Assignnment 510 (156)


Population Health in Saudi Arabia (110 points)

Leaders must stay abreast of healthcare trends in order to best serve the population they are supporting. In recent decades, disease threats in Saudi Arabia have shifted from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases. The high prevalence of unhealthy lifestyles and cardiovascular disease risk factors in the adult Saudi population support the need for enhanced CQI programs in the population health arena. Saudi Vision 2030 has a major focus on healthcare such as primary disease prevention and improving lifestyles.

Using the Saudi Digital Library, locate and read three scholarly journal articles on the role of utilizing CQI initiatives to improve population health in Saudi Arabia.

Based on your readings, prepare a PowerPoint presentation describing your approach to implementing CQI for a specific population health need, such as hypertension, diabetes, preventative screenings, etc. Explain how as a leader you would engage key stakeholders. Analyze how the key objectives of the Health Sector Transformation Program within the Vision Realization Program of Saudi Vision 2030 supports population health.

Revised Appendix A Table Discussion



1. What did you learn about your searching and reviewing articles for use in Appendix A?  

2. What hints could you provide for your classmates? 

This needs to be a substantial main discussion and use some of the objectives above.

3. Attach your approved revised table as a document in WORD to the discussion. Use the final revision approved by the faculty. Do not post to this discussion until you receive the final approval of your week 7 Appendix A table.



Demonstrate the interrelationship between theory, research, and evidence-based practice during this discussion.  You will write about your experience as you:

·       Evaluated the credibility of sources of professional nursing practice information.

·       Appraised the elements of published nursing practice information and research.

·       Applied ethical principles in the conduct of research and evidence-based nursing practice.

·       Appraised sources of evidence to develop a proposed practice change.

·       Synthesized research and evidence to impact nursing care.

Dang & Dearholt: Chapters 6 & 7

Review Johns Hopkins Nursing Online Evidence-Based Practice Course as needed.

Patient safety and adverse events


Medicare has begun linking quality to payments. One of the ways that they do this is through their hospital readmission reduction program that targets quality of care to specific conditions or procedures suc as acute, myocardial infarction, heart failure, coronary artery, bypass graft surgery, chronic obstructive, pulmonary disease, pneumonia, and elective, primary total hip replacement. They collect this information in a Medicare Compare database or the CMS Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite, which allows consumers to compare healthcare providers and organizations in their local area.

  • Access the CMS Patient Safety and Adverse Events Compositewebpage. Locate a hospital of interest to you and its nearest competitor for this hospital. Review and create a spreadsheet to compare data in the following areas: PSI 3, 6, 8, 10 & 13.
  • Upload your spreadsheet and list three things you learned. How could the IHI Safety Huddle Toolkitbe helpful in preventing these adverse events?

MBA Capstone Week 2


Read the Required Readings and use them to support your discussion responses (as citations). Cut and paste your reply into the discussion forum-do not use attachments. Check grammar, proofread and edit prior to posting.

Read the Western National Insurance Case, attached with this question in essay style, (do not use Q & A format), 

Identify the stakeholders described (are there any not implicitly identified?) in the case study.

Discuss the actions taken by Henderson to support and engage Western National Insurance stakeholders. 

Evaluate his actions using leadership and management theories learned in your MBA program and from this module’s readings to support your assessment. Cite the authors; reference the articles. 

Then, briefly discuss how successful leaders excel at understanding themselves and others, motivating stakeholders to excel, and facilitating them to learn and perform their work more effectively, with the overall effect of enhancing organizational capacity. Ensure you are reading the required articles that can be found under Readings-Resources, which you use as citation support for your discussion posts (initial and two peer replies). 

Homework questions


  • What do I value? Do these values assist or hinder my leadership activities?
  • Are my behaviors/actions guided by personal values?
  • What personal values of mine may conflict with my role and responsibilities as a leader?
  • If I have written a narrative describing my leadership style, does it make reference to my personal values? Did I write this narrative to impress a search consultant or a potential employer, or did I do it to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses?
  • Does my definition of leadership include some reference to values?
  • What is my definition of leadership?
  • Q2.

    Watch the 2 YouTube videos that outline and demonstrate the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Model. Model for Improvement (Clip 1) for Improvement (Clip 2) explain why this model is critical to achieving targeted outcomes when attempting to improve an identified performance problem. Select one of Kotter’s Eight-Stage Process of Creating Major Change provided on page 47 of the text and explain how it may impact the success of using the IHI Improvement model.

