
At times, we all ponder the world around us. We ask questions like: “How does THAT relationship work?” and “What might be the cause of THAT?” and “How can THAT situation be explained or defined?” Believe it or not, these are the types of questions that drive the work that researchers do. 

Imagine for a moment that you are a researcher, and that you have all possible resources available to you for research. What would you want to know about the world around you? About relationships? About people? What phenomena might you seek to understand or to explain?

If you were to be able to uncover the answers to your questions, what would that mean for you? How would the ability to do that influence your identity as a professional counselor? How would it influence your counseling practice?

Finally, to what extent do you see yourself as a future researcher-practitioner? Is this an identity that you think you can integrate into your overall identity as a professional? Is it even important to try to do so? 

Benchmark – Applying Leadership and Management Principles



The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the various approaches nursing leaders employ when addressing issues in practice.

Select an issue from the following list: workplace violence, workplace injury, unit restructuring, floating, nurse turnover, nurse staffing ratios, or use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses).

In a 1,000-1,250-word paper, discuss the following:

Describe the issue you selected. Provide data to support how this issue impacts the quality of care in the setting in which it occurs.

Using research evidence for support, present one possible solution that could be implemented to address the issue. In your discussion, be sure to include financial considerations as they relate to implementation of the solution.

Describe a leadership style that would best address the issue.

Discuss how this leadership style compares to your personal leadership style.

Compare two different leadership theories that could be applied to resolution of the issue. Explain how each theory would be effective in addressing the issue.

Discuss the nurse’s role within an interdisciplinary team in promoting patient quality and safety while fostering professionalism to address this issue.

political opinion


A). Public opinion is very important in any democracy. Citizens should have the right to voice their opinions and have their leaders listen to their opinions. However, we know that many Americans do not care much about politics and government and do not voice their opinions. Why do many Americans not care about politics? What can be done to get more Americans involved in the political process? 

B). Political socialization is the process by which we acquire our political beliefs and attitudes. The three agents of political socialization are family, school, and peer groups. Using the three agents of socialization as a guide, describe in detail how the process of political socialization takes place.

C). Go to the following link, Once you click on the link, scroll down and analyze the graph. What does the graph show? Do you see a trend in the polling data, and what do you think explains the data? Based on the polling data why did Donald Trump win the Presidential election and not Hillary Clinton? 

Medical Errors discussion


This week we are discussing some of the issues surrounding the use of AI in healthcare, medical errors, and the systems approach to digital healthcare. To spark a lively discussion, choose either the article by Melnyk, et al., or delve into the inspiring work of the medical futurist, Dr. Mesko.

Melnyk, B., Kelly, S., Stephens, J., Dhakal, K., McGovern, C., Tucker, S., Hoying, J., McRae, K., Ault, S., Spurlock, E., & Bird, S. (Nov. 2020) Interventions to improve mental health, well-being, physical health, and lifestyle behaviors in physicians and nurses: A systematic review. American Journal of Health Promotion, 34(8), 929-941. doi: 10.1177/0890117120920451 . PMID: 32338522; PMCID: PMC8982669.

The Medical Futurist

  • For either choice, please answer the following questions; however, the answers to all three will require your investigation into the literature. Please provide one reference for each question.

Why is it important and relevant to be concerned about the wellbeing of providers and nurses?

Is AI considered a threat to healthcare? Explain.

  • What are the strengths and limitations of a systems approach to data management? 



Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe the basic steps of the organizational development process. 

2. Evaluate the strategic role of change in the organization and its impact on organizational performance. 

3. Analyze the human, structural and strategic dimensions of organizational development.

Assignment Question(s):

You are a management consultant at Miri & Co Partners; you receive an email from one of your long-term clients stating as follows: 

“Following an overhaul of the company and a shift from the conventional model to telecommuting, several challenges have emerged. First, the majority of the departments are not meeting their monthly targets. This follows an introduction of a policy that the most productive employees will receive a monthly bonus. Secondly, numerous conflicts are emerging from the finance departments. We need an urgent solution to increase the productivity of this department.” Answer the following questions: 

1. How can the company improve group awareness in the company? (3 marks)

2. State the process of using a microcosm group to address organization-wide issues. (3 marks)

3. What are the disadvantages of restructuring based on functional structure? (4 marks)

The Role of Gender in Mental illness Stigma


What is the take-home message of the article? 

