PSyc 6800


  • Research Questions and Design of your Final Project Worksheet, you will create three research questions and identify a research design for each
  • Using the dataset you chose in Part 1, develop one descriptive research question, one comparative research question, and one relational research question.
  • Identify the research design for each of your three research questions.
  • Explore the dataset’s characteristics (e.g., population characteristics, sample size). As you become familiar with your dataset, be mindful of whether the dataset requires cleaning. If necessary, use the techniques you learned this week to clean your Final Project Dataset.
  • Final Project Assignment: Final Project Worksheet, Parts 1 & 2Submit Part 1 and Part 2 of your Final Project Worksheet by Day 7 this week. You will receive feedback on your worksheet and incorporating your Instructor’s feedback will be critical to you as you move forward with your Final Project.

  • “Linking Research Questions to Mixed Methods Data Analysis Procedures 1” by Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L.
  • Leech ( Change | Walden University

Presentation + Script More’s Utopia Edward Surtz (Secondary Literature)



12-15 minutes (NO LESS THAN 12min) 

Edward Surtz. The Praise of Pleasure (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1957), PP. 36-60 ONLY

  • I will provide all sources.

Disclaimer: The grammar I, the presenter, use is not strong. 

I’m hoping you can create a script with concrete ideas from the sources on redirecting the class along the presentation with my words to support it. 

To be clear, it cannot be wordy or complicated grammar, it should flow nicely and the words shouldn’t be crazy complicated. Don’t be misled tho, the ideas should be critical and concrete.

Start with Name of the text and background on author 

First sentence may start with “Author splits the reading into couple of sections”

“I am talking about pages from a book” 

I have been asked to analyze this 

  • It would be good to look at these issues that he raises 
  • Just a couple of more sentences for summary 

Majority of the Presentation

  • What are the important points from having read the article 
  • Where are they ? 
  • Are the arguments valuable? Do they look like a good argument? 

Must Use Adobe


Photoshop Exercise #3 is about learning the different tools that Photoshop has to fix imperfections, remove, and duplicate objects from an image, such as the Clone Stamp tool, the Content-Aware tool, Patch, Healing Brush, and Spot Removal.

Crosswalk image (1 file)

Edited in Photoshop (see instructions below)

Submit as a jpeg

  • Image of your choosing (2 files)

Submit the original, unedited image

  • Submit the edited image as a jpeg, with something removed in Photoshop
  • The idea is to leave only the couple walking down the street.Tips:
  • For both challenges, you will determine what tool (or combination of tools) to use to accomplish the end result. You may decide to start with the patch tool and refine with the healing brush, or clone, or all of the above. Try different tools and see which one works best.

Remember to work non-destructively by creating additional layers for your adjustments.

  • Pay close attention to repeating patterns, shapes, and other objects such as fences, walls, foliage, etc. Carefully observe any important lines to preserve, such as the sidewalk lines. 

Financial Market Shareholder Analysis


Walmart’s financial reports are used for various reasons, including determining how the company is doing in the financial market. Decide to evaluate the effects of economic and market conditions on Walmart. Completing this exercise provides you with financial market research to present to your management team to inspire new KPIs and policies.

Assessment Deliverable

Use the previous years data (attached)

Write a 2- page shareholder analysis in which you address the following:

Evaluate economic conditions that influence company performance. Consider political, environmental, currency (money), global economics, and government influences on economic conditions.

Compare market conditions from the previous year with the company’s performance for that same year. Conclude how the market conditions that year influenced the company’s performance, such as interest rates, Federal Reserve Bank monetary policy changes, or other market conditions relevant to the company you selected.

Analyze year-over-year performance from the past three years (2021, 2022, & 2023). Provide the 2021, 2022, and 2023 trailing PE ratio, forward PE ratio, price to book, return on assets, and return on equity

CT M9 MGT 520


Appraisal Tool 

The effective evaluation of employee performance depends, to a certain degree, on the tool that is utilized. Based on that statement, in this Critical Thinking Assignment students will create a one-page Performance Management Form that can be used in an organization. To accomplish this task, complete the following:

Choose any organization in Saudi Arabia that you are familiar with, either one you have been employed with or have studied/researched.

Choose an assessment template that you find beneficial/advantageous (note: typing “assessment” or “evaluation” format into Google will bring hundreds of different templates for you to choose). Students can also use one utilized in their current/previous workplace, or one they are familiar with.

