Social Work mu


For this short assignment please only provide answers for ONE of the docuseries, Gabriel Fernandez, or Kalief Browder. 

Gabriel Fernandez

Social Work Theories and Approach – Choose one of the following social work theories or approaches and apply them to the work being done at LA DCFS. 

The Strengths Perspective

Ecological Systems Theory

Systems Theory

  1. Person-in-Environment 

Name and define the theory/approach you chose 

Using the Gabriel Fernandez Docuseries, how could the use of the theory/approach you chose to improve the effectiveness of social workers at LA DCFS? Be specific and provide examples that are directly tied to working with Gabriel Fernandez.

  • Kalief Browder

Social Work Theories and Approach – Choose one of the following social work theories or approaches and apply them to the work being done at the NY Department of Corrections Rikers Island. 

  • The Strengths Perspective

Ecological Systems Theory

  • Systems Theory


  • Name and define the theory/approach you chose 

Using The Kalief Browder Stoy, how could the use of the theory/approach you chose to improve the effectiveness of rehabilitation at Rikers Island? Be specific and provide examples that are directly tied to working with Kalief Browder.

social work da


For this short assignment please only provide answers for ONE of the docuseries, Gabriel Fernandez, or Kalief Browder. 

Gabriel Fernandez

Social Work Theories and Approach – Choose one of the following social work theories or approaches and apply them to the work being done at LA DCFS. 

The Strengths Perspective

Ecological Systems Theory

Systems Theory

  1. Person-in-Environment 

Name and define the theory/approach you chose 

Using the Gabriel Fernandez Docuseries, how could the use of the theory/approach you chose to improve the effectiveness of social workers at LA DCFS? Be specific and provide examples that are directly tied to working with Gabriel Fernandez.

  • Kalief Browder

Social Work Theories and Approach – Choose one of the following social work theories or approaches and apply them to the work being done at the NY Department of Corrections Rikers Island. 

  • The Strengths Perspective

Ecological Systems Theory

  • Systems Theory


  • Name and define the theory/approach you chose 

Using The Kalief Browder Stoy, how could the use of the theory/approach you chose to improve the effectiveness of rehabilitation at Rikers Island? Be specific and provide examples that are directly tied to working with Kalief Browder.

Pathophysiology cells


Topic 1: Cells

The body’s cells have the ability to adapt and change as a result of different stimuli the body encounters. These can be normal changes or abnormal changes. 

Discuss the types of normal and abnormal cellular responses and provide examples of diseases or conditions in which they occur. 

Explain the circumstances in which the cells may or may not be able to return to their original state. 

Discuss the ways cells can be injured or damaged and how eventually cell death can occur. 

  • Discuss the role of the liver and free fatty acids in cellular changes. 

We know cell growth and renewal as well as cell death are ongoing processes in the body. We must consider what happens to the cells that are being replaced. 

  • Explain the pathophysiologic concepts related to reversible cell injury. 

Explain the pathophysiologic process and concepts related to apoptosis. 

  • Explain the pathophysiologic process of the death of a cell and necrosis. Please include the types of gangrene and explain. 

Have you ever cared for a patient with any of these cell injury or cell death-related conditions?

NUR 650 Discussion # 2


After studying Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:

Harriet is a 51-year-old married woman with a past history of alcohol and cocaine abuse. She has been attending AA and NA meetings regularly and does not report urges to drink or use drugs during the 4 years you have been her psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. She needs carpal tunnel surgery and the typical regimen during recovery is oxycodone 15 mg per day.

What information would be most critical for the group leader to collect in the first visit?

What is the primary goal for the treatment of this patient’s family problem, based on the US clinical guidelines?

Discuss one curative factor the group would observe during the initial, middle and termination phases in group therapy? 

  • Identify your city. Then refer this patient to three agencies near you that would support positive health outcomes for this patient. (These agencies must not have been used in past discussion posts). What was your rationale for choosing these three agencies?  

Gratitude Inventory!


Week 8 is a great time to take inventory of all the amazing things in our life that we are grateful for! You have made it halfway through the semester.  Some classes may be giving midterms, some may be pouring on the content.  Despite how busy you may be, we have many things to be grateful for.  We tend to spend more time focusing on the negative in our lives, so this week I want you to try to make a pact with yourself to hone in on the positive in your life.  Please share a long list of specific people, things, situations, opportunities, animals and anything else you can think of this week that you appreciate and that fill you with GRATITUDE.

Here are a few of mine: 

My family: My parents, sister, my 3 nephews, grandmother. 

My dog: Negra


My friends who give me strength and support.

My home, car, neighbors, food in the fridge, warm bed, phone, computer and tv.

My health and strength and motivation to take care of myself.

My Job at Southwestern College.

