I need this asap



Chapter 3 Culture

Today we will watch the film Welcome to North Korea in order to explore the concepts presented in Chapter 3 on culture.

As you watch the film, identify examples of ten of the following vocabulary items that pertain to culture. 


Counter Cultures

Cultural genocide

Cultural relativism


Culture shock



Feeling rules


Institutionally complete subcultures


Linguistic relativity hypothesis

Material culture


Nonmaterial culture


Reentry shock

Reverse ethnocentrism

Social emotions





In addition, identifyfive of the following core concepts as presented in the film. 

1. In the most general sense, culture is the way of life of a people.

2. Culture consists of material and nonmaterial components.

3. Geographic and historical forces shape culture.

4. Culture is learned.

5. People are products of cultural experiences but are not cultural replicas of one another.

6. Culture provides formulas that enable the individual to adjust to the problems of living.

7. People borrow material and nonmaterial culture from other societies.

8. The home culture is usually the standard that people use to make judgments about the material and non material cultures of another society.

9. In every society, some groups possess distinctive traits that set them apart from the main culture.

write a response that analyzes the art through the lens of a descriptive critic


Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 3, 4


  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
  • Initial Post Instructions
  • Select a work of art from any of the chapters in our textbook, and write a response that analyzes the art through the lens of a descriptive critic, an interpretive critic, and an evaluative critic. What different things would these critics have to say? Use the following guidelines:

Descriptive Critic: Address at least 3 different elements of art and/or principles of design.

Interpretive Critic: This will require research so that you can understand the subject, meaning, and intent of the work.

Evaluative Critic: Use the standards of perfection, insight, and inexhaustibility (as described in the text).

Follow-Up Post Instructions

  • Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Provide feedback on whether you agree or disagree with their criticism. Explain why. Build on their posts by providing additional insight of your own. If your peer selected the same artwork as you, make sure to address new point or develop existing points in more depth.

PSYC 410 Psyc of Emotion Emotional Intelligence – Neurological question-sample


Assignment Instructions

Chapter 2 of the Goleman text describes what happens neurologically when an emotional hijacking takes place. Using Goleman’s text as a guide, describe what happened during your conflict within you personally (the conflict described in the attached file ) from a neurological perspective. Using the Brain Template (also attached ) provide one paragraph for each part of the brain listed, describing what was taking place in your brain during your identified conflict. The exception is for the amygdala, which requires two paragraphs.


Limbic system

  1. Hippocampus

Right prefrontal lobe

  • Left prefrontal lobe
  • Neocortex (AKA neocortical area)
  • Thalamus
  • Follow the question-samples used in your texts from this course (as opposed to searches from the internet). Citations are not required for this assignment, as you should only refer to content from the weekly resources.
  • Example: I saw his car pull up to the driveway. The view of the car was received by my thalamus. Here, this information was “translated into the language of the brain” (Goleman, 1995, p. 19). Since there is an emotional tie to that car, the amygdala was activated.
  • Assignment Requirements
  • Citation Requirements: n/a

PSYC 410 Psyc of Emotion Emotional Intelligence – Neurological QUESTION


Assignment Instructions

Chapter 2 of the Goleman text describes what happens neurologically when an emotional hijacking takes place. Using Goleman’s text as a guide, describe what happened during your conflict within you personally (the conflict described in the attached file ) from a neurological perspective. Using the Brain Template (also attached ) provide one paragraph for each part of the brain listed, describing what was taking place in your brain during your identified conflict. The exception is for the amygdala, which requires two paragraphs.


Limbic system

  1. Hippocampus

Right prefrontal lobe

  • Left prefrontal lobe
  • Neocortex (AKA neocortical area)
  • Thalamus
  • Follow the QUESTIONs used in your texts from this course (as opposed to searches from the internet). Citations are not required for this assignment, as you should only refer to content from the weekly resources.
  • Example: I saw his car pull up to the driveway. The view of the car was received by my thalamus. Here, this information was “translated into the language of the brain” (Goleman, 1995, p. 19). Since there is an emotional tie to that car, the amygdala was activated.
  • Assignment Requirements
  • Citation Requirements: n/a

Protection of an Employee’s Rights in the Workplace – DB


Use these videos for help on how to post to the Discussion Board:

AIU Student Mobile app view

Desktop view

Assignment Details

An employee was fired for visiting non-work-related Web sites after his supervisor used an application to extract his Web browsing history. The employee subsequently sued, challenging his termination on several grounds, including invasion of privacy. Concerning this cause of action, he claimed his firing offended his right to privacy. The defendant had a policy that addressed the issue “Acceptable Use Policy.” That said, the employer could monitor the computer usage on company time.

In this scenario, explain if you believe the employer violated the employee’s “invasion of privacy” cause of action.

