NURS530 Week 3 Case Study


Part 1:

Compare and contrast the 3 conditions in the chart below: 


Migraine Headaches 

Tension Headaches 


Risk Factors 


Clinical Manifestations:

Part 2:

Choose a pain syndrome to explore. 

Present a hypothetical case that includes the following:

Vital information about a person who might be predisposed to this condition (I.e., a person who may have risk factors for this condition). 

The pathophysiology of the disease, including clinical manifestations.

Which diagnostic tests you’d recommend and a rationale for the one(s) you choose.

How this condition compares to other differentials.

The evidence-based recommendations from the AHRQ GuidelinesLinks to an external site. or guidelines recommended from a professional organization. Based on these recommendations, discuss how  to manage the condition best.

A patient safety issue that could be associated with the condition presented in this case.

Part 3: 

Answer these reflection questions:

What information would a master’s prepared nurse gather from a patient with this condition?

How could the master’s prepared nurse use this information to design a patient education session for someone with this condition?

What was the most confusing or challenging information presented in this case?

EJU Calculate the Coefficient of Determination Questions


All Canadians have government-funded health insurance, which pays for any medical care they require. However, when traveling out of the country, Canadians usually acquire supplementary health insurance to cover the difference between the costs incurred for emergency treatment and what the government program pays. In the United States, this cost differential can be prohibitive. Until recently, private insurance companies (such as BlueCross BlueShield) charged everyone the same weekly rate, regardless of age. However, because of rising costs and the realization that older people frequently incur greater medical emergency expenses, insurers had to change their premium plans. They decided to offer rates that depend on the age of the customer. To help determine the new rates, one insurance company gathered data concerning the age and mean daily medical expenses of a random sample of 1,348 Canadians during the previous 12-month period.

a. Calculate the coefficient of determination.

b. What does the statistic calculated in part (a) tell you?

c. Determine the least squares line.

d. Interpret the coefficients.

e. What rate plan would you suggest?

DQ # Educational Leadership


Chapter 3 Questions

1.    The building of trust is a major theme in this chapter.  Educators must trust the data, and administrators must trust that their educators are able to use the data effectively.  Give an example of one factor that could serve as a hindrance to building that trust.

2.    A “culture of mutual accountability” needs to exist among teachers, principals, and district personnel if data is to be used successfully to improve education.  How do you think each of these three constituencies is accountable to the other two?

Chapter 4 Questions

3.    Figure 4.1 (page 75 of the text) illustrates the cycle of instructional improvement.  Which step in the cycle do you think serves as a bottleneck to slow down the entire instructional improvement process?

4.    The administration of regular benchmark assessments is one tool schools can use to gauge instructional improvement.  Some schools couple these assessments with pacing plans to ensure the material is being taught at an appropriate pace.  How can school administration balance a pacing plan with teacher autonomy?

Week of 15MAR2024


1. Using shifts in supply and demand curves, describe a change in the industry in which your firm operates. The change may arise from a change in costs, entry/exit of firms, a change in consumer tastes, a change in the Macroeconomy, a change in interest rates, or a change in exchange rates. Label the axes, and state the geographic, product, and time dimensions of the demand and supply curves you draw. Explain what happened to industry price and quantity by referencing the demand and supply curves. If more than one change occurred, decompose the change into smaller pieces so that your explanation has a step-by-step character. (Hint and warning: Demand and supply curves are used at the industry level, not the firm level.) Describe how your company could profitably use the analysis.   ( Make sure all Criteria have been fulfilled).

2. provide a graduate-level response to the following questions: How can ethics be applied to environmental issues? 

3. What are several of the most critical environmental issues now receiving worldwide attention?

Confidentiality & Substance Abuse Information


As you have learned, 42 CFR Part 2 governs confidentiality for substance abuse programs. It also outlines the limited circumstances of information about a client’s treatment, which may be disclosed with or without the client’s consent. In this discussion, you will examine the ethical standards that can align with some of the legal issues concerning release of confidential health information of individuals with substance abuse/use disorders.

Imagine that you are a human services professional working with an adult client who is seeking treatment for a substance abuse overdose.

  • Explain at least one way that the limitations under 42 CFR Part 2 for disclosing substance abuse information impact effective information sharing for all parties involved in this scenario.
  • Indicate what might be different if your client was a child and had a parent or guardian. If the patient is a minor, how do you ensure provisions under 42 CFR Part 2 are abided by?
  • If your client has threatened someone, how do you determine if there is a duty to warn those being threatened?

