DB – Gender and Leadership


Module 07: Gender and Leadership

You will explore the impact of gender on leadership. As leaders, men and women may have different leadership approaches, and you will examine some of these differences and their outcomes. You will also look at current statistics of women’s place in the workforce and the pay they receive..

Discussion Question

Question Requirements:

Gender and Leadership

You have been asked to create for your Board of Directors best practices for the role that gender plays in leadership style and leadership effectiveness

Discuss 5 specific points you would like to share regarding how gender plays a role in leadership style and effectiveness

Consider now that this is a virtual team what 5 best practices for leading a virtual team with considerations of what females should particularly focus on when leading virtual teams in KSA


Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources.

Write the discuss that includes an introduction paragraph, the body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions.

Answer questions pertaining to videos


  • Directions: Read the information below. Your assignment must be posted in the under the Module Five Contents section.

    For this exercise, you will need to download the evaluation form attached below. Then, click the links to watch the videos, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4. Evaluate the parts of the Systematic Instruction procedures by putting a + or – for each step of the procedure. Save your completed evaluation form and upload it to the module five assignment folder.
    1 Most to Least Prompting Procedure: Discrete TaskMost to Least Prompting
    2 Most to Least Prompting Procedure: Chained TaskMost-to-Least Prompting: Hand Washing
    3 System of Least Prompts Procedure: Discrete TaskSystem of Least prompts.AVI
    4 System of Least Prompts Procedure: Chained TaskSystem of Least Prompts – Feeding the Dog

MtL and SLP Evaluation Form.docx

Community Health Intervention Presentation


Create a PowerPoint presentation, which identifies and discusses a health care issue and one or two populations it affects. Identify ways the issue can be addressed in a community setting.

In the presentation, address the following:

Identify a health care issue that interests you and one or two populations it affects.

Describe risk and protective factors for each health care issue and population or populations.

  • Discuss how these factors can be addressed in a community setting versus a traditional medical setting.
  • Explain what issues/controversies might arise in a community setting and how one would address or overcome them.
  • Describe successful community interventions that have targeted this issue.
  • Support your explanations with four to six scholarly resources.
  • Title slide and reference slide are not included in the slide count. Include speaker notes below each content-related slide that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it. Please ensure the speaker notes include a minimum of 150-200 words.

PPT Project



You are pitching a company’s board of directors with a proposal to take their brand/product/service into a new international market. You will use compelling research, data, and analysis to build your case. You will outline your strategic recommendations for entering the new international market, based on your research of company’s strengths and weakness and the new market’s opportunities and threats. This will include a deep understanding of the new market and its marketing environment: culture, regulation, consumers, competition, infrastructure, etc.

Project Content: 

Executive Summary: Start with an introduction/overview that gives your reader an overview of the project scope.

Brand Overview / Product:

Pick an international brand/product/service that you believe has export potential to another international market.

Provide an overview of the brand, including what makes it unique and different, where it is based, value proposition, etc.

Include: Company and Brand Question within their home country

Brand Story – History, best-selling products, programs, marketing, what they are known for

  1. Retail Strategies

Customer and Target Market

Brand corporate mission, values, sustainability, sourcing, community programs, etc

Deliver a write-up of NO MORE THAN 400 WORDS addressing the questions, below


A.  Access the case study, “The London Jets” and the accompanying Excel spreadsheet in the Coursepack.  

B.  Deliver a write-up addressing the questions, below. 

D.  Answer the following questions:

What customers are most valuable to the company?  That is, how can you calculate the price paid per ticket by each customer?  What additional levels of detail define the “most valuable” customers?  How did you calculate this?

Having defined the most valuable customers, what “sorts” would you perform to gain insight?  What does an RFM analysis tell you specifically about these customers that is of value to the marketer?

What segments of customers seem least interesting… that is, not worth continued marketing expenditures?

What can the purchased/external/appended data tell us about our customers?  What other data would you like to purchase?  Why… what will this “new” added data tell you that helps you build a marketing strategy for the London Jets?

So, what message or offer would you make to increase retention of customers?  Why?  What data supports your answer?

