Entrepreneurship Question


Brief Question

The first step in starting an entrepreneurial venture is to identify a problem and the second step is to shape a solution that creates a viable business model. In this assignment, students use primary and secondary research to support the identification/and or preliminary validation of the problem they feel is driving an idea identified in the Idea Journal assignment. For example, if a student felt there was a lack of access to healthy and affordable food for college students. Their research assignment should verify this is a problem –and describe the scope of the problem. After the problem is selected and researched, the students receive feedback evaluating how effective they were at creating a compelling analysis/discussion of the problem. Students conclude the assignment by providing a solution to this problem through the creation of a new business. This assignment is no more than 5 pages in length and should include links to survey data and results, questions, and secondary sources. This should include a bibliography of sources you used to gather the information.

questions 1


Hi! Please answer the following questions. use references with apa citation 

1. What signs and symptoms that indicate drug withdrawal?

2. What are some characteristics of an individual diagnosed with borderline personality


3. What is “splitting” in patients with borderline personality disorder?

4. What is dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)? How can DBT help patients with

borderline personality disorder?

5. What are common reasons that patients with personality disorders engage in self-

injurious behaviors?

6. What interventions should be used with a patient engaging in self-injury or making

suicidal threats/gestures?

7. What is an adjustment disorder and what are some of the defining characteristics of

an adjustment disorder?

8. What are the different subcategories of adjustment disorders?

9. What techniques should be utilized to establish rapport with an adolescent patient?

10. What are some considerations when discharging a patient from an inpatient

psychiatric unit?

11. What are some risk factors for adolescent suicidal behavior?

12. How can alcohol withdrawal be predicted and prevented?

13. How can a restless, combative patient be managed?

14. What is the therapeutic effect of lorazepam?

15. Identify resources that should be offered to a patient who is experiencing alcohol abuse

Part 1 of 6 week capstone project for Social Justice and Human Rights


Write an abstract (or overview) describing what your compendium project will show, and how. This is brief roadmap version of what you will develop as the compendium takes shape. This should be in narrative/prose form (not like an outline or bullet points). 


2. Write a vision statement describing what and how you hope the capstone will benefit you beyond receiving a grade in this course.  What is your vision for the capstone?  What purpose do you hope it will serve?  Who is your primary audience and why?  How do you hope to present yourself academically, professionally, as an activist, or otherwise?  Rather than thinking of the capstone as a requirement for graduating, I want you to approach this vision statement as defining the capstone’s value and purpose for you. 

3. Create your basic e-Portfolio on Google Sites. Feel free to give it a creative title and start playing with the features as you think about what the final product will look like. 

PSY 3230-Psychological Disorders


This chapter covers Health Psychology. Basically, the topics look at the relationships between our emotional states and physiological health.  Other terms that have been used for this area include “wellness”, and “holistic health”.  Psychological interventions in this area are usually covered the topic of “behavioral medicine”. Since one of the big topics in this area is stress, this discussion focuses on the management of stress.  I assume everyone knows at least some strategies to manage their stress (e.g. exercise, good diet, relaxation).  For the discussion, please write a bit about your attempts to bring more stress management strategies into your life.  What has helped the most?  What gets in the way?  How have you overcome whatever gets in the way?  If you have never tried any stress management….why not?  In addition, since good stress management involves both mental (e.g. change your thinking about a stressful situation) and physical interventions (e.g. exercise), give me one of each if you can. Maybe we can help each other find more effective ways to manage stress & pressure.

Module 17 Homework 1


Progress Check

Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can: 

Calculate a 90% and a 95% confidence interval.

Relate the interval width of a confidence interval to its margin of error (MOE).

  • Compare interval widths of two confidence intervals and draw conclusions.
  • Directions
  • Use the drop-down menu to learn about the three steps needed to complete this assignment.


Harris Interactive® conducted a poll of American adults in August of 2011 to study the use of online medical information. Of the 1,019 randomly chosen adults, 60% had used the Internet within the past month to obtain medical information. 

Use the results of this survey to create an approximate 95% confidence interval estimate for the percentage of all American adults who have used the Internet to obtain medical information in the past month.

Calculate the 90% confidence interval.

Which confidence interval has the smaller margin of error? Why does this make sense? 

Which confidence interval is more likely to contain the true percentage of all American adults who have used the Internet to obtain medical information in the past month? Briefly explain your reasoning.