Using that template as a guide, create your own assessment tool you would propose to evaluate any employee/position in that organization (for instance, you may choose to evaluate an employee in finance).  Be clear about:

  1. The assessment/evaluation criteria important in your review.
  2. The rating categories (e.g., superior, meets expectations, etc.)
  3. An appropriate mix/combination of check-box assessment criteria and short answers.

G124/ENC1101 section 08 English composition


Because good writing is always a process, our persuasive essay will be written in two parts: a first draft due this week and a final draft due in next week .

As you prepare, here are a few reminders for this week’s draft:

In week 3 you posted a thesis for peer review. Use the revised thesis, based on your classmates’ and teacher’s feedback as the basis for your persuasive paper.

Use your sources to support your thesis. Research and prepare the passages you will consider using. Remember to review methods of paraphrasing, summarizing, and using direct quotations.

  1. Prepare the body paragraphs by deciding where to place supporting information. Remember, each paragraph of the paper should act to build the momentum of the argument.
  2. Apply pathos, logos, and ethos whenever possible.
  3. Finally, remember that it’s okay if your ideas, opinions, or sources change during process of writing this paper. Writing makes us think, and it’s fine – even beneficial – to have our thoughts change as we express them on paper.

trauma m6 CTE


You are a child welfare worker and you have been contacted by a local school guidance counselor who has expressed concern that something might be wrong at home. You are informed that shortly after the school year started, Jimmy’s teacher referred him to the guidance counselor, who contacted dad because Jimmy had been behaving oddly in class. Jimmy still doesn’t have friends and is combative with peers. The guidance counselor shares that she is concerned that Jimmy might be depressed or having a hard time at home. At school, Jimmy’s acting apathetic. Jimmy doesn’t seem to care and has told the guidance counselor and teacher repeatedly that it doesn’t bother him if he gets bad grades. You are asked to assess the situation and determine which intervention will help Jimmy while preserving the family, if possible.

Include the following:

Identify the suspected causes of Jimmy’s behaviors.

Explain what the treatment goals are for Jimmy.

  • Identify an evidence-based intervention to be implemented.
  • Explain how this intervention will help address Jimmy’s needs.

Module 07: Gender and Leadership – Discussion Question


Module 07: Gender and Leadership

You will explore the impact of gender on leadership. As leaders, men and women may have different leadership approaches, and you will examine some of these differences and their outcomes. You will also look at current statistics of women’s place in the workforce and the pay they receive..

Discussion Question

Question Requirements:

Gender and Leadership

You have been asked to create for your Board of Directors best practices for the role that gender plays in leadership style and leadership effectiveness

Discuss 5 specific points you would like to share regarding how gender plays a role in leadership style and effectiveness

Consider now that this is a virtual team what 5 best practices for leading a virtual team with considerations of what females should particularly focus on when leading virtual teams in KSA


Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources.

Write the discuss that includes an introduction paragraph, the body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions.

ENGL 203 Common Place book entry


Write in your Commonplace Book a short (250ish words) reflection considering one of the following topics (or a fascinating topic of your own choice): THE FAERIE QUEENE BOOK 1 CANTO 1-2-3

What connections or contrasts do you see between what Spenser is doing here and earlier chivalric romances like SGGK?

How is Spenser’s “Renaissance medievalism” comparable to Ishiguro’s 21st-century medievalism? What are they each doing with the archaic setting of the medieval past, and how do they each use this distant setting to offer commentary on their own era?

How does the “epic romance” of Spenser so far bring together elements of both epics and medieval romances?

  • What do you notice about how Spenser uses symbolism and allegory to convey his political and religious beliefs?
  • What do you notice about Spenser’s use of supernatural elements, and how do they compare to the presence of the supernatural in earlier readings for this class?

How do characters like Redcrosse Knight, Una, Archimago, and Duessa compare to earlier characters we’ve met in other readings?

Personal Reflection: Problem Solving in the Workplace


It is important for students to understand how their curriculum is applied to real world workplace environments. How what you are studying can or will benefit you in your current, or future, career. For this assignment, you will need to review your program’s curriculum and goals and compare that to your current job/internship (if unemployed, reflect on a job/career that you desire to obtain in the future).

To complete the assignment, please follow the below instructions:

Reflect on (research, if needed) your current (or future) job duties and responsibilities.

Assignment Details:

  1. Part 1 Identify a Problem

Problem solving starts by being able to identify existing problems, gaps in service, inefficient systems/processes, flawed policies, or any other areas of our job/career where improvement is needed. Identify a problem or gap at your workplace and explain why/how this problem exists.

Part 2 Solve the Problem

Use your knowledge that you’ve learned in the program (or hope to learn in a future course) to implement a plan to solve the problem.