Presentation about How to Start and Run a Mentoring Program



          How to Start and Run a Mentoring Program

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation on

your article, which is about a current topic in the accounting profession. You will need to

provide more information than is in the article, provide at least two sources (assigned article

and another source) cited for your presentation. Consider relevant issues such as the history of

the subject, the impact on the career of a new accounting professional, and any other matters

That may be important.

For the slides 

  • agenda
  • use a template with some color and make sure you have graphical/visually interesting elements
  • Make a connection with the audience outside of the technical content of your presentation, something personal about your life that applies or something you found particularly interesting in your research or a story/joke
  • Need a conclusion, you ended very abruptly. Verbally we are headed to a close (in conclusion, to wrap it all up, as a final thought…) and then leave us with that one final point you want us to remember if we remember nothing else.

Popular Culture and Jamestown History Discussion


Read the Jamestown section of Chapter 2 in The American Yawp. Then watch the following scene  from Terence Malick’s 2006 film about the founding of Jamestown, The New World.  Also read this page about Pocahontas from the actual Jamestown site: The World of Pocahontas


Pocahontas is probably the most widely depicted Native American woman in history.  Very little is known about her, and most of what is known about her comes from John Smith’s own early 17th century account.  She died at the age of 21 in England after marrying Englishman John Rolfe.  In recent years, Former Presiddent Donald Trump has repeatedly used the term “Pocahontas” to refer to Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, in an effort to ridicule Warren’s Native American heritage.  

What does the person of Pocahontas represent to us as Americans?  What can the facts of her actual life teach us?  How can we honor her memory, given the suffering her people experienced in the years following her short life? 

Organizational change


There are a couple of different ‘schools of thought’ for notifying patients if there is an error. 

One school of thought is to notify a patient of any error, even if no harm was done. 

Another school of thought is to notify patients only of errors that have the potential for harm or harm were done. 

What is the best policy on this for provider practices and why?

2. Strategy Implementation

To prevent further episodes of any illegal actions a mandatory practice meeting should be held to review and reiterate company policy, the roles and responsibilities of each staff member and the protocols. The purpose of the staff meeting is to untangle systemic risks by identifying and explaining the serious risks that threaten patient safety (Macrae, 2019).  The MA should have a private meeting with the medical director and the NP under whom she sent the prescription under and be placed on probation with all duties supervised and her verbal prescription privileges suspended pending a probationary period.  

Answer Five Questions About Global Social Problems


1 .According to the textbook Global Problems, Global Solutions, Chapter 6: From Difference to Discrimination: Fault Lines of Race, Ethnicity, and Religion. What similarities have you found in the histories of racism and discrimination in China, India, and Japan?

2. How do Marx, Weber and Durkheim approaches to religion differ? Why did Weber argue that Protestantism gave basis to capitalism? 

3. Why have religion and ethnicity so often been rallying points for conflict? What is needed to promote understanding between racial, ethnic, and religious groups? Provide an example to support your answer.

After reading “There is no justice in history” (Available on Canvas on Module weeks 9 and 10) by Yuval Harari, answer the following questions. 

4. How do societies create and maintain hierarchies? What does Harari describe as pollution?

5. Yuval Harari in the article: “There is no justice in history” states that all forms of hierarchy are based on fictions? Why do we accept these fictions as something real? Give an example to support your answer.

research the “new issues” surrounding AI and how do these new issues impact the field of Cognitive Psychology


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Exercise Content

  1. Connectionist model

     Any of a class of theories hypothesizing that knowledge is encoded by the connections among representations stored in the brain rather than in the representations themselves. Connectionist models suggest that knowledge is distributed rather than being localized and that it is retrieved through spreading activation among connections. The connectionist model concept has been extended to artificial intelligence, particularly to its neural network models of problem solving. With the growing amount of accessible data and ever stronger computing power, connectionist models gain considerable momentum in recent years incorporating AI. This new approach seems to solve many problems in symbolic AI but raises many new issues at the same time

  2. .In this paper you are to research the “new issues” surrounding AI and how do these new issues impact the field of Cognitive Psychology. You are free to dig deep into the trending AI movement to see what you find just be sure to tie it back to cognitive psychology.