List 3 mental health issues that YOU perceive to be “women’s issues.” Why are these perceived to be “women’s issues”? How might these issues affect men, directly or indirectly? Be sure that you are listing mental health issues. If you are unsure about whether the issue is classified as mental health, do some research to be sure. 

  1. List 3 mental health issues that YOU perceive to be “men’s issues.” Why are these perceived to be “men’s issues”? How might these issues affect women, directly or indirectly? 
  2. Consider the three mental health issues that you listed as being “women’s issues.” If you or a male member of your family had one of these conditions, how might that affect their health-seeking behaviors? Alternately, if you or a female member of your family had a mental health issue perceived as a “men’s issue,” how might that affect their health-seeking behaviors? 

Break the stereotypes- why are these issues not simply “women’s” or “men’s” mental health issues? Personal examples or experiences are encouraged.

Public Health case study


In each week of the class you will submit a one page (minimum) case study that takes a closer look at a public health issue in the US. With each of these one page responses, the student is responsible for identifying a community/public health issue, what group is particularly at risk from this public health problem, what is being done about the health problem now, and what policy could be used for this problem in the future. This, for example, could be lack of mental health resources for middle school students. A case study will discuss the issue, talk about why this particular group is so affected, what is being done, and what can be done to fix the lack of mental health resources for middle school students. When writing one of these case studies, make sure to use at least two (2) pieces of support from the library in the form of journal articles, magazine articles, and/or newspaper articles. Nothing from the WEB and nothing from WIKIPEDIA! Stay away from these. 

Physics Discussion Question


Everyday Life: How do you use this physics discovery in your everyday life? Which equations covered in our physics course (in the chapters we covered) relate to this discovery? Do not include equations, formulas or concepts not included in our physics course. Provide examples by creating a physics problem in the same scientific style as the problems at the end of each Chapter in your ebook, or like in the Video Tutor.  Solve your original creative new Physics Problem step-by-step with units of measurement consistency, framed final answer, and include a drawing or diagram. *USE COULOMB’S LAW*

Arts & Science: Can you find a reference in the arts? In song lyrics, movies, drama, story, graphic arts, painting, drawing, sculpture, modeling, design, enamelwork, etc.? If so, please describe how it relates to the new discovery you have selected in scientific terms, addressing the scientific accuracy- or not- of the artistic reference? Indicate if it has a scientific foundation or not, and how well the science reference in this arts example was addressed and interpreted. 



For this Assignment, you complete the Correlation Statistics Worksheet, which gives you step-by-step instructions on how to conduct and interpret the finding of a Pearson correlation in SPSS. After you have conducted the descriptive statistic, write the results in APA format. An example is provided in the worksheet.


Required Readings

Salkind, N. J., Frey, B. B.  (2020c). Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics (7th ed.). Sage.

Chapter 5, “Computing Correlation Coefficients: Ice Cream and Crime” (pp. 75-102)

Salkind, N.J. (2017a). Ice cream and crime: Computing correlation coefficients Download Ice cream and crime: Computing correlation coefficients[Data file]. Retrieved from…Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics by Salkind, N.J. Copyright 2016 by Sage College. Reprinted by permission of Sage College via the Copyright Clearance Center.

To prepare:

From your data set, identify two or more variables between or among which you want to see a relationship.

  • Complete the Correlation Statistics Worksheet, which is found in the Learning Resources.

Writing Questions



Case Study: Visa Is Enhancing the Customer Experience While Reducing Fraud with Predictive Analytics and Data Mining. Use your submission to answer the following:

What challenges were Visa and the rest of the credit card industry facing? How did Visa improve customer service while also improving fraud retention? What is in-memory analytics, and why was it necessary?

Note: Your answer should be a minimum of 4-5 pages and also include a minimum of 4-5 references (published not more than three years ago).


Refer to the attached video before answering the below question:

Do you think of yourselves as creative? Do you have the confidence to take on problems that don’t have a clear answer? How confident are you in approaching problems as opportunities and leading teams toward unimaginative things?


Content should be clear, concise, and understandable.

Please follow the minimum answer length and also include a minimum number of references, and in-text citations for the above questions in APA format. References should have been published no more than three years ago.

Check for any grammatical errors and sentence structure.