M2 6134 conflict between client


In this module, we have been discussing conflicts that arise between the social worker and the client around religious values, boundary issues, and conflicts of interest.

Once you have posted your case, select another case and reply to it, addressing the following:

  1. Identify and describe the value conflict in the case to which you are replying.
  2. Identify the values of the parties involved in the value conflict, using the NASW Code of Ethics. Identify any personal values that may also be present. You do not have to describe how you would resolve this conflict.
  3. Your final short paragraph will be to highlight any misjudgments that may have been encountered where values were mistaken for knowledge, or knowledge was mistaken for values.

I need help with discussion board please


Please review:  Required and recommended readings and videos for Module 1 and also find your own sources that discuss the US commitment to human rights, democracy and preventing Genocide and mass atrocities. 

Respond to only one of the following prompts: 

What is the role of human rights in American foreign policy and diplomacy? Why is it important to promote human rights internationally? Do you think the US and other Western powers promote these rights to an appropriate level? Why or why not? 

Human rights were originally written to apply in all contexts equally and to apply a higher standard for all individual governments. However, this can challenge state sovereignty. What is the relationship between state sovereignty and human rights? Ultimately, which is more important? How can states best navigate the potential disagreements between sovereignty and human rights? 

*Discussions are worth 60 % of your final grade. 

Discussions will serve as writing practice for your other major assignments. 

Your writing should be direct and succinct.

Your statements or points of view should be supported by evidence from the required and recommended readings.



A 72-year-old male presents to the clinic with 4 weeks of productive cough. He has a 10-year history of diagnosed COPD. He has a 45-year history of two packs a day cigarette smoking. He states he quit smoking due to financial needs about 6 years ago. He complains of pain in his chest from coughing, saying it is sore. He has noticed some dark-colored blood on his tissue.

Vital Signs: BP 137/90; HR 82; RR 22; BMI 23. 

Chief Complaint: Persistent cough won’t go away with my normal cough medicine. Noticed blood on tissue from coughing.

Discuss the following:

1) What additional subjective information will you be asking of the patient?
2) What additional objective findings would you be examining the patient for?
3) What are the differential diagnoses that you are considering?
4) What radiological examinations or additional diagnostic studies would you order?
5) What treatment and specific information about the prescription will you give this patient?
6) What are the potential complications from the treatment ordered?
7) What additional laboratory tests might you consider ordering?
8) Will you be looking for a consult?



Week 1: Discussion


This Discussion will allow you the opportunity to engage with your peers to explore the difference between ion channels and G proteins. You will be able to apply this understanding to a specific patient question. 


Goldin, D. S. (2023). Fast facts for psychopharmacology for nurse practitioners. Springer Publishing.

Chapter 3, “The Brain and Nervous System” (pp. 28–37)

Drugs.comLinks to an external site.. (2023). https://www.drugs.com/
Please use this resource to check the most up-to-date box warnings, FDA approvals and indications, recommendations for follow-up evaluations, changes, etc.

  • To prepare:

Review the Required Learning Resources.

Consider the difference between ion channels and G proteins.

  • Post a response answering the following:
  • Explain the difference between ion channels and G proteins as they relate to signal transduction and targets of medications.

How would you answer the following patient question:

My grandmother has a mental illness. I have the same genes as her. Will I also get the same mental illness?

Note: Your response needs to be supported and validated by three (3) scholarly peer-reviewed resources located outside of your course Learning Resources.

Criminal Justice Ethics and Administration


Each assignment will be 4-5 pages, double-spaced, using default font and margins. When using outside sources, be sure to cite them using APA format. No more than 10% of your paper should be direct quotes. Paraphrase and write in your own words to demonstrate your comprehension of course material. Remember the course you are in Criminal justice Administration and Ethics. I expect you to integrate material from the course into your written assignments. Outside sources such as government reports and reputable newspaper articles are appropriate to use in Assignment 1. Otherwise, you should be using only course materials.

In assignment 2, you will apply the course concepts to explain how it happened, why it happened, and what may be done to prevent or reform the organization.

You will address the following areas in your second assignment 

1.Using the case that you identified in Assignment 1, apply course concepts to explain why and how the situation occurred or was allowed to continue.

2.Provide suggestions based on course materials or research to reform the organization or prevent further similar actions.