Describe a time when you felt your privacy in the workplace was violated.

Review and consider the thoughts on the scenario presented by others. Share your thoughts on the responses of other students and your thoughts on the scenario. To further the discussion, you could share a time when you felt your privacy in the workplace was violated, especially if it relates to the scenario.

Presentation about low-carbon technology in Oman



In order to take action to minimize greenhouse gas emissions, this project will concentrate on using renewable energy sources and technology to ensure a sustainable energy future. In this task, each student will be given the option to choose any low-carbon technology. The selected technology should be introduced and identified well based on its availability and applicability to be used in Oman. The advantages and disadvantages of the selected technology will be explained during the presentation.  The group should concentrate on several facets of the chosen technology and weigh its benefits and drawbacks in terms of how it might help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The presentation must be delivered using PowerPoint to be evaluated (post this section to the Uclan board). 

The presentation slides should include the following points: 

Introduction: Includes short background that covers all the details related to the selected low carbon technology such as; Theory, applications, etc. (8-10 slides)

Critical analysis considering the pros and cons of the technology. (2-3 slides)

Explain the challenges/opportunities of using this technology in Oman. (2-4 slides)

Conclusion and recommendation. (1-2 slides

Poetry Question



you pick one of the poems from the poetry packet

Explication (Short Paper), Poetry Presentations

For this assignment, you will write an explication of a poem from the Poetry Packet. The explication will take the form of a close reading of the poem in (approximately) 2 pages. Your explication should consider the 10 steps listed on the “How to Explicate a Poem” handout  It is worth 10 points. For more information, consult Purdue OWL at https://bit.ly/3azr83B.

For this typed, double-spaced assignment, you need write only 2 pages. For details on formatting, consult my handout on Blackboard entitled “Formatting Your Essays.”

Consider the explication as a line-by-line reading of the poem. You may need to find a way of dividing the poem into logical “thought unites” (such as stanzas or sentences) to do justice to the poem in its entirety.

For this assignment, use appropriate literary terms from the handouts on Blackboard. [However, don’t simply say, “There is a metaphor in this poem” identify it!]

A close reading of the poem will allow you to identify “how” the poem gets its effects.

Personal Effectiveness



You should begin by an introduction to concept of personal effectiveness. 

You should also give a brief overview of tasks 1, 2 and 3. 


Using Gibbs Reflective Model, reflect on how you attempt any task at work or university to identify your own skill set. Identify both strengths and weaknesses. 

Analyse the skills you identified with reference to your choice of career or job. 


Using Covey’s model, critically analyse the skills of a business leader of your choice. 

Compare the skills of the business leader with your own. Identify areas of development that will help you improve your personal effectiveness. You should consider a business leader that you would like to follow or that is in a career you would like to succeed in. 


  • Based on your response to Task 1 and Task 2, choose two areas of development and create a short-term plan to improve these areas. As part of your plan, analyse one method for enhancing your personal effectiveness for each area of development.
  • Conclusion You will need to summarise the key points of the assessment tasks.

his week we have our project 2 which focuses on extending the Project 1 model by adding diffusion in one dimension


before this project, the tutor needs to watch the video of explanation of what we are doing I can send the mathlab , and video of my teacher explanation, 

A video lecture based off the Week 5 slides (attached to this announcement):


  • Passcode: .Q^nqx4N
  • A video explanation of how to solve a diffusion equation in MATLAB (code attached) together with a movie of the solution:


Passcode: 0=i2hiHyThis week we have our project 2 which focuses on extending the Project 1 model by adding diffusion in one dimension. This extension leads to a pde and these are difficult problems to be solved by hand and most of the work is done by the computer. I in my previous project, we look at the Populaltion growth of Seattle using this website and I will download my previous project.

Seattle, WA Population by Year – 2023 Statistics, Facts & Trends – Neilsbergi WILL UPLOAD new project powerpoint Also, I can download. the video of my teacher explaning the project, it is 30 mintues .

helping with my homework


Module 06 Content

OverviewA Code of Ethics is applied to each healthcare profession. The principle of the code is to exhibit the morals, values, and ethics that should be used in patient care. Think of the Code of Ethics as rules and regulations set forth by an institution or governing body. In every situation, care must be taken in how healthcare professionals respond.ScenarioThere is a department meeting coming up soon, and you have been asked to create a flyer for your current profession that will be distributed during a breakout session at the meeting.InstructionsFor this assignment, you will research information for the Code of Ethics based on your current profession and create an informational flyer that highlights the most important details. Refrain from listing each code. Rather, choose at least 3 main highlights. Give at least 2 details for each code you choose, but also include an example of each one and how it would apply to today’s healthcare.

The flyer should be creative, imaginative, colorful, and appealing to your reader.

Use bullet points when highlighting the details.