interest Rate Swap: Curves and Cash FlowsLinks to an external site..
    • Consider exploring related articles listed near the end of this webpage for QUESTIONs of other derivative products, including currency swaps and other types of swaps that you may find interesting.
  • Find one resource (e.g., article, webpage, video, or podcast) that provides a brief QUESTION of interest rate swaps.

In your initial discussion post,

  • Summarize the interest rate swaps resource you found 
    • Provide a link to the resource you found.
    • Discuss what the resource is about and how it is related to interest rate swaps.
    • Share two or three things you learned from reviewing the resource.
  • Discuss how knowing more about interest rate swaps would be beneficial to a multinational company (MNC).
  • Discuss at least one risk that an interest rate and currency swap dealer faces.

ECO 535 Competency


Assignment Directions

The economic growth and trade competitiveness of countries can be influenced by the economic, political, and cultural development within the

country. There are several countries that can be compared to see how a successful economy’s decisions differed from a less-successful economy.

Step 1: Select Economies

Review the pairs of economies listed below. Each pair has 1 highly successful country and 1 less successful country, except for NAFTA /EU.

NAFTA vs. European Union (world’s two largest economic entities)

  • China vs. India (world’s two most populous countries)
  • South Korea vs. North Korea (two polar economic opposites, one people)
  • Venezuela vs. Saudi Arabia (world’s two largest sources of oil reserves)
  • Nigeria vs. Democratic Republic of the Congo (functioning government and civil order vs. struggling government and violent clashes
  • among factions; note: the Republic of the Congo is not the same country as the Democratic Republic of the Congo)

Research the economies for your chosen pair of countries.

Compare similarities and differences between your chosen countries/economies.

Continue to Step 2: Create a Presentation

Step 2: Create a Presentation




The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate knowledge of how the federal system of government works. Examine what the different branches and layers of government do to address a policy using a current issue to illustrate it. It is NOT to give your personal opinions on the issue.

Complete a research essay on how the federal government creates healthcare policy.

The U.S. healthcare system has been a controversial topic for decades. Here are the aspects and questions to address for this essay:

Identify a current policy problem for the American healthcare system, and then state a preferred policy solution to it and why it’s preferred (This is your thesis statement).

Briefly explain two competing solutions to this problem while addressing the responsibilities of each level of government (federal, state, and local) and the three branches of the federal government (executive, legislative, and judicial).

Build the argument for why your chosen solution is preferable, what critics say about the solution, and finally why the critics are wrong.

American Government 1


Respond to one of the two following prompts:

1) What influence does public opinion have on health care policy? Provide a recent (last eight weeks) poll or news article on healthcare policy illustrating the power of public opinion to affect policy. Be sure to apply concepts from the text book and/or weekly content.


2) Using concepts and terms from the readings, compare and contrast the 2008 and 2016 presidential election campaign tactics by reviewing one Democratic ad and one Republican ad from each election (four ads overall).

Remember to analyze the ads. Don’t simply describe them. Leave out personal opinions, and stick to facts and concepts in the readings, which also should be cited where appropriate.

Here are some web sources which you might want to consult:

SpaceX case study



In this assignment, you will review Case Study: SpaceX. This case describes Elon Musk’s unique approach to strategy when creating SpaceX. Think about the types of strategies from chapters 5 and 6 that Elon Musk utilized.


Strategic Management: Theory and Cases: An Integrated Approach, 13th Ed.

Chapter 5: Business-Level Strategy

Chapter 6: Business-Level Strategy and the Industry Environment


You will need to review the case study, then answer the following questions utilizing topics covered in previous chapters.

– What were Elon Musk’s motives for creating SpaceX? How do these motives influence the kinds of decisions he made in creating the firm?

– Thinking about Musk’s prior experiences, capabilities, and motives, what do you think are his strengths and weaknesses in creating SpaceX?

– What did SpaceX do differently from other space companies?

– Discuss whether you believe the incumbent space companies will adopt elements of SpaceX’s model (be specific about which). Do you think the incumbents will survive? Do you believe Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin is a significant threat?

Reflection on probability in business & analytics at work


Complete these readings…

Assignment instructions: 

Discuss the case studies presented in the chapter. Which case studies stood out to you? Which ones used probability techniques? What are the implications of these case studies? Did any case studies leave you with more questions?

1. Write including your thoughts about the reading. Include any concerns or questions you have. And answer how you will use this information in your future career. DO NOT just summarize the reading. Provide further insight beyond a summary. You will not receive points for summarizing. If you use information from another source, please cite it.

The future career path is in a human resource department

2. Propose a question for your classmates. This can be a thought-provoking question about the reading, questions you were left with after reading it, or any other questions you are left with related to course material. If you have any comments about the computations for this module, this is also a good place to write them!