Research a food that has made it to the US


Choose one of the following foods: tacos, burritos, pizza, spaghetti, pad Thai, ramen, or lo mein.  If there is another food you’d like to research, email me for approval. 

Do some research and answer these questions about your chosen food item:  (each answer should be at least 3 sentences except #2 & #8)

  1. Briefly describe the food as it is in the United States. 
  2. In what country did the food originate?
  3. What is the history of this food:  When, why, and how was it created?  Describe the dish as it was when first created.  
  4. How did this dish make its way to the United States?  Tell the story.  
  5. How has the dish changed since it was created?  How and why has the United States changed the food?  
  6. How do people in the country of origin feel about the food item now?  Is it a favorite and eaten often or is it more obscure?  
  7. Has this dish spread to other countries as well?  How is it different in these other countries?  

Please follow everything as is requested. Don’t use any AI, be honest! I need this on time or before the deadline.


Need to compare two companies there financial statements . – Accounting –

one page executive summary along with adding that chart and doing the calculations needed from the financial statements I provided

The power point attached is help detail the instructions. This needed to completed in a new word doc

I have choses two companies Dollar Tree and Dollar General 10K reports.

Create a report in Word that includes the following. Important, please format your report in the
following order:
A. Executive Summary of findings (Approximately 1 page): The paragraph includes, a) a
statement of which companies you chose, b) a couple of sentences introducing your companies …
i.e., what industry are they in, a bit about what their business is, and, c) A statement of which firm
you chose as the better investment and why. Refer to the highlights you found in your ratio analysis
that support your opinion.
B. A chart with the required financial ratios. Use the format provided below. I’ve provided a
hypothetical example in the first row of what kind of work I expect

Phy Sci 107 Week 5 Chap. 14, 15, & 18 Chemical Reaction


1. Read Chapter 14: The Universe  and the article: Chapter 14 – Gravity Waves.pdf
2. Answer the following question:

Describe how the scientific method was implemented as this research was being conducted.  What steps were taken to ensure that the discovery of gravity waves was a real discovery and not a mistake?

1. Read Chapter 15: Energy and the article: Chapter 15 – Voyager Leaves Solar System.pdf
2. Answer the following question:

Imagine you could design your own probe that could explore our solar system or beyond.  Where would you send it?  What questions would you like it to answer?  What data would you have it collect in order to answer that question?

1. Read Chapter 18: Plate Tectonics and the article: Chapter 18 – Devil Toad.pdf
2. Answer the following question:

This article describes a fossil that is interesting from both a biological and a geological perspective.  Clearly, further research is needed.  What research results might confirm or refute the claims made in this article? 

ENGL 1040 E Reading Literature: Coming of Age


“The House on Mango Street. Written by Sandra Cisneros. 25th Anniversary Edition, Penguin Random House 2009. ISBN 9780679734772″

The instructions for the assignment is as follow: 

Answer the following questions in a response at least 1 page in length. Responses should be typed, double-spaced, in size 12 font. If you use a source in your response, please include citations to give credit to that source. 

1. In The House on Mango Street, What does Esperanza’s name mean to her? How
does it connect with her identity/the kind of person she wants to be? Include some lines/quotes from the story that tell us this.
2. Even though Mango Street is Esperanza’s home, we can tell that she is surrounded by a lot of dysfunction and violence. In your opinion, what effect does violence have on Esperanza? Is she aware of it, or is she oblivious? Include some examples from the story to support your opinion.

3. What questions do you have about this story so far, and/or what details did you notice? 

Assignmnet 510 (157)


Population Health in Saudi Arabia 

Leaders must stay abreast of healthcare trends in order to best serve the population they are supporting. In recent decades, disease threats in Saudi Arabia have shifted from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases. The high prevalence of unhealthy lifestyles and cardiovascular disease risk factors in the adult Saudi population support the need for enhanced CQI programs in the population health arena. Saudi Vision 2030 has a major focus on healthcare such as primary disease prevention and improving lifestyles.

Using the Saudi Digital Library, locate and read three scholarly journal articles on the role of utilizing CQI initiatives to improve population health in Saudi Arabia.

Based on your readings, prepare a PowerPoint presentation describing your approach to implementing CQI for a specific population health need, such as hypertension, diabetes, preventative screenings, etc. Explain how as a leader you would engage key stakeholders. Analyze how the key objectives of the Health Sector Transformation Program within the Vision Realization Program of Saudi Vision 2030 supports population health.