Biology of a Virus-SARS-COV-2 23 23


Go to the link Biology of a Virus

Links to an external site.

above link has four-part animation series that explores the biology of
the virus, including the structure of coronaviruses like SARS-CoV-2, how
they infect humans and replicate inside cells, how the viruses evolve,
methods used to detect active and past SARS-CoV-2 infections, and how
different types of vaccinations for SARS-CoV-2 prevent disease.

After watching all parts of the animation,

Discuss any two of the following 4 prompts

  1. The replication process of SARs-COV-2, describing the different steps involved.
  2. How mutations arise in viral genome and how it changes the virus over time.
  3. Discuss the different ways to detect viral infection
  4. Discuss the how different types of vaccines trigger an immune response

Also include a short paragraph on

  • Did this animation help to correct any misconceptions you had about SARS CoV-2 or Covid-19?
  • What are the misconceptions you had about this topic, the video help to correct or the video didn’t address?

Walden University week 9


Individuals with personality disorders often find it difficult to overcome the enduring patterns of thought and behavior that they have thus far experienced and functioned with in daily life. Even when patients are aware that personality-related issues are causing significant distress and functional impairment and are open to counseling, treatment can be challenging for both the patient and the therapist. For this Assignment, you examine specific personality disorders and consider therapeutic approaches you might use with clients.


Succinctly, in address the following:

  • Briefly describe the personality disorder you selected, including the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria.
  • Explain a therapeutic approach and a modality you might use to treat a client presenting with this disorder. Explain why you selected the approach and modality, justifying their appropriateness.
  • Next, briefly explain what a therapeutic relationship is in psychiatry. Explain how you would share your diagnosis of this disorder with the client in order to avoid damaging the therapeutic relationship. Compare the differences in how you would share your diagnosis with an individual, a family, and in a group session.

This is not technically American Studies but it is African American Studies


1st question: According to Manning Marble, what is the Black intellectual tradition? Identify and describe the three characteristics that define this intellectual tradition. Be specific.

2nd question: Briefly identify and describe the four central tenets of Black feminist thought (as identified by Collins in Black Feminist Epistemology)

3rd question: Provide a brief summary of the text (when was it written, why, by whom, for whom, etc.). Drawing on your response to Question #2 above, select a paragraph from the reading that illustrates one or more of the central tenets of Black feminist epistemology. Identify the tenet(s) and explain how the excerpt you chose illustrates this tenet(s).

4th question: Drawing on material covered in class and in the video, “The Urgency of Intersectionality” (WATCH FROM 5:13 – 10:58) why did Kimberlee Crenshaw create the term “intersectionality”? Who is Emma? What dilemma did Emma face? According to Crenshaw, how might intersectionality as an interpretative framework help the law see and respond to Emma’s dilemma? Be specific.

The urgency of intersectionality | Kimberlé Crenshaw | TED (

MGT324, 325, 421, & 422 Discussion Questions



Week 2:

  • Some believe that a company’s only responsibility is to maximize shareholder value. Others feel that an organization has a responsibility to a larger group of stakeholders. State which views you support and justify your position.
  • Write at least 2 paragraphs (100 words per paragraph) responding to the statement above to test your knowledge.

Week 3:

Discuss Ethical Dilemmas in business.


Week 2:

Suppose your boss in meeting takes credit of all the work which you have done   Discuss how you will deal with this situation


Discuss any difficult  communication which you have handled and what do you think you should have done to handle it in an much effective way. (100 words minimum)


Week 2:

What traits appear to make individual most creative? Are these traits that lead to successful invention? (100 words)

Week 3:

What are some reasons that both technology improvement and technology diffusion exhibit S shaped curve? (100 words)


Week 2:

What is public administration?

What are the main elements of public administration?

Week 3:

What do you understand by human resource management?

What are the various concepts associated with human resource management?



Review Questions Task 2

Chapter 5

Briefly identify the purpose of the survey research.

What two characteristics do surveys have in common, regardless of the purpose for which the survey was conducted?

You are going to conduct research using surveys. Would you choose to use a mail-in survey, face-to-face interviews, phone interviews, or an online survey? Why?

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of online surveys?

You want to assess the direction and extent of the change in your participants’ opinions over time. Which survey research design would you choose and why?

Explain the difference between a mediating variable and a moderating variable.

  • Chapter 6
  • Describe two reasons why psychologists conduct experiments.
  • You notice that there is a selective loss of participants during your experiment. What preventative measures could you take to minimize or prevent this problem?
  • How can the use of a placebo and double-blind minimize the effects of experimenter demand?
  • Explain what a statistically significant result says about the effect of the independent variable in an experiment.

Briefly describe four ways in which we establish the external validity of research results.