Latin American Studies Question


Professor instructions: 

Choose two poems and write an essay in which you engage with both poems and compare them.

Analyze the poems themselves, compare the two, and explore how they deal with different personal and social issues. Think about how they use language creatively, how they use imagery and sound. Use evidence from the poems to support your arguments, and if you find it is relevant, you can also quote any of the texts you have read for this course.

This is an opportunity to develop the initial notes that you made into fully-formed ideas and arguments that connect the poems to each other and to the themes of the class. 

Read the poems a few times before you begin writing, and again once you have started working on the essay. It is impossible to extract everyting from a poem in a single or a couple of readings. Going over the poem again and lingering over certain words and certain lines will help you extract subtle meanings that you may have missed before.

500-750 response


Week 5: Self-Reflection Assignment

Provide an overview of your childhood development and the factors/experiences that shaped your development. Include an analysis of areas of privilege or marginalization that shaped your social identity development.
Identify three relevant theories that help explain your development from a micro, mezzo, and macro perspective.

Explain how your development may impact your approach to social work practice. Your discussion should indicate a titled section for each stage of development and subtitles for the multidimensional factors.
I would suggest that you support your arguments with research.  And, if there are specific milestones you do not remember, consult family members and caretakers or make presumptions based on your post-childhood development.

You may complete your reflection through a paper, Voicethread, or video response, whichever you prefer
Your response must meet the rubric criteria and the guidelines for this assignment, regardless of the medium you are using to complete it

Guidelines (10 points):

If you choose to complete with a VoiceThread, make sure to upload the VoiceThread link with or as your completed assignment

Identifying Infective Endocarditis: Clinical Presentation and Key Signs Case Study


A 22-year-old woman presents with fatigue, shortness of breath, and loss of appetite. Her symptoms started 2 weeks ago and have progressively worsened. She has had a fever for the past 3 days and night sweats. Her past medical history is unremarkable except for a wisdom tooth extraction approximately 2 months before she came to the clinic. On physical examination, she has a temperature of 38.6° C, heart rate of 120/min, respiratory rate of 22/min, and BP of 110/85 mm Hg. She has a 4/6 holosystolic murmur that radiates to the left axilla. Skin examination reveals scattered petechiae on her extremities.

1. What is the most likely diagnosis? Justify.

2. What are common clinical findings on physical exam that are associated with this condition?

3. What risk factors are associated with an increased incidence of this condition?

4. What are the most common pathogens associated with this condition?

5. What are the most appropriate next steps in the investigations of this patient?

6. What are the possible complications of this condition?

I need help on a art discussion


Teacher Notes 

For this discussion, you will be doing your own analysis of the how implied deep space is created in an artwork. For reference, please review the Analyzing Form Worksheet, and the Teacher Notes #7 specifically, review the section on implied space in Teacher Notes #7. (you can also find them inline below).

View the Teacher Notes #7 inline below, or click on the link to open in a new window. To review the section on implied space, navigate to slide #60.

Teacher Notes #7 Links to an external site.

Instructions – How to Complete the Assignment 

Instructions – How to Complete the Assignment 

Complete the following for your reply, based on the Renaissance artwork below (if you are having trouble viewing it on this page, please click on the link to open in a new tab) Perugino, Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to Saint PeteLinks to an external site.r, 1481

FU African American Spirituals Discussion


Writing Response Reading:

Reading 1: Preface From The Book Of American Negro Spirituals By James Weldon Johnson (Pages 1-6)  (Course Digital Textbook) or Linked Reading of James Weldon Johnson Reading

Additional Reading: Linked PDF of Negro Spiritual Definition and Select Negro Spirituals and Lyrics

Step 1: Directions: Carefully read the above reading. Take notes while reading; be sure to read any footnotes.

In your own original writing voice and from your personal informed perspective (first person point of view), compose a written response of approximately 200 words in paragraph/essay format using the Discussion Prompt Guide below to shape the content. (Ensure that your writing is clear, well-proofed, focused, and coherent.)

Please respond using your own original writing voice and from your personal informed perspective (first person point of view).

Step 2: Discussion Prompt Guide:

What are your personal reactions to the Linked PDF of Negro Spirituals? What do you notice about them from your own viewpoint? Do you see elements of African American strengths or weaknesses